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Season 2

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Child

Picard: "Counselor Troi is pregnant." 
Riker: "A baby?  This is a surprise." 
Troi: "Especially to me."

Ian: "Please don't worry.  Everything is okay."

Where Silence Has Lease

Data: "The beginning of wisdom is ... I do now know."

LaForge: "Sure is a damn ugly nothing."

Nagilum: "To understand death, I must amass information on every aspect of it.  The experiments shouldn't take more than a third of your crew, maybe half."

Nagillum: "Masculine and feminine.  I understand"  
Picard: "Yes. That is how we propagate our species"  
Nagillum: "Please demonstrate"   
Dr. Pulaski: "Not likely!"

Picard: "Ensign, if you encounter any holes ... steer clear."

Picard: "What is it?"  Data: "There's nothing out there; absolutely nothing"  
LaForge: "Well it's a damn ugly nothing!"

Riker (Re: autodestruct abort): "Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly!"

Elementary, Dear Data

LaForge: "It's human nature to love what we don't have."

Pulaski: "Thank you for the tea and crumpets.  I'll be on my way."

The Outrageous Okona

Okona: "Life is like loading twice your cargo weight onto your spacecraft.  If it's canaries and you can keep half of them flying all the time, you're all right."

Picard: "... lower main shields." 
Riker: "Lower the shields ... why, sir?" 
Picard: "In case we decide to surrender to them, Number One."

Data: "Take my Worf, please."

Loud As A Whisper

Picard: "You are not alone.  Do you understand --?  We are in this together now!"

Riker: "Our job is not to police the galaxy."

Riva (via Scholar): "And you don't resent it?  The Visor or being blind?"   
LaForge: "Since they are both part of me and I really like who I am, why should I resent them?"

Riva: "It is a blessing to understand that we are special ... each in his own way."

Riva: "The real secret is turning disadvantage into advantage."

Riva: "Words are here, on top.  What's under them -- their meaning, is what's important."

Troi: "Confidence is faith in oneself.  It can't easily be given by another."

The Schizoid Man

Graves: "I'll tell you a little secret, sonny.  I don't really believe I will be dying.  I believe I've learned how to transfer my great intellect into the machine, thus cheating the Grim Reaper of his greatest prize."

Data (possessed by Graves): "Just look at that face.  The face of a thinker ... a warrior ... a man for all seasons.  Yet, Ira Graves was not perfect.  Perhaps his greatest flaw was that he was too selfless.  He simply cared too much about his fellow man, with nary a thought to himself.  A man of limitless accomplishments and unbridled modesty.  I can safely say that to know Ira Graves was to love him.  And to love him was to know him.  Those who knew him ... loved him.  While those who did not know him ... loved him from afar--"

Picard: "What were your impressions of Doctor Graves?" 
Selar: "He seemed brilliant, egocentric, arrogant, chauvinistic."

Data: "I hope I did not do anything unbecoming a Starfleet officer." 
Riker: "Does wrestling a Klingon targ ring a bell?" 
Data: "Did I win?"

Unnatural Selection

Picard: "Natural causes? What in nature could cause that?"

Pulaski: "Commander Data has a way with computers."

Pulaski: "As androids go, you're in a class by yourself."

A Matter Of Honor

Riker: "It's my understanding that one of the duties of the first officer on a Klingon ship is to assassinate the captain." 
Worf: "Yes, sir. When and if the captain becomes weak and unable to perform, it is expected that his honorable retirement should be assisted by his first. The second officer would assassinate you for the same reasons." 
Riker: "This method of attrition could take a little getting used to."

Riker: "Sentimental, Lieutenant?" 
Worf: "Efficiency, Commander."

Kargon: "I know I can count on every Klingon warrior in this crew to serve and die in battle. So I ask, Commander Riker, where are your loyalties?" 
Riker: "I have been assigned here to serve this ship and to obey your orders. I will do exactly that." 
Kargon: "Will you take oath to that effect?" 
Riker: "I just did."

Mendon: "Didn't mean to offend you." 
Worf: "You didn't ... yet."

Worf: "Ensign Mendon, you may impress me."

Klag: "Perhaps we could get one of the females to breast-feed you."

Klag: "[The females] are inquisitive. They want to know how you would endure." 
Riker: "Endure what?" 
Klag: "Them." 
Riker: "One, or both?"

Vekma: "I may be back for you." 
Riker: [To Klag] "Is she serious?"

Worf: "... I will instruct you on Enterprise etiquette."

Klag: "He may be a spy, but he is not a coward." 
Kargon: "That only proves he's intelligent."

Kargon: "To be ordered to die is an expectation for any officer at any time." 
Klag: "For a Klingon perhaps, but Riker's people do not volunteer for death so easily."

Riker: "Stay where you are, Klag!  I've relieved Captain Kargon.  He was acting in an irrational manner.  I'm your captain now."

Riker: "This is Captain William Riker of the Klingon vessel Pagh.  I order you to lower your shields and surrender."

Riker: "I learned quite a bit." 
Picard: "Apparently not when to duck." 
Riker: "When not to duck would be more accurate."

Riker: "You come from a very brave and unique race.  I'm glad you're here on the Enterprise." 
Worf: "Thank you, Commander.  And welcome home."

The Measure Of A Man

Picard: "Phillipa Louvois, and back in uniform.  It's been almost ten years, but seeing you again like this ... makes it seem like fifty.  Do you know what I'd like to do if there weren't so many people around?" 
Louvois: "Break a chair across my teeth?" 
Picard: "After that." 
Louvois: "Oh, ain't love grand?"

Louvois: "It brings a sense of order and stability to my universe to know you're still a pompous ass ... and a damn sexy man."

Louvois: "All this passion over a machine?"

Louvois: "Data is a toaster."

Data: "I would prefer not to answer that question." 
Picard: "Under the circumstances, I don't think Tasha would mind." 
Data: "She was special to me, sir.  We were ... intimate."

Riker: "Data is a physical representation of a dream, an idea conceived by the mind of a man.  His purpose? To serve human needs and interests.  He is a collection of neural nets and heuristic algorithms.  His responses are dictated by an elaborate software program written by a man.  The hardware was built by a man.  And a man will turn him off."

Riker: "Pinocchio is broken ... his strings have been cut."

Guinan: "There have always been disposable creatures."

Picard: "Your Honor, Starfleet was founded to seek out new life.  Well there it sits!"

Louvois: "It is the judgement of this court that Lieutenant Commander Data has the freedom to choose."

Data (to Riker): "That action injured you and saved me.  I will not forget it."

Riker: "You are a wise man, my friend." 
Data: "Not yet, sir.  But with your help, I am learning."

The Dauphin

Salia: "That's a super conducting magnet, isn't it?"

Riker: "I don't know if she'll have time for you, Wes.  She's destined to rule an entire world."

Worf: "Do not be fooled by her looks. The body is just a shell."

LaForge: "I suppose it had to happen. It usually does at about this age." 
Wesley: "What does?" 
LaForge: "Glands, erupting with hormones."

Worf: "That is how a Klingon lures a mate." 
Wesley: "Are you telling me to yell at Salia?" 
Worf: "No, no, no. Men do not roar.  Women roar.  Then they hurl heavy objects.  And claw at you." 
Wesley: "What does the man do?" 
Worf: "He reads love poetry. He ducks a lot." 
Wesley: "Worf, it sounds like it works great for the Klingons, but ... I need to try something a little less ... dangerous." 
Worf: "Go to her door, beg like a human."

Data: "It should be that simple, Wesley.  Judging by her appearance, it is likely you and Salia are biologically compatible. Of course, there could be a difference in the histocompatibility complex in the cell membrane, but--" 
Wesley: "Data, I want to meet her, not dissect her."

Riker (to Wesley): "Now, the first words out of your mouth are the most important.  You may want to start with something like this here." (to Guinan)  "You are the most beautiful woman in the galaxy." (to Wesley) "But that might not work." 
Guinan (to Wesley): "Yes!  Yes, it would." 
Riker: "You don't know how long I've wanted to tell you that." 
Guinan: "But you were afraid." 
Riker: "Yes." 
Guinan: "Of me?" 
Riker: "Of us.  Of what we might become.  Or that you might think it was a lie." 
Guinan: "Maybe I do think it's a lie." 
Riker: "Then you think I'm not sincere." 
Guinan: "I didn't say that. There's nothing wrong with a lie.  It's like knocking at the door." 
Riker: "Then you're inviting me in?" 
Guinan: "I'm not sending you away." 
Riker: "That's more than I expected." 
Guinan: "Is it as much as you hoped?" 
 Riker: "To hope is to recognize the possibility. I had only dreams." 
Guinan: "Dreams can be dangerous." 
Riker: "Not these dreams. I dream of a galaxy where your eyes are the stars, and the universe worships the night." 
Guinan: "Careful!  Putting me on a pedestal so high, you might not be able to reach me." 
Riker: "Then I'll learn how to fly.  You are the heart of my day, and the soul of my night." 
Guinan: "Now, tell me more about ... my eyes?"

Anya: "I cannot rely on your primitive technology.  Kill the patient."

Guinan: "Just because a girl runs out doesn't mean she doesn't want you to follow."

Wesley: "A taste to remember me by."

Wesley: "I'm never going to feel this way about anyone else." 
Guinan: "You're right." 
Wesley: "I didn't expect you to say that." 
Guinan: "Oh, there will be others.  But the next time you feel love will be different.  Each time is different." 
Wesley: "Knowing that doesn't make it any easier." 
Guinan: "It isn't supposed to."


Riker: "Fate ... protects fools, children, and ships named Enterprise."

Data: "This is yet another example of how our actions produce random results."

Data: "That was not manual override."

Riker: "If it should become necessary to fight, could you arrange to find some rocks to throw at them?"

Troi: "In another time and place this could be funny."

Picard: "The victors invariably write the history to their own advantage."

Data: "Blue ... blue ... blue." 
Picard: "I hope that isn't a stutter."

Picard: "So how's it been here, Number One?  Some old routine job?"

Picard: "Now I see why you want to handle all the away teams, Number One.  That's where all the excitement is."

Pulaski: "It's a time-honored way of practicing medicine.  With your head, and your heart, and your hands."

The Royale

Mickey D.: "No woman is worth dying for.  Killing for, but not dying for."

Data: "Baby needs a new pair of shoes."

Pulaski: "I'm a doctor, not a magician."

Worf (re: Owon eggs): "Delicious."

Worf: "What a horrible way to die."

Time Squared

Picard: "You're telling me that I should just sit down, shut up, and wait." 
Riker: "Well, I wouldn't have put it quite like that."

Picard: "Release him." 
Pulaski: "Do you know what you're doing?" 
Picard: "No. Release him."

Picard: "A lot of questions .... Damned few answers." 
Riker: "Perhaps none of it was real at all, sir." 
Picard: "Hmm, maybe. Well ... they say that if you travel far enough you will eventually meet yourself.  Having experienced that, ... it's not something I would care to repeat."

Picard's Log from the future: "Captain's Personal Log, supplemental.  I have just witnessed the total destruction of the U.S.S. Enterprise with the loss of all hands.  Save one.  Me."

The Icarus Factor

Data: "It appears Lieutenant Worf is quite adamant about his solitude."

Data: "If I were not a consummate professional, and an android, I would find this entire procedure insulting."

Kyle: "You know, it's really a shame there's no ambo-jitsu ring nearby, because you really need to be put in your place."

O'Brien: "You choose your enemies, you choose your friends.  But family ... that's in the stars."

Picard: "There really is no substitute for holding the reins."

Pulaski: "I'm just glad humans have progressed beyond the need for such barbaric displays."  
Troi: "Have they?  Commander Riker and his father are about to engage in a barbarism of their own."

Riker: "Our feelings are what makes us all human."

Troi: "In spite of human evolution, there are still some traits that are endemic to gender."

Worf: "With all due respect, be gone! ... sir."

Pen Pals

Wesley: "I could have just been picking nits."

LaForge: "So what are you saying? That the Dremans are fated to die?" 
Riker: "It's something that needs to be considered." 
LaForge: "Well consider it considered and rejected."

Picard: "In for a penny, in for a pound, is that what you're saying, Mister Data?"

Picard: "Oops."

Picard: "Tempering is taken to extremes ... We'll need a fine edge that won't dull at the first touch of resistance."

Picard: "Remembrances and regrets … They, too, are part of friendships."

Picard: "The Prime Directive has many different functions, not the least of which is to protect us."

Picard: "There is an old horse trader's adage about putting too much weight on a young back.... Don't want it to break under pressure."

Riker: "If there is a Cosmic Plan, is it not the height of hubris to think we can -- or should -- interfere?"

Riker: "The game isn't big enough unless it scare you a little."

Riker: "O'Brien, take a nap. You didn't see any of this, you're not involved."  
O'Brien: "Right, sir. If you need me, I'll be here in the corner, dozing off."

Sarjenka: "Data!  Data!  Where are you?  Why won't you answer?  Are you angry with me?  Please ... please ... I'm so afraid! Don't leave me."  
Picard: "Wait. Oh, Data.  That whisper in the darkness has become a plea.  We cannot turn our backs."

Troi: "If there is a Cosmic Plan, are we not part of it?  Our presence at this place, at this moment ... could be a part of that fate."

Q Who

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LaForge: "You need to learn how to slow down."
Sonya Gomez: "Oh, no, no, no, no, no!  I can't do that.
LaForge: "You know, you're awfully young to be so driven."
Gomez: "Yes I am.  I had to be.  I had to be the best because only the best get to be here.  ...  Whatever is out here, we're going to be the first humans to see it.  And I want to be a part of that.  I want to understand it."
LaForge: "Sonya, relax.  You're here.  You've made it.  But you won't last long banging into walls."

Picard: "You promised that you would never trouble my ship again." 
Q: "I always keep my agreements, sir.  Look ... we're nowhere near your vessel."

Q: "I'm ageless, Picard.  You are not."

Q: "Picard, if you had half the sense you pretend to have, you would get her off your ship immediately.  And if you'd like, I'd be more than pleased to expedite her departure."
Picard (to Guinan): "You know him?"
Guinan: "We have had some dealings."
Q: "Those dealings were two centuries ago.  This creature is not what she appears to be.  She's an imp.  And where she goes, trouble always follows."
Picard: "You're speaking of yourself Q, not Guinan."
Q: "Guinan?  Is that you name now?"
Picard: "Guinan is not the issue here.  You are.  ..."
Q: "Enough about this creature.  She's diverting us from the purpose of my being here."
Riker: "Which is?"
Q: "Ah, the redoubtable Commander Riker and micro-brain.  (to Worf)  Growl for me.  Let me know you still care.  ...  My purpose is to join you."
Riker: "To join us as what?"
Q: "As a member of the crew, willing and able, ready to serve.  This ship is already home for the indigent, the unwanted, the unworthy.  Why not for a homeless entity?"
Riker: "Homeless?"
Q: "Yes."
Riker: "The other members of the Q Continuum kicked you out?"
Guinan: "Not all the Q are alike.  Some are almost respectable."

Picard: "What task is too menial for an entity?"
Q: "Sir, do you mock me?"
Picard: "Not at all.  That's the last thing I would do.  You, by definition, are part of our charter.  Our mission is to seek out new and different life-forms and you certainly qualify as one of the most unique I've ever encountered.   To learn about is frankly provocative but you're next of kin to chaos."

Q: "I add a little excitement, a little spice, to your life, and all you do is complain.  Where's your adventurous spirit, your imagination?  Think, Picard, think!  Think of the possibilities."  
Picard: "Simply speaking, we don't trust you."
Q: "Oh, well, you may not trust me, but you do need me.  You're not prepared for what awaits you."
Picard: "How can we be prepared for that which we do not know?  But I do know we are ready to encounter it."
Q: "Really!?"
Picard: "Yes, absolutely, that's why we're out here."
Q: "Oh, the arrogance.  They don't have a clue as to what's out here."
Guinan: "They will learn, adapt.  That is their greatest advantage."
Q: "They're moving faster than expected, further than they should."
Picard: "By whose calculations?"
Q: "You judge yourselves against the pitiful adversaries you've encountered so far.   The Romulans, the Klingons -- they're nothing compared to what's waiting.   Picard, you are about to move into areas of the galaxy containing wonders more incredible than you can possibly imagine and terrors to freeze your soul."

Q: "We'll just have to see how ready you are!" 
Guinan: "Q, no!"

Riker (After being relocated by Q to Borg space): "Travel time to the nearest starbase?" 
Data: "At maximum warp, in 2 years, 7 months, 3 days, 18 hours, we would reach Starbase 185."

Riker: "Why?"
Q: "Why?  Why, to give you a taste of your future -- a preview of things to come.  Con permiso, Capitan?  The hall is rented, the orchestra, engaged.   It's now time to see if you can dance."

Data: "The ship is strangely generalized in design.  There is no specific bridge, no command center, there is no engineering section.  I can identify no living quarters."
Riker: "Life signs?"
Data: "There is no indication of life."
Riker: "Lieutenant Worf, what is its alert status?"
Worf: "I detect no shields, no weapons of any known design."

Picard: "You're familiar with the life-form?"
Guinan: "Yes.  My people encountered them a century ago.  They destroyed our cities, scattered my people throughout the galaxy.  They're called the Borg."

Q (referring to Borg intruder): "Interesting, isn't it?  Not a he, not a she.   Not like anything you've ever seen.  An enhanced humanoid."

Riker: "Why didn't the Borg attack?  They could have, but they didn't?"
Guinan: "They don't do that individually.  That's not their way.  When they decide to come, they're going to come in force.  They don't do anything piecemeal."
Data: "The the initial encounter was solely for the purpose of gathering information?"
Guinan: "Yes."
Picard: "How do we reason with them?  Let them know that we're not a threat?"
Guinan: "You don't.  At least I've never known anyone who did."

Borg: "We have analyzed your defensive capabilities as being unable to withstand us.  If you defend yourselves, you will be punished."

Troi: "We're not dealing with an individual mind.  The don't have a single leader.  It's the collective minds of all of them."
Picard: "That would have definite advantages."
Troi: "Yes, a single leader can make mistakes which is far less likely in the combined whole."

Worf: "A type of laser beam is slicing into the saucer section."
Riker: "They're carving us up like a roast."

Guinan: "They're made up of organic and artificial life which has been developing for thousands of centuries."
Q: "The Borg is the ultimate user.  They're unlike any threat your Federation has ever faced.  They're not interested in political conquest, wealth or power as you know it.  They're simply interested in your ship -- the technology.  They've identified it as something they can consume."

Picard: "Eighteen of our people have died.  Please, tell us this is one of your illusions."
Q: "Oh no!  This is as real as you so-called life gets."

Riker (after transporting to the Borg vessel): "I wonder why they don't react to us or why the Enterprise didn't read any life signs, especially with this many of them."
Data: "Perhaps because this ship was being scanned for individual life signs.   Apparently when they are in these slots, they become a part of the whole and no longer read as separate life-forms."

Riker: "Our readings were incorrect.  The Borg crew survived.  They appear to be in some kind of stasis.  ...  There are slots along the wall, kind of like compartments.  There are two Borg in each one."
Data: "...  I would theorize that the Borg are somehow interconnected through these slots and are working collectively."

Data: "...  I believe each slot is designed for a specific Borg.   ..."
Riker: "Like a juggernaut, it could begin moving at any moment."
Data: "The technology required to achieve this biological and artificial interface is far beyond our capabilities.  There are many advantages."
Riker: "Speed being the most obvious.  This ship literally just thinks what it wants and then it happens."

Riker: "They either don't see us or don't see us as a threat."

Riker: "...  This is incredible.  We've entered what appears to be the Borg nursery.  ...  From the look of it, the Borg are born as a biological life-form.  It seems that almost immediately after birth, they begin artificial implants.  Apparently the Borg have developed the technology to link artificial intelligence directly into the humanoid brain."

Data: "Their collective effort is being directed into repairing this vessel."

Q: "They will follow this ship until you exhaust your fuel.  They will wear down your defenses.  Then you will be theirs.  Admit it, Picard.  You're out of your league.  You should have stayed where you belong."

Q: "You can't outrun them.  You can't destroy them.  If you damage them, the essence of what they are remains.  They regenerate and keep coming.   Eventually you will weaken.  Your reserves will be gone.  They are relentless."

Q: "You thought you could handle it, so handle it." 
Picard: "Q, end this."
Q: "Moi?  What makes you think I'm either inclined or capable to terminate this encounter?"
Picard: "If we all die here, now, you will not be able to gloat!  You wanted to frighten us -- we're frightened.  You wanted to show us that we are inadequate -- for the moment,  I grant that. You wanted me to say that I need you -- I NEED YOU!   ..."
Q: "That was a difficult admission  Another man would have been humiliated to say those words.  Another man would have rather died that ask for help."
Picard: "I understand what you've done here, Q.  But I think the lesson could have been learned without the loss of 18 members of my crew."
Q: "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed.  It's not safe out here.  It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross.  But it's not for the timid."

Guinan: "Q set a series of events into motion bringing your contact with the Borg much sooner than it should have come.  Now, perhaps when you're ready it might be possible to establish a relationship with them.  But for now, for right now you're just raw material to them.  Since they're aware of your existence ..."
Picard: "... they will be coming."
Guinan: "You can bet on it."
Picard: "Maybe Q did the right thing for the wrong reason."
Guinan: "How so?"
Picard: "Well, perhaps what we most needed was a kick in our complacency to prepare us for what lies ahead."

Samaritan Snare

Grebnedlog: "We are far from home.  Our ship is the Mondor.  It is broken.  We look for things.  Things that make us go.  We need help."

Grebnedlog: "We look for things.  Things that make us go." 
LaForge: "Yeah, so I've heard."

Grebnedlog: "We wish to be nothing if not persistent."

Grebnedlog: "Do not try to trick us.  We can tell."

Grebnedlog: "Your people are violent."

Grebnedlog (responding to several questions from Riker): "Uh-huh."

LaForge: "Don't tell me, their rubber band broke, right?"

Picard: "I was no hero, but an undisciplined, opinionated, loud-mouthed young man who was far out of his league. It was a great and painful lesson, and I learned it well. I only hope you won't need to learn it as I did."

Picard: "Open your mind to the past ... art, history, philosophy ... Then all this may mean something."

Picard: "Wishing for a thing does not make it so."

Picard: "And I told helm what I thought of him, his pals, his planet, and I possibly made some passing reference to his questionable parentage."

Reginod: "He is smart. He can make us go. We need him."

Up The Long Ladder

Brenna: "What are you staring at?  Have you never seen a woman before?"   
Riker: "I thought I had."

Brenna: "William, is something wrong? -- Do you not like girls?"  
Riker: "'Course I do."

Bringloidi Leader: " Send in the clones."

Danilo: "What the hell was that thing?"  
Worf: "Automated fire system.  A force field contains the flame until the remaining oxygen has been consumed."  
Danilo: "Ah. What if I'd been under that thing?"   
Worf: "You would have been standing in the fire."  
Danilo: "Yeah, well, leaving that aside for the moment, I mean what would have happened to me?"  Worf: "You would have suffocated and died."  
Danilo: "Yeah, ah...sweet mercy."

Danilo: "Every moment of pleasure in life has to be purchased by an equal moment of pain."

Granger: "For three hundred years we have denied the carnal side of our nature.  How can we learn to put that aside?"  
Danilo: "Eh, well, you ... you put a young couple together ... and ... you let nature take its course."

Picard: "This is my security chief, Lieutenant Worf."  
Danilo: "I don't suppose security is much of a problem for you."

Picard: "Sometimes ... you just have to ... bow to the absurd."

Picard: "I must be out of my mind."  
Pulaski: "Starfleet would probably agree with you."

Picard: "It's the differences that have made us strong."

Picard: "Sometimes...you just have to bow to the absurd."

Pulaski: "Worf! You're a romantic!"  
Worf: "It is among the Klingons that love poetry achieves its fullest flower."

Pulaski: "It's a match made in heaven."  
Riker: "Unfortunately, it will have to be a shotgun wedding."

Riker: "That isn't necessary. The ship will clean itself."  
Brenna: "Well, good for the bloody ship."

Riker: "Is there a special technique to this foot-washing?"  
Brenna: "You generally start at the top, and work your way down."

Riker: "It's not a question of harm.  One William Riker is ... unique, perhaps even special.  But a hundred of him ... a thousand of him ... diminishes me in ways I can't even imagine."

Riker: "We certainly have a right to exercise control over our own bodies."   
Pulaski: "You'll get no argument from me."

Worf: "Klingons do not faint."

Worf: "Klingons do not give in to illness."

Worf: "Madam, have you ever considered a career in security?"  
Brenna: "If it's anything like baby-sitting, I'm an authority."


Data: "Judging a being by its physical appearance is the last major human prejudice, Wesley."

Picard: "Less substance, more ambience."

Riker: "Troi explained this to me when we first started to see each other.  A Betazoid woman, when she goes through this phase...quadruples her sex drive."   
Troi: "Or more." 
Riker: "Or more?  You never told me that."   
Troi: "I didn't want to frighten you."

Riker: "Well, troubles.  We've got some, Captain. It seems that a certain woman both wealthy and beautiful now thinks that she's going to marry me."

Troi: "It's only at mid-life that a Betazoid female becomes ... well ... fully sexual if you know what I mean."

Lwaxana Troi: "Legs, where are the legs?"

Lwaxana Troi: "Jean-Luc, what naughty thoughts, but how wonderful you still think of me like that."

Lwaxana Troi: "Delegates?  The last time I saw something like that, it was being served on a plate."

Lwaxana Troi: "I wasn't aware you had such handsome legs."

Lwaxana Troi: "You never assume anything where Lwuxana Troi is concerned.  Betazoid women are full of surprises."

Lwaxana  Troi: "Ah, well.  I didn't find a mate, but I did save the conference as well as your reputations.  All in a day's work, I suppose."

Lwaxana Troi: "Jean-Luc!  Shame on you for thinking such a thing!"

Worf: "What a handsome race."

Worf: "I am not a man."

The Emissary

Data: "Sensors show life-forms aboard, but I am unable to ascertain whether they are awake or dormant. However their propulsion system is inactive so I would hypothesize that the crew is asleep.  [The Klingon Vessel fires at the Enterprise]  However, I could be in error."

K'Ehleyr: "Klingons are not supposed to mind hardships.  Nonetheless, I am delighted to be out of that damned coffin."

K'Ehleyr: "Whoever said getting there was half the fun never rode in a Class VIII probe."

K'Ehleyr: "Worf, so this is where you've been hiding.  I told you we'd meet again.  Aren't you going to greet me?" 
Worf: "I have nothing to say to you." 
K'Ehleyr: "Haven't changed a bit, hmm?  Well, I missed you too."

K'Ehleyr (to Worf): "I don't bite.  Well ... that's wrong.  I do bite."

K'Ehleyr: "Some calisthenics programs are better than others."

K'Ehleyr: "Poor android, whose behavior do you find more perplexing?  Human or Klingon?" 
Data: "At the moment, I would find it difficult to choose."

K'Ehleyr: "Worf, it was what it was, glorious and wonderful and all that, but it doesn't mean anything"   
Worf: "That is a human attitude"   
K'Ehleyr: "I am human!"

LaForge: "You were bluffing."  
Worf: "Klingons never bluff."

Picard: "Lieutenant, I order you to relax." 
Worf: "I am relaxed!"

Pulaski: "Looks like it's just us, handsome."

Pulaski: "You took my last chip, you could at least smile, Worf." 
LaForge: "Smiling would break his concentration."

Riker: "The Iceman wins again!"

Riker: "How did you like command?"  
Worf: "Comfortable chair."   
K'Ehleyr: "And you wore it well."

Troi: "You're upset." 
K'Ehleyr: "Your finely honed Betazoid sense tell you that?" 
Troi: "Well ... that and the table."

Worf: "Sir, I suggest Commander Riker or Data would better serve Special Emissary K'Ehleyr." 
Picard: "Are there any personal reasons that you don't want the assignment?" 
Worf: "Yes." 
Picard: "Any professional reasons?" 
Worf: "No. I withdraw my request, Captain." 
Picard: "Good."

Worf: "You are late."  
K'Ehleyr: "Sorry, I had to make myself beautiful."  
Worf: "I fail to understand why."

Worf: "There are always options."

Worf: "I've noted that some people use humor as a shield.  They talk much, yet say little." 
K'Ehleyr: "Whereas others take a simpler approach, say nothing."   
Worf: "When one does not have the words."  
K'Ehleyr: "Or is loathe to speak them."

Worf: "Klingons do not surrender."

Worf: "I will tolerate no further insubordination.  Drop your shields immediately." 
K'Temoc: "And if I refuse?" 
Worf: "Then die in ignorance.  I can waste no more time on you."

Peak Performance

Data: "In the strictest sense, I did not win. -- I busted him up."

Picard: "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose.  That is not a weakness.  That is life."

Picard: "Starfleet is not a military organization.  Its purpose is exploration."

Pulaski: "Captain, he needs an attitude adjustment."

Riker: "You're outmanned, you're outgunned, you're outequipped.  What else have you got?" 
Worf: "Guile."

Riker: "What the hell … nobody said life was safe!"

Troi: "You can handle defeat in two ways: You can lose confidence, or you can learn from your mistakes."

Worf: "If there's nothing to lose -- no sacrifice -- then there is nothing to gain."

Worf: "The honor is to serve."

Shades Of Gray

Data: "Captain, I do not believe you have the authority to promote me to the rank of admiral."

O'Brien: "I hope these are the right coordinates."

Riker: "My grandfather was bit by a snake once.  And after four days of intense pain ... the snake died."