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Season 4

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Best Of Both Worlds - Part II

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Locutus: "The knowledge and experience of the human, Picard, is part of us now.   It has prepared us for all possible courses of action.  Your resistance is hopeless -- Number One."

Hanson: "We've mobilized a fleet of 40 starships at Wolf 359, and that's just for starters.  The Klingons are sending warships.  Hell, we've even thought of opening communications with the Romulans."

Hanson: "Lieutenant, a few years ago, I watched a freshman cadet pass four upperclassmen on the last hill of the forty-kilometer run at Delulin II.  The damnedest thing I ever saw, the only freshman to ever win the Academy Marathon.  I made it my business to get to know that young fellow, and get to know him very, very well.  And I'll tell you something.  I never met anyone with more drive, determination or more courage than Jean-Luc Picard.  And there is no way in hell that he would assist the Borg.  I want that clear.  He is -- a casualty of war."

Hanson: "Commander Riker, I hereby promote you to the field commission of captain.   The Enterprise is your ship now.  Congratulations."

Riker: "I'm sure Captain Picard would have something meaningful and inspirational to say right now.  To tell you the truth, I wish he was here, 'cause I'd like to here it too.  I know how difficult this transition has been you all of you.  I can take over for him.  But I can never replace Captain Picard, nor would I ever try.  Whatever the outcome, I'm sure our efforts in the coming battle, will justify his faith in all of us.  Dismissed."

Riker: "We've got to let them know that we can adapt too, Mr. Worf.  We're no longer just fighting the Borg.  We're fighting the life experience they've stolen from Captain Picard.  Now how the hell do we defeat an enemy that knows us better than we know ourselves?"
Worf: "The Borg have neither honor or courage.  That is our greatest advantage."
Riker: "I hope it's enough."

Riker: "Commander, we don't have to like each other to work well together.  As a matter of fact, I'd like you to continue to keep me on my toes." 
Shelby: "Sir, that might be defined as the role of a first officer." 
Riker: "Damn, you are ambitious, aren't you Shelby?"  
Shelby: "Captain Riker, based on our past relationship, there's no reason for me to expect to become your first officer except that you need me.  I know how to get things done and I have the expertise on the Borg." 
Riker: "And you have a lot to learn, Commander." 
Shelby: "Yes, sir." 
Riker: "Almost as much as I had to learn when I came onboard as Captain Picard's first officer.  A fact he reminded me of when I commented on what a pain in the neck you were." 
Shelby: "Yes, sir."

Guinan: "There can only be one captain." 
Riker: "It's not that simple.  This was his crew, he wrote the book on this ship!" 
Guinan: "If the Borg know everything he knows, it's time to throw that book away.  You must let him go, Riker.  It's the only way to beat him -- the only way to save him.   And that is now your chair, Captain."

Guinan: "When a man is convinced he's going to die tomorrow, he'll probably find a way to make it happen.  The only one who can turn this around is you."

Riker: "Locutus of Borg, this is Captain William T. Riker of the U.S.S. Enterprise." 
Locutus: "You may speak." 
Riker: "We wish to end the hostilities." 
Locutus: "Then you must unconditionally surrender." 
Riker: "We are prepared to meet to discuss your terms."  
Locutus: "It is unlikely you are prepared to discuss terms.  It is more likely that this is an attempt at deception."  Riker: "Come now, Locutus.   If Picard's knowledge and experience is a part of you, then you know that I have never lied to him.  You should also implicitly trust me, is that not so?"  
Locutus: "Picard implicitly trusted you." 
Riker: "Then trust me now.  Meet to discuss your terms." 
Locutus: "Discussion is irrelevant.  There are no terms.  You will disarm all your weapons and escort us to Sector 001, where we will begin assimilating your culture and techno--"  
Riker: "We would like time to prepare our people for assimilation."  
Locutus: "Preparation is irrelevant.  Your people will be assimilated as easily as Picard has been.  Your attempt at a delay will not be successful, Number One.  We will proceed to Earth, and if you attempt to intervene, we will destroy you." 
Riker: "Then take your best shot, Locutus, 'cause we are about to 'intervene'."

Locutus: "A futile manuever.  Incorrect strategy, Number One, to risk your crew and ship to retrieve only one man.  Picard would never have approved.  You underestimate us, if you believe this abduction is any concern.  ...  I will continue aboard this ship to speak for the Borg while they continue, without further diversion, to Sector 001, where they will force your unconditional surrender."

Locutus: "Worf.  Klingon species.  A warrior race.  You, too, will be assimilated."
Worf: "The Klingon Empire will never yield."
Locutus: "Why do you resist?  We only wish to raise quality of life for all species."
Worf: "I like my species the way it is."
Locutus: "A narrow vision.  You will become one with the Borg.  The android.  Data.  Primitive artificial organism.  You will be obsolete in the new order."

Data: "Fascinating.  The Borg group consciousness is divided into sub-commands necessary to carry out all functions.  Defense, communication, navigation -- they are all controlled by a root command...."

Data: "It is clear the Borg are either unwilling or unable to terminate their subspace links." 
B. Crusher: "That might be their Achille's heel, Captain, their interdependency." 
Riker: "What do you mean, Doctor?"  
B. Crusher: "He's part of their collective consciousness now.  Cutting him off would be like asking us to disconnect an arm or a foot.  We can't do it."
Shelby: "They operate as a single mind."
Riker: "One of them jumps off a cliff, they all jump off?"

Picard: "Sleep..." 
B. Crusher: "He's regaining consciousness."  
Picard: "Sleep..." 
Troi: "It's Captain Picard speaking, not Locutus." 
Picard: "Sleep, Data." 
B. Crusher (To Picard):  "You're exhausted." 
Data: "Yes, Doctor.  If I may make a supposition.  I do not believe his message was intended to express fatigue, but to suggest a course of action."

Riker: "Mr. Data, what the hell happened?"
Data: "I successfully planted a command into the Borg collective consciousness.   It misdirected them to believe that it was time to regenerate.  In effect, I put them all to sleep." 
Riker: "'Sleep'?" 
Data: "Yes, sir."

Troi: "How do you feel?" 
Picard: "Almost human -- with just -- a bit of a headache." 
Riker: "How much do you remember?" 
Picard: "Everything -- including some brilliantly unorthodox strategy from -- a former first officer of mine."

Riker: "Make it so."


Picard: "They took everything I was!  They used me to kill ... and to destroy ... and I couldn't stop them!  I tried so hard!"

Robert Picard: "Life is already too convenient."


Lore: "Often-Wrong's got a broken heart ... can't even tell his boys apart."

Beverly: "They're brothers, Data.  Brothers forgive."

Suddenly Human

Troi: "This is a banana split ... and it's quite possibly one of the greatest things in the universe."

Troi: "Seldom have I heard an explanation so ... well rehearsed."

Remember Me

Dr. Crusher: "Worf, the big guy who never smiles.  The Klingon!  Will Riker, your first officer!  He's ... he's very good at poker! Loves to cook ... he listens to jazz music ... plays the trombone!  Commander Data, the android who sits at Ops.   Dreams of being human ... never gets the punchline of a joke!  Deanna Troi, your ship's counselor.  Half Betazoid ... loves chocolate.  The arrival of her mother makes you shudder! O'Brien, Geordi, Worf, Wesley ... my son!  They have been the living, breathing backbone of this ship for over three years!  They deserve more than to be shrugged off ... brushed aside, just pinched out of existence like that! They all do.  They deserve so much more."

Dr. Crusher: "We will start with the assumption that I am not crazy."

BDr Crusher: "If there's nothing wrong with me ... there must be something wrong with the universe."

Computer: "The universe is a spheroid region, 705 meters in diameter."


Picard: "With all trust comes the possibility of betrayal." 
Data: "Then perhaps it is better not to trust."

Riker: "Without trust there's no friendship, no closeness ... none of the emotional bonds that make us who we are."


Alexander: "I don't want to be a warrior!"

Duras: "What is that doing here?" 
"He has claimed the right of vengeance." 
Duras: "You have no rights here, traitor." 
Worf: "K'Ehleyr ....was my mate."

Duras: "Kill me and you are a traitor forever!" 
Worf: "Then that ... is how it shall be!"

K'Ehleyr: "Not even a bite on the cheek for old times' sake?"

K'Ehleyr: "The son who betrays his people to the Romulans, just like his father did."

K'Ehleyr: "Don't play the wounded Klingon to me, Duras.  You don't do it very   well."

K'Ehleyr: "You talk like a Ferengi!"

K'Mpec: "'All for the glory of the Klingon Empire' ... that should be my epitaph."

Future Imperfect

Riker: "Shut up! As in close your mouth and stop talking!"

Troi: "Lots of things improve with age...maybe your trombone playing will be one of them."

Final Mission

Picard: "Oh, I envy you, Wesley Crusher.  You're just at the beginning of the adventure."

Picard: "Wesley, you will be missed."

The Loss

Dr. Crusher: "Therapists are always the worst patients.  Except for doctors, of course."

Guinan: "Human intuition and instinct are not always right. But they do make life interesting."

Riker (to Troi): "We're on equal footing now."

Riker: "What, no seconds?" 
Data: "I have discovered, sir, a certain level of impatience when I calculate a lengthy time interval to the nearest second."

Riker: "You'd be surprised how far a hug can go with Geordi ... or Worf."

Troi: "Spare me the inspirational anecdote."

Troi: "Oh, and the next time you call me 'aristocratic'..."

Troi: "I never fully appreciated how difficult and how rewarding it is to be human."

Troi: "Recovery from a great loss involves a great deal of pain. If we try to avoid that pain, we make it harder on ourselves in the long run."

Troi: "There is something to be learned when you're not in control of every situation."

Data's Day

Dr. Crusher: "I don't want to be known as the 'Dancing Doctor'... again."

Dr. Crusher: "They don't do a lot of tap dancing at weddings."

Data: "I have good news.  Keiko has made a decision designed to increase her happiness.  She has cancelled the wedding."

Data: "There may be a relationship between humor and sex which I am not aware of."

Data: "I would be chasing an untamed armathoid without cause." 
Dr. Crusher: "A wild goose chase?"

Data (re: crystal swan to Worf): "This does not remind me to you."

The Wounded

Hayden: "Jean-Luc, I don't have to tell you the Federation is not prepared for a new sustained conflict.  You must preserve the peace, no matter what the cost."

Gul Macet: "There are those who ... crave war, who need it.  I am not one of them Captain.  And I am beginning to see ... that neither are you.  We have had our full measure.  The lasting peace begins here ... with the two of us."

Gul Macet: "Well, his loyalty is admirable ... even if it is misplaced."  
Picard: "The loyalty that you would so quickly dismiss does not come easily with my people, Gul Macet.  You have much to learn about us."

Gul Macet: "The lasting peace begins here."

Maxwell: "Smells musty around here ... like a bureaucrat's office!"

Maxwell: "You're a fool, Picard.  History will look at you, and say, 'This man was a fool.'" 
Picard: "I'll accept the judgment of history."

Maxwell: "The Cardassians live to make war." 
O'Brien: "That's what everybody thinks about the enemy."

O'Brien: "... who I choose to spend my free time with ... that's my business."

O'Brien: "Isn't that what marriage is about ... sharing?"

O'Brien: "Ah, I can still remember the aromas when mother was cooking."  
Keiko: "She cooked?" 
O'Brien: "She didn't believe in a replicator.  She thought real food was more nutritious." 
Keiko: "She handled real meat?  She touched it and cut it?" 
O'Brien: "Yeah, like a master chef.  She was fantastic!"

Picard: "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation starship Enterprise." 
Gul Macet: "I am Gul Macet of the Cardassian ship Tragor."  
Picard: "Why have you fired on us?" 
Gul Macet: "Curious question, Captain.  In war one attacks one's enemies."

Picard: "Gul Macet, the Federation and the Cardassians have struggled too hard for peace ... to abandon it so easily." 
Gul Macet: "We are not the ones who have abandoned it, captain."

Picard: "I think, when one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it.  And it becomes comfortable like ... like old leather."

Picard: "Let's not indulge ourselves in speculation. Can we confine our discussion to the facts?"

Worf: "The Cardassians have no honor.  I do not trust them." 
Troi: "They are our allies now, Mister Worf.  We have to trust them." 
Worf: "Trust is earned.  Not given away."

Devil's Due

Data: "The advocate will refrain from making her opponent disappear."


First Contact

Durken: "I will have to say that this morning, I was the leader of the universe as I knew it.  This afternoon, I am only a voice in a chorus.  But I think it was a good day."

Lanel: "We should not fear the unknown. We should embrace it!"

Mirasta: "We are all part of a greater community. We cannot ignore it."

Picard: "It was a mistake ... I have made some fine ones in my time."

Galaxy's Child

Doctor Leah Brahms: "LaForge, so you're the one that's fouled up my engine designs."

Doctor Brahms (to LaForge): "Was it good for you?"

Doctor Crusher: "Captain, I'd like to announce the birth of a large baby ... something."

LaForge: "It's not everyday a man comes face to face with his dream."

LaForge: "There's theory and there's application."

LaForge: "Sometimes we have to fly by the seat of our pants out here."

LaForge: "Uniforms are so formal."

LaForge (to Brahms): "I'm guilty of a terrible crime, Doctor. I offered you friendship."

LaForge: "The computer is notorious for not volunteering information."

Night Terrors

Guinan: "That was Setting Number One.  Anyone want to see Setting Number Two?"

Identity Crisis

LaForge: "Eliminate LaForge."

The Nth Degree

Barclay: "Our computer was too slow to compensate for the overload on the array, so I created an interface that communicated my thoughts directly to the central processing unit."

Barclay: "...  The Cytherians are exploring the galaxy, just as we are.  The only difference is that they never leave their home.  They bring others here.  Their only wish, an exchange of knowledge.  They want to know us!"

Barclay: "May I?  Checkmate in nine moves." 
Troi: "I didn't know you played chess." 
Barclay: "I don't."

LaForge: "Reg, something's wrong with you.  And we can't ignore that."  
Barclay: "Yes, but I've finally become the person I've always wanted to be.  Do we have to ask why?" 
LaForge: "Yeah, I think we do."

LaForge: "What's he done?  I mean, we're talking about locking a man up for being too smart."

LaForge: "It is almost impossible to tell where Barclay ends and the computer begins."

LaForge: "How're you doing?" 
Barclay: "I wish I could convey to you what it's like for me now...what I've become." 
LaForge: "Yeah?  Try." 
Barclay: "I can conceive almost infinite possibilities and can fully explore each of them in a nanosecond!  I perceive the universe as a single equation and it is so simple!"

Picard: "Has Mister Barclay done anything that could be considered potentially threatening?" 
Troi: "Well, he did make a pass at me last night ... a good one!" 
LaForge: "I'd hardly consider that a threat." 
Troi: "No, but it's certainly unusual behavior for Barclay."

Troi: "You've made tremendous progress." 
Barclay: "I, uh, I, I guess." 
Troi: "Don't you think so?" 
Barclay: "Well, I just feel more comfortable, uh, playing somebody else.  And maybe all of this, is, is, is not any better than, eh, escaping in, into a holodeck fantasy." 
Troi: "I disagree.  This isn't fantasy, it's theatre.  You used to withdraw onto the holodeck.  You isolated yourself inside your own imagination avoiding contact with real people.  Look at yourself now.  Look at all the other people you're with.  You're not just acting, you're interacting.

Troi: "Reg, you've frightened all of us.  I'm sure that wasn't your intent." 
Barclay: "Young children are sometimes frightened of the world.  That doesn't mean that their parents should let them stay in their cribs." 
Troi: "Are we children to you now?" 
Barclay: "I can see so much more now than you are capable of.  You should trust that."

Troi: "We don't need any more convincing.  Please, obey the captain's orders. Stop whatever it is you're doing." 
Barclay: "You must trust me."  
Troi: "How can we trust an officer who doesn't follow orders?"  
Barclay: "Trust me."

Troi: "So how much do you remember?" 
Barclay: "I, I, I remember doing everything.  I just don't remember how or why!" 
Troi: "How do you feel now?" 
Barclay: "Smaller."

Troi: "You know, almost everyone has a moment in their lives when they exceed their own limits, achieve what seems to be impossible." 
LaForge: "The tricky part is what happens afterwards." 
Troi: "You almost always feel a sense of loss.  But it is possible to carry something of that experience through the rest of your life in ways that you're not even aware of now."


Guy: "I am the greatest swordsman in all of Nottingham!" 
Picard: "There's something you should know." 
Guy: "And what might that be?" 
Picard: "I'm not from Nottingham!"

Q: "Jean-Luc! It's so good to see you again. How about a big hug?"

Q: "I would've died back then had it not been for you." 
Picard: "We all make mistakes."

Worf: "Sir, I protest, I am not a merry man!"

Worf: "Nice Legs ... for a human."

Worf (to LaForge after smashing his lute): "Sorry..."

The Drumhead

Picard (quoting Judge Aaron Satie): "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

Picard: "The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than we think."

Picard: "Villains who twirl there mustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothed themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged."

Satie: "Just because there was no sabotage doesn't mean there isn't a conspiracy."

Half A Life

Picard: "Our only influence is by example."

Picard: "Whatever my personal feelings, I simply cannot interfere."

Picard: "Well, it seems Mrs. Troi is our acting ambassador of goodwill for today." 
Lwaxana Troi: "You just think of me as your entertainment director."

Lwaxana Troi: "You are making a statement about the sanctity of life, and it will be heard!"

Worf: "... it is Worf ... not Woof!"

The Host


The only time a woman makes a pass at Dr. Crusher (The pass was made by Odan, a Trill in a female body.  Odan started the episode in a male body, but the death of the male body forced the transfer of the Trill to Riker and later a female body.)   This is the first appearance of a Trill.

The Minds Eye

Klingon Ambassador: "Motives, who cares for motives?"

In Theory

Data: "Honey?  I'm home!"

Data: "Then I will delete the appropriate program."

Picard (to Data re: advice on understanding women): "When I have some, I'll let you know."

Redemption, Part I

Gowron: "Do you hear the cry of the warrior calling you to battle, calling you to glory?"

Picard: "Lies must be challenged."

Worf: "I have been told that patience is sometimes more effective than the sword."