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Season 7

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Descent, Part II

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Picard (to Lore): "... you've corrupted the Borg."

Lore: "They're no longer simply mindless automatons.  They're passionate.  Alive.
Troi: "Are you saying that you caused them to become individuals?"
Lore: "No!  You did that.  You and your friends.  All I did was clean up the mess you made when that Borg you befriended returned to his ship."

Lore: "Without me, they would have perished.  When I stumbled on their ship, they were lost, disoriented.  They had no idea how to function as individuals.  They couldn't even navigate their own vessel.  They'd lost their sense of purpose.  I gave them their purpose, and they gave me mine.
Data: "The Borg aspire to the perfection my brother and I represent -- fully artificial life-forms.  We are their future."
Lore: "The reign of biological life-forms is coming to an end.  You, Picard, and those like you, are obsolete."

Data: "I now realize that my life aboard the Enterprise was a waste.   My quest to become human misguided -- an evolutionary step in the wrong direction."
Troi: "Data, all I'm sensing from you is anger and hatred.  Have you felt any other emotions?"
Data: "There are no other emotions."
LaForge: "Data, just because you haven't experienced certain emotions doesn't mean they don't exist.  Lore is only feeding you the negative ones."
Data: "Counselor Troi herself that feelings are not negative or positive.  It is how we act on them that make them good or bad."

Data: "I a quest such as ours, sacrifices have to be made.  It is regrettable.  But the greater good must be served."

Taitt: "If your calculations are even slightly off, we'd hit the atmosphere."
Barnaby: "I'll just have to be sure my calculations are accurate ...."

Lore (to Data): "Maybe we should work on your sense of humor."

Crosis: "This Borg has disconnected himself from the others.  He would not let me hear his thoughts."
Lore: "I've asked you to stay linked to Crosis at all times ....  I know this must be difficult for you.  I know how uncertain you must feel.  All of these sensations are new and they can be frightening.  Isn't that right?"
Goval:  "Yes.  I have doubts."
Lore: "Of course you do.  It's only natural.  No one is going to blame you for that.  But in order to lose those doubts, to keep fear and confusion away, I need you to remain linked to the others, so that their strength and their confidence can help you."

Riker: "Hugh?"
Hugh: "Why are you here Commander Riker?  Hasn't the crew of the Enterprise caused enough damage already?"

Hugh: "Before my experience on the Enterprise, the Borg were a single minded Collective.  The voices in our heads were smooth and flowing.  But after I returned, those voices began to change.  They became uneven, discordant.  For the first time, individual Borg had differing ideas about how to proceed.  We couldn't function.  Some Borg fought each other.  Others simply shut themselves down.  Many starved to death."
Riker: "And then Lore came along."
Hugh: "You probably can't imagine what it is like to be so lost and frightened that you will listen to any voice which promises change."
Worf: "Even if that voice insists on controlling you?"
Hugh: "That's what we wanted, someone to show us the way out of confusion.  Lore promised clarity and purpose.  At the beginning, he seemed like a savior.  The promise of becoming a superior race, of becoming fully artificial, was compelling.  We gladly did everything he asked of us.  But after a while, it became clear that Lore had no idea how to keep his promise.  That's when he began talking about the need for us to make sacrifices."

LaForge: "I've been thinking about some of the times we've had.   Like that time we went sailing on Devala Lake.  You remember that?"
Data: "I have a complete memory record of that day?"
LaForge: [laughs]  "You decided to go swimming and when you jumped out of the boat you sank straight to the bottom."
Data: "I did not have enough buoyancy to get back to the surface."
LaForge: "You had to walk over a kilometer along the bottom to get back to the shore."
Data: "One kilometer, 46 meters."
LaForge: "It took almost two weeks to get the water out of your servos."
[Obviously Data underwent some modifications between the trip to Devala Lake and the Movie Star Trek: Insurrection.  In the movie, Data walked under water without any repercussions and could become a flotation device.]

Lore: "Humans are so sentimental."

Barnaby: "A student thesis is a long way from a workable plan."

Barnaby: "If her calculations are off, that eruption could encompass us."
Taitt: "Well, I'll just have to make sure my calculations are accurate ...."

Picard: "...  How can actions that are wrong lead to a greater good?"

LaForge: "... I wouldn't be very much of a friend if I let you give up on a life-long dream ...."


Data: "It is often helpful to find elements of commonality."

Data  (to Worf re: Byleth as 'demanding, temperamental and rude'): "You share all of those qualities in abundance.  Perhaps you should try to build on your similarities."

Riker (to Worf): "Besides, you look good in a dress."

Troi: "I'm still recovering from all those desserts I had last night!"


Gambit, Part I

Gambit, Part II


Data: "But I have no sexual desire" 
Sigmund Freud: "Ah! Impotence on top of everything!"

Data: "You must talk to him; tell him that he is a good cat, and a pretty cat, and..." 
Worf:  "I will feed him"

Sigmund Freud: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!"

Dark Page

Picard: "Really?"


Force Of Nature

Data: "Spot. This is down.  Down is good."


LaForge: "Part of being human is learning how ... to risk new experiences ... even when they don't fit into your preconceptions."

Juliana Soong: "Some of the colonists objected to having an anatomically correct android running around without any clothes on."


Lt. Wesley Crusher: "Captain, we're receiving two hundred and eighty-five thousand hails."

Data: "For any event, there is an infinite number of possible outcomes.  Our choices will determine which outcomes will follow."

Captain Riker: "The Federation's gone; the Borg is everywhere!"

Troi: "There are times when it's best just to let things out."

Troi: "I know Klingons like to be alone on their birthdays.  You probably want to meditate or hit yourself with a pain stick or something."

Worf: "If I may inquire sir, how long have you been captain of the Enterprise?" 
Captain Riker: "Four years.  Ever since Captain Picard was killed in the incident with the Borg."

The Pegasus

Picard: "I will just have to trust that you will not let Admiral Pressman put the Enterprise in unnecessary risk and if I find that that trust has been misplaced, I will have to re-evaluate the command structure of this ship.  Dismissed."

Riker (impersonating Picard): " I don't know.  I think the resemblance is rather striking.  Wouldn't you agree, Number One?"


Sub Rosa

Lower Decks

Ensign Sito: "If you're going to judge me, judge me for what I am now."

Thine Own Self

Gia: "Father said she went to a beautiful place, where everything is peaceful, and everyone loves each other, and no one ever gets sick.  Do you think there's really a place like that?" 
Data: "Yes ... I do."

Talur: "Rock, fire, sky, and water are the four basic elements of the universe."


Eye of the Beholder


Dr. Crusher: "He got turned into a spider and now he has a disease named after him." 
Troi: "I'd better clear my calendar for the next few weeks."

Journey's End



B. Crusher: "Are you doing the best thing ... or are you doing what's best for you...?"

Picard: "You cannot put a price on life!"

Picard: "One thing is clear - you'll never look at your hairline again in the same way."


Preemptive Strike

All Good Things...

Picard: "So ... five card stud, nothing wild ... and the sky’s the limit."

Q: "It's time to put an end to your trek through the stars."

Q: "But then again, all good things must come to an end!"

Q: "That is the exploration that awaits you: Not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence."

Q: "The trial never ends."

Q: "What you were, and what you are to become, will always be with you."

Troi: "I don't think we can start second guessing ourselves. I think we have to proceed normally and deal with each situation as it occurs."

Worf (to Troi re: 'very stimulating' holodeck program): "What?"