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Series and Novel

Copyright � Space Precinct L. P. -- No infringement intended.

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.


"I love this job."

Double Duty

Jack Haldane: “That’s very pretty. The pendant, I mean.” 
Aleesha: “My father gave it to me. It represents the two sides of each of us - the good, and the not so good.”

Protect And Survive

Haldane: “Would you think any less of me if I just conceded?”  
Castle: “I don’t see how I could possibly think less of you than I already do.”


Lieutenant Patrick Brogan: “Andy Sturgeon, leader of the Hydra Gang! I figured he might know something about his dead little club member, so I had him yanked off the streets.” 
Haldane: “Suspicion of mayhem, suspicion of murder…..” 
Brogan: “Yeah. The only thing he’s not suspected of is taste.”


Haldane: "I happened to love country music, I'll have you know."

Jane Castle: "What's that awful noise?"   
Haldane: "That 'awful noise', as you call, it is classic country music."

Castle: "Do you go out of your way to annoy me or does it just come naturally?"

Captain Podly: “Hit the streets, people. Dealers, distributors, manufacturers, anybody and everybody involved in the Flash trade. I want them closed down and locked up, and I want it done yesterday!” 

Officer: "You can't get much lower than dealing drugs to begin with."

Castle: "Don't answer my questions with questions."

Podly: "When will you humans wake up to planetary government, honestly?"

Haldane: "The secret of our success --"
Haldane and Brogan: "Timing!"

Podly: "I hope you fellows have got something up your sleeves besides arms."

Haldane: "Ain't love grand."

Brogan: "Space police officers are chosen for their exceptional since of humor."

Brogan: "Officers are also chosen for their originality."

Haldane: "I'm still on Earth time.  I'm use to a 24 hour day with one moon.  Here, I got a 26 hour day with I don't know how many moons."

Liz Brogan: "[The Boss] always bugs you about doing things by the book, but they don't have to deal with those dirt bags out there."

The Snake

Haldane: “Come on, Officer Castle. What could ever be boring about you?”  
Castle: “My relationship with you, Haldane, for starters.” 

Body & Soul

Alden Humes: “I’m invulnerable. I’m immortal. I’m a God.”

Time To Kill

Brogan: “We never really appreciate what we have until it’s gone.”


Haldane: “Ears, eyes, toenails? What possible use could they have for my toenails?” 
Brogan: “Where have you been, man? Toenail transplants are the latest craze. Yours are kind of cute!”

The Power

Paramedic #1: “We’ve got to stop meeting like this, Lieutenant.” 
Brogan: “I’ll tell you what - you get people to stop dying and I’ll stay home.” 
Paramedic #2: “That’s where most people buy it, Lieutenant.”

Seek And Destroy

Vachel: “They are the Omera. They will destroy this whole civilization, unless I stop them first.”


Tildon: "It's a terrible thing, to lose control."

Warren: "Face it, Romek.  He's a couple of stars short of a galaxy."
Romek: "You're talking about my grandfather here."

Romek's grandfather: "Overconfidence leads to disaster."

Romek's grandfather: "A good cop's instincts are usually good."

Tildon: "To take a life is no easy thing."

Castle: "I'm a cop from the morning when I put on my badge until I take it off at night....  I'm a professional."

Romek's grandfather: "My life ain't over yet.   It just got a slightly different pace these days."

Romek's grandfather: "Old fashioned police work."
Romek and Romek's grandfather simultaneously: "Always check the garbage."

Tildon: “Some people - makes you think, ‘Why are they there? What’s their purpose,
when all they can do is evil?’”

Divided We Stand

Dr. Lazlo Kyte: "It's an odd feeling -- playing God."

Vintul 'Vinny' Artak: "You can't kill the will of the people...."

Haldane (looking through hospital records): "You know, I think I detect a pattern here.  If you're a hospital patient, you can only be cured when the paper work equals your body weight."

Vinny: “Rackets, extortion, murder - take your pick. I’ve still got the right to a trial.” 
Brogan: “Terrific campaign slogan, Vinny!”

Two Against The Rock

Podly: “Enjoy The Rock, Gagnon.” 
Gagnon: “I’ll do that. I hear the air’s good out there.”


Reseda: “You’re late, Gentlemen.” 
Haldane: “And you’re a jerk. So I guess that just about makes us even.”

Predator And Prey

Castle: “A string of mysterious homicides, all nearly a hundred years ago. All victims young women. Suspect never apprehended. Last name, Kmada. First name, Enil.”

The Witness

Podly: “I want every informant, every petty thief, everybody’s damn mother questioned if necessary! This guy has got to be found. Now get to it!”

Hate Street

Tropek: "Life's not fair."

Haldane (re: Guns and Lasers magazine): "You just don't appreciate fine literature."

Erika Brandt: "It's the free enterprise system. Ain't it just great."

Brandt: "Pure as the driven sludge, that's me."

Brandt: "It's been just this side of paradise."

Haldane: "I'd love to hear all about your old experiences."  
Brandt: "I'd think you'd be more interested in new experiences."

Shopkeeper: "We might work out a payment in kind." 
Brandt: "Don't take this personally, but I'd rather freeze my eyeballs."

Haldane: "Envy is such an ugly emotion."

Brandt: "You never change, do you Brogan?  You always were a Boy Scout, honest and stupid."

Brogan: "No Erika, the reason we broke up is because I knew I could never make a life with somebody whose value system was as screwed up as your's."

Brogan: "You don't marry the person you want to live with.  You marry the person you can't live without. -- With or without, you got to decide."

Burl Flak: “Well, boys. In about three minutes there’s going to be two less stinking, disease-carrying vermin to worry about. Go get them!”

Brandt: "First rule of bounty hunting:  Be prepared!"

Brandt: "Two Boy Scouts!  So how's a girl like me supposed to make a living?"


Lynn: “You will live to regret this, cop!”

Smelter Skelter

Sales Person: "When you deal with the public, you have to pay the price."

Dr. Reece: "Please, you don't understand it." 
Alvin Zann: "I don't understand hoppers either, but I can drive them."

Brogan: "Get these people out of here.  This is a crime scene, not a street party."

Brogan: "What's going on, Matt?" 
Matt Brogan: "I'm being mature.  Mom says I have to."

Podly: "Maybe some regulations are made to be broken."

Podly: "You're going to need evidence before you get a search warrant.  So get creative."

Zann: "What are you looking for?" 
Brogan: "Mistakes!"  
Zann: "Try the mirror."

Matt: "There are limits to my maturity."

Haldane: "Just another day at the office." 
Brogan: "Tell me again why I love this job."

Haldane: “You know, you’re lucky I still exist.”  
Castle: “Haldane, if you didn’t exist, I’d have to invent you.”


Graffa: “If a few citizens have to die - ten, a hundred, hell, even a thousand, and we save the lives of a billion others, we have to stop it!”  
Brogan: “Well, if it’s that bad then people have a right to know what it is! You don’t know, do you?”

The Fire Within (Part I)

Brogan: “Two weeks in New Hawaii and the guy’s finally lost it!” 
Castle: “I don’t think Haldane ever had it! I know one thing - he’s going to kick himself for missing this one.”
Brogan: “Oh, I don’t know. Spontaneous combustion - see it all the time!”

The Fire Within (Part II)

Podly: “Patrick, I’m going to have to tell Fama that our daughter is dead. And she’ll never forgive me.”

The Forever Beetle

Orrin: “What a hero. You know, I saw him about three months ago - he wiped the field with the rest of them. I model myself on him, you know.” 
Romek: “Why don’t you get a life, Orrin?”


Castle: “How do we begin to hunt down Brogan and Haldane? And what if we do nail them - what do we do with them? Honestly!” 
Took: “Honestly? We arrest them.”
