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Quotes from Miscellaneous Series

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/26/01.

Quotation, punctuation, spelling and trivia research included:

Televised episodes
Videos of the televised episodes
Novelizations of televised episodes
Other individuals or web sites credited in the Links section or with their contributions

Reference publications includes:

The Adventures of Sinbad

The Empress:

Sinbad: "It's better to leave treasure buried than to be buried with it."

Sinbad: "It's called an ambush.  Welcome to the world of treasure hunting."

Dubar: "Things get better and better."

Bryn: "Be cautious!" 
Sinbad: "Have you ever known me to be otherwise?" 
Bryn: "Always!"

Batman (The Animated Series)

Title Unknown:

Batman: "A little fear is a good thing."

Batman: "So what are you doing tonight?"
Barbara Gordon: "Same thing we do every night Pinky."

Joker: "I'm crazy enough to take on Batman.  The IRS -- no thank you!"

Caroline in the City

Title Unknown:

"I know lies, I run a greeting card company."

Pinky and the Brain

Multiple episodes:

Brain: "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

Pinky: "What are we going to do tonight?" 
Brain: "Try to take over the world."

Title unknown:

Brain: "Repugnant!  Repugnant!"

Pinky: "I'm turning out just like my mother, all white and covered with fur."

Hawaii 5-O

Steve McGarret: "If women are so smart, why do they dance backwards?"

Starburst Commercial:

"A fact is anything you can convince someone else to believe." 

"Consciousness is that annoying thing between naps." 

"A shower is halfway between bed and the world." 

"A whisper is the fastest way to spread a secret." 

"Karaoke is Japanese for tone deaf." 

"When your juices are going, you see life for what it really is."

That 70s Show

Red (re: sex): "It's more fun than it looks."

The Tick

Tick: "I'm betting that I'm just abnormal enough to survive."