CSC 100 Diane Leroux's Projects

  1. FrontPage Resume
  2. Word Resume--Save As HTML
  3. Front Page Newsletter
  4. Word Newsletter-Save As HTML
  5. FrontPage Menu
  6. Powerpoint Example
  7. Powerpoint IC1-My Car
  8. Powerpoint Kiosk_computerhaters
  9. Powerpoint "Big" Presentation - MUDS
  10. Powerpoint Career Choices
  11. Powerpoint Class Party Presentation
  12. Powerpoint On the Edge Travel Sales
  13. Cape Cod Arts Council Front Page
  14. Cape Cod Arts Council Excel
  15. Cross Your Fingers--Final Exam
  16. Final Exam Word Document
  17. Final Exam Excel Document


I believe that this class is my ticket to the big time because the future is run by computers. I would like to be able to be compident on the computer and be able to flow through the programs with ease. I think that if I could just learn about what computers are all about I can get a little futher in life. I'm starting from a point of only knowing how type papers, and explore the internet a little. What I would like to get from this class is to become confident in my skills on this computer.

My parting essay to who it may concern:

I would just like to take this time to apologize for anything that you may find wrong with this page. Although it may seem as if I didn't put much effort in to this I certainly did. I have almost made it through this class and I have to say that I really am very happy about that. I haven't yet decided on my major but I know for sure that it will not have anything to do with computers. Although taking this class has for certain improved my skills on the computer I realize that they is just so much to learn, and when you get the blue screen of death three times in a row when your simply trying to get into one of your documents you know that there is a problem and its with you not the computer.

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