Psychic Melissa Alvarez  Ct. Psy.

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 My Philosophy

I believe that God gives us all psychic abilities, we just have to learn to use them to the best of our ability. As with any gift, some people are more adept at using their talents than others. Just like the star quarterback who has practiced and developed his talent - a psychic also has to develop their talent by becoming centered and balanced both spiritually and mentally.

I also believe that everyone has the right to an accurate reading at an affordable price by a reputable psychic who has become centered and confident with their abilities. Those 900 numbers that charge you by the minute are great if you can afford that much money for a reading. However, the majority of people that I know appreciate being able to obtain accurate insight from a reputable source without paying an arm and a leg for their reading. 

That is why I offer affordable readings that are held in strict confidentiality. We all know that when you request a reading that some very personal things may surface. When I do your reading, no one else is around me. And afterwards I usually don't remember details as I am just a vessel that transfers the information from the universe to you. 

I have met many people over the past two years as I gave free readings over the internet. I consider these people my friends as I have read for many of them several times. I look forward to making a new friend in you.

I have had many questions arise from my site. Please check out my FAQ section for all the details as there is some important information listed there that you should be familiar with prior to ordering a reading.

As you take a few minutes to browse through my site I hope you find it enjoyable and informative. Thank you for visiting!

My Background

Hi! My name is Melissa Alvarez. I have been psychic since the age of 12 when I experienced a sudden illness. It was very much like the flu but I was unable to raise my head from my pillow without feeling intense pain in my head. The doctor could never give us a diagnosis other than what it wasn't. Oddly enough, I saw an elemental spirit that morning who told me that I would get very ill and afterwards I would be able to "know" things. At that time I thought I was hallucinating. As soon as the elemental spirit disappeared, everything happened just as I was told. Shortly after my recovery, I did indeed begin to "know" things about people. At first it was very scary for me because I couldn't explain how I knew what came to me or why I would see spirits passing by or why my dreams started to come true. During the past 25 years I have opened myself mentally and spiritually and with God's help I have been able to fine tune my abilities. I have learned not to fear these abilities but to accept them because they have indeed been given to me by God in order to help people that I meet on this journey that we call life.

My psychic abilities come in different forms. I receive information from God, Angels, Spirits Guides and
Spirits. The information is received in the form of visions, dreams, by hearing something whispered in my ear, and just by "Knowing". I am able to tune in a persons vibrational energy and receive information. I do not have to be face to face with you to do this. The manner in which I receive the information is determined by God and is based upon the needs of the person requesting the reading. I have also been given the gift of healing. God uses me to transfer his healing energy to those who need it. I have often been able to use this energy with a hands on approach but am also able to send this energy over distances.

For the past two years I have been giving free readings over the internet. I have always believed that God gives you the ability to see past and future events in order to help the person involved. I have just recently began to charge for readings. When I was in my 20's I had a psychic reading and the psychic told me that I too was a very gifted psychic (although she knew that I didn't think so at the time) and that it would take me a few years to become centered and clear with my gifts. Once that was accomplished I would use my gifts to make a living for myself while continuing to help others. I feel that the time is now.  If you would like a reading, you will find that I am very affordable. Please see my FAQ'S section prior
to ordering.

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Postal address: PO Box 1046, Holly Springs, NC 27540

Email address: [email protected]
Copyright © 2000 Melissa Alvarez. All Rights Reserved
Last modified: December 08, 2000

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