
Click here for a brief description of some of the different forms of neglect...

Child neglect is the most common form of reported maltreatment.
(53% of estimated substantiated cases)

Neglect can be defined as the failure to provide for the child's basic
needs or care. It represents an on going pattern of inadequate care.
Some of the indicators of child neglect can include:
**poor hygiene
**poor weight gain
**inadequate medical care
**frequent absences from school

The estimate is that 8 out of every 1,000 children will become a victim
of some type of physical neglect such as...
**child abandonment
**inadequate supervision
**failure to provide for the child's safety,
physical and emotional needs.

Medical neglect is the harm by a caretaker to a child's health caused by a
failure to provide for appropriate health care for the child,
although financially able to do so, or offered financial or other means to do so.
This can also include prenatal exposure to drugs.

Physical Neglect Indicators
Sexual Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Physical Abuse

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