Helpful links

Mint Green Ribbon Campaign
The mint green ribbon campaign : Awareness of Abuse

NMCO logo
Free kids ID
What is Kristen's Act?
Read an overview of Kristen's Act
Send a letter to your congressman regarding Kristen's Act
Who is your congressman? -
House of Representative list by zip code.
House of Representative list by state.
US Senate list by state.

Kids Peace
National Hospital for Kids in Crisis


What is SCAR?

To to SCAR / Jasper Mountain's home page.


What is KidPower?

To KidPower's home page.


Administration for Children and Families

Administration for Children and Families Home Page

Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Family and Youth Services Bureau

Research Demonstration and Evaluation

Child Care Bureau

Department of Health and Human Services

National Child Care Information Center
National Child Care Information Center

Head Start Bureau
Head Start Bureau



Children's Bureau

The Children's Protection and Advocacy Coalition
Children's Protection and Advocacy Coalition

CPS logo

Child Safe ID

Child Shield

Child Abuse Yellow Pages

Learn about "The Day of the Child", and sign your name on the wall.
