Parental Abduction

In cases of parental abduction the child(ren) are typically taken by the non-custodial parent as an act of revenge. It is unfortunate that these children are being used as pawns or weapons. Rarely are these children taken because of love, fear for their safety, or in the best interest of the child; occasionaly this is the case. Even in the best of circumstances, when the abducting parent truly loves his/her child, their ability to provide a safe, stable environment for the child is unlikely because of the "fugitive" life they will have to lead. In the worst circumstances the child is physically or psychologically harmed because of this vengeance towards the other parent. Family / parental abductions are often the easiest type, especially when the non-custodial parent has visitation rights. The most common of this type of abductions occurs during a scheduled visitation time. The custodial parent would not be aware that the abduction had occurred until its past the time that the child is to return home. Even if the custodial parent believes that the child may be abducted there is nothing that the police can "legally" do until the child is due to come home. The custodial parent can then go ahead with a search, but only after producing the court documents showing that he/she has legal custody, and that the visitation order has been violated. If you do not have a custody order, or you have joint custody further complications can arise. Family members and current spouses of the abductors often play a very active role in child abductions. It was reported in 1990 that accomplices were involved in 84% of the domestic kidnappings, and in 76% of the international incidents. It was also reported in 1984 that grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings also assist in the abduction believing that they are in the right. International abductions are more likely to involve other family members, and friends, because the child has to travel long distances to return to the abductor's country of origin or hiding place hoping to never be discovered.

Child Abduction / Runaways