Unfortunately there people in this world that do not have any problems with taking a child from his or her home and family. Abduction comes in several different flavors, they all have the same result... another child removed from the house and family that they know and love. A potential abductor can/will be impulsive, erratic, or easily angered. They can be hostile, revengeful, or abusive. The abductor will usually have job skills that can support him/her while moving around to avoid detection. They might even have someone that will help support him/her financially while they are in hiding. He/She is likely to have a poor record of employment, and no business responsibilities that will interfere. He/She can be a parent, an ex-spouse, or a complete stranger. The pages that follow will give you information about missing children, how to report if your child is missing, information that you should have just in case it happens. Please do not think that it could never happen to you, your family, or someone you know; because it can. Abduction can happen to anybody, at any time. Arm yourself and your child(ren) with the safety tips, they can make the difference in weather or not your child is abducted. PLEASE take a few minutes to look at the pictures of the missing & abducted children. You just might see one of them somewhere, and you could make the difference in weather or not they get to go home.

Missing children - photographs and information.

Prevent abduction - safety tips for parents and children.

Prevent abduction - safety tips for kids

Parental Abduction

A general profile of a parental abductor.

Stranger Abduction - how to reduce the risk.


Missing / Abducted Children Links.


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