Prevent Abduction - Safety Tips for Parents and Children

* Make sure you have a "Code Word" established with your child, so that if
you have to send an adult that your child does not know to pick them up,
that adult must know the "Code Word", or the child is not to go with them.

* Teach your child(ren) about strangers. The difference between a "good" and "bad" stranger.
A good stranger would be a police officer, a fireman, a security guard etc. they should be
the people your child(ren) looks for if they ever get separated from you in a store or mall.
* Teach your child(ren) not to talk to, or take anything from or even get too close to strangers.

* Make sure that your child(ren) only answers the door to people he/she knows.

* Make sure that he/she knows never to tell someone on the phone that he/she is home alone.

* Teach you child how to use 911 at an early age.
Also, teach your child how to dial their home phone number with and without the area code.

* Teach your child that when a stranger approaches them to not let him/her get within arm's reach.

* Teach your child that if someone grabs them, don't wait!
Kick, scream, scratch, and do whatever else to get away & then run.

* Reinforce to your child that your if he/she is ever lost or abducted that you will look for
them until you find them, no matter what. This is very important, because when an abductor
kidnaps a child, he/she immediately begins working on that child's trust in his/her parents.

* Do not over-emphasize the dangers. The idea is to give them a sense of control, not helplessness.

* Reassure your child that abductions are rare, but possible.

* Carry a recent photo of your child.

* Keep a current record of your child's height and weight.

* Make a mental note of what your child is wearing everyday.

* Never mark your child's clothing with his/her name.

* Every time your child leaves the house you should know the three W's:
- Where your child is going
- Who your child will be with
- When your child will return.

* Make sure you know the names, addresses and phone numbers of all your child's friends.

* If your child is missing, you should immediately contact:
- His/her friends
- The Police
- Local Missing Children's Hotline.

Child Abduction / Runaways