Safety Tips for Kids

1) A stranger is anyone you and your parents don't know very well, even if he or she is nice to you or gives you things. Don't ever go with a stranger unless he tells you your secret code word you and your parents decided on.
2) Never go into anyone's home without your parents permission.

3) Never go near a car with someone in it. Never get into a car without your parents permission even if the person in it says your parents told them to pick you up.

4) If you become separated from your parents while in a store or other public place, don't wander around looking for them. Go to the nearest checkout counter and ask for assistance. Never go to the parking lot.

5) No one has the right to touch you and make you feel uncomfortable. You have the right to say no.

6) If someone is following you, go to a place where there are other people and ask for help. Don't try to hide. Avoid walking or playing alone.

7) Adults usually do not ask children for directions. If someone should stop the car asking you for directions, don't go near the car. Run away in the opposite direction the car is pointed in.

8) Never tell anyone over the phone you are home alone.

9) Never answer the door when you are home alone. Call 911 or a neighbor if someone tries to get into the house or if there is an emergency.

10) Tell your parents if anyone asks you to keep a secret or if someone offers you gifts or money or wants to take your picture.

11) If you are in trouble, yell HELP or FIRE, don't just scream.

12) Never go to meet someone you met on the internet. If someone is saying anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, tell your parents and have them monitor the conversation you are having on-line.

Missing Children HELP Center

Child Abduction / Runaways