Stranger Abduction - Ways you can reduce the risk...

Having your child abducted by a stranger is every parents nightmare.
There are some precautions that you can take and some that you can teach your child
to help reduce the risk of being abducted

Never leave a child unattended. Not in the car, the grocery store, the mall or at home. When a child has reached the age where they can play without constant adult supervision join or start some type of neighborhood watch program. One "qualified" adult (screened by the local police), on each block, runs a "safe house" with a clear and visible symbol that all of children are taught to recognize. This "safe house" will give the children a place to run to if they feel threatened, and they will know that the adult(s) there will make sure that they get home.

Establish a "secret code" with your child(ren). Instruct your child never to go with anyone who cannot give the secret code. Even if your child knows the person well... if they do not know the secret code - they do not go! If the adult can give the correct code word, then your child will know that it is ok to go with him/her. Make sure your child understands never to say the secret code. If your child is waiting for you to pick him/her up it is very easy for a total stranger to drive up and tell the child that their mommy was in a terrible car accident. That you know this stranger, and asked him/her to pick up your child and take him to the hospital where you are. Your child is naturally going to become upset by this story and in a lot of cases get into the car and are never seen again. If you have established a secret code with your child all they would have to do is ask the stranger for it. If this person is indeed someone you have sent, they will know the code because you will have given it to them, and your child will know that it is safe to go with them.

Please beware of dressing your child in clothing with his/her name printed on it. Do not buy personalized backpacks, lunch boxes, jewelry, hats etc. with her name on it. A child is more willing to trust/believe a stranger who knows his/her name. Fooling the child in to a false sense of security is the first step in being able to abduct him/her without a fight.

When you think of a stranger, you think of somebody that you don't know/have never seen before. Teach your child(ren) that a stranger is somebody that they don't know well. For example, someone that they see waiting for the bus everyday, or someone that they met at mom or dad's office, or someone that they see in the hallway at school is not necessarily someone that they know.

Encourage children to buddy-up. Children like to do things in pairs anyway. It is very important that children are accompanied, particularly when they are in a vulnerable situation such as walking back and forth to the park or store.

Teach the children their full name, address, telephone number with area code. Make sure that they can identify the state that they live in on a map of the United States. Make sure that they know how to use a telephone, how to call "911", how to dial "0" and that these are "safe strangers" who can help them if they are in trouble or danger.

Teach your children that most grown-ups will help them rather than hurt them, and it is ok to ask grown-up for help. But, point out that grown-ups don't ask children to help them. They don't need a child to take them where they are going. A common lure for the abduction of children is a grown-up asking a child for help in searching for a lost pet.

Teach your child to always be aware. If they see someone hanging around, or driving around take a good look at that person, is he/she tall or short, young or old, light or dark, glasses, beard etc. What kind of clothing, car anything that can help identify a person. Your child should then tell mom, dad, or another trusted adult. The adult should then notify the local police.

The thought of having to teach your child things like this is mortifying. But think of the alternative. How many children would never have been abducted if they had a "secret code", if they know not to talk to strangers, and who a stranger is. Enable your child to think critically and to respond safely to potentially dangerous situations.

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Child Abduction / Runaways