Ten Alternatives To Lashing Out At Your Child

1. Stop, take a big, deep breath, relax take another deep breath. Remember that YOU are the adult.

2. Close your eyes and slowly count to ten.

3. Put your child in a time-out chair for one minute per year of age.

4. Put yourself in a time-out chair. Think about why you are angry:
is it your child, or is your child a convenient target for your anger.

5. Call a friend and talk about what is making you so angery.

6. If someone can watch your child(ren), go for a nice calming walk.

7. Splash cold water on your face or take a long, warm bath.

8. Hug a pillow.

9. Turn on some music, sing along, take your mind off your anger.

10. Put yourself in your childs place: close your eyes,
imagine that you're hearing what your child is about to hear. How would that make you feel?

For more information about "Positive Parenting" and for support,
please call your local Department of Social Services.
from Amie.org

7 steps to end abuse
Where to get help / How to report
Child Abuse Prevention Act
Helpful Links

Sexual Abuse | Emotional Abuse | Physical Abuse | Child Neglect


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