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I live in MumbaiIndia, the capital of Maharashtra. I'm a web developer (I'm 29 years old).Mumbai's a great city,  locatedoin the west coast of maharashtra, right beside the Arabian Sea. You can visit.  Mumbai's homepage (sorry, the site still isn't there) 

I like to  rollerblade (in-line skate, I should say). I took  skating lessons for 5 years, but stopped because I didn't want to do competitions. I don't   skate as much now, but I still enjoy it. I've taken a few in-line skating lessons and I like to skate on the bike paths near my house. Though most of my time is spent on the net. 

I also love to draw, paint and do lots of other crafts. I like to make utility stuff (small-time urban inventor!). I occasionally make Dream Catchers and some Fimo things. One of my favourite forms of art is computer graphics, especially 3D stuff. The programs I use to create my art include Bryce 3D (my favourite), Kai's Power Tools, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw 7, Corel Photo-Paint, 3D Studio MAX, Corel Dream 3D, and Painter 5. You can see some of my art (including some jewelry that I scanned in) in my Art Gallery. I play the flute at school and was in the Xavier's  Senior band. I also play the piano (but I stopped taking lessons) 

My favorite TV shows are X-Files (the best!), Simpsons and Seinfeld.   

Along with drawing on the computer, I also like to play games. My favorites are Riven (anamazing game!), Sierra games (like King's Quest and Space Quest), SimCity 2000, and Civilization II. Oh, and of course, the occasional mindless explosions/killing arcade game =) 
I finally put up a photo of myself here =) This pic was chopped out of an expired driving  license. It's black and white...well... because I felt like it.
 Ok, that's all I'm going to say. Sorry if I bored you to death =) I love getting e-mail, so just send me one and we'll chat! BUT... I don't like getting e-mails asking me how old I am or what software I used to make this page, since all that info is here, or on the About My Site page! Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of my site! =) 


a b o u t   m e || m y   a r t || p h o t o s || w e b   g r a f x || l i n k s || w e b r i n g s || a b o u t   s i t e || a w a r d s
[ H O M E ]
Graphics, design & content copyright © 1998 Sanjyot Bharathan