a w a r d s
Welcome to my little trophy case <grin> =) Thank you to all the wonderful people who who thought my site was worthy of their awards! I'm truly honoured 
 I am a proud winner of Adam's Prestigious Award
Look, I just got my very first award! Thanks Adam!  Killer Graphics Award 
Thank you Aaron!  Annabella's Award 
Annabella said "Your homepage is absolutely beautiful...and the graphics are exceptional!!" Thank you!  Best of the Web Gold Award
"Your site is very well put together. I enjoyed surfing it, I am sure everybody else will to." Thank you, Eric!  Amazing Web Site Award 
Thank you, Arwen!  Blue Moon Award for Website Excellence
Ham said "Fantastic pages... very creative, superb graphics, layout and design are perfection." Wow! Thank you, Ham!  Net Oscars 
Thank you, Stephen!  The Original Originality Award 
Thank you, Rena!  The Goddess Award of 1997 
Thank you!  Rachel's Beautiful Design Award 
Thank you Rachel!  Temple Award 
Sandy said "You have a well-designed webpage, beautiful graphics and good content.", and I was also the first winner of this award! Thank you, Sandy!  Award of Beauty Thank you very much, Ruth!  The Double S Brand of Approval 
Thank you Ann and Stan, for this great award!  Star Site of Excellence Award Thank you Skip!  siLverz Award for Graphic Design 
Thank you siLverz!  Wizard of the Web Award 
Thank you MikenSharyi!  WEB Design AWARD 
The Dutchman said "Nice HTML Design and greeeaattt Graphics made you a winner." Thank you!  Andrue's Wicked Page Award 
Thank you Andrue!  The Prismatic Black Hole Award Dimension X Award The Dimention X Award is much harder to win, but Dustin said I could display the other one as well, so I did because it's such a cool graphic. Thank you Dustin! 
I divided up the page to reduce loading time... here are the other pages:
 a w a r d s 2a w a r d s 3a w a r d s 4a w a r d s 5a w a r d s 6 
a b o u t   m e || m y   a r t || p h o t o s || w e b   g r a f x || l i n k s || w e b r i n g s || a b o u t   s i t e || a w a r d s
[ H O M E ]
Graphics, design & content copyright © 1998 Sanjyot Bharathan