
My Other Bio related pages @ Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

2 Mini Bios
Fairuza Herself Talks About Her Life
Chronology of Fairuza's life and career

-Full Name:
Fairuza Alejandra Balk
-Birthday: May 21, 1974 (3am PDT)
-Birthplace: Point Reyes, California.
-Mother: Cathryn Balk (Travelling belly dancer)
-Father: Solomon Feldthouse (Plays the fiddle)
-Age 14: Fairuza moves back to North America.
-Age 16: Gas, Food, Lodging
-Color of eyes: Turquoise.
-Color of hair: Brown
-Height: 5'3"
-Weight: about 100lbs
-Favorite music: Punk rock
-Favorite drinks: White Russians, carrot juice, coffee
-Nickname: Ru - "They call me Ru, I wish I was as beautiful as he is. I'm telling you, he's got more style and flair than 90% of the women I know." Miss Balk refering to RuPaul?
-Education: Fairuza attended the Royal Academy of Ballet, the Ramona Beauchamp Agency and the Bush Davies Performing Arts School
(She attended in the UK just after Easter break for a 2 1/2 year term where her workouts kept her busy eight throughout the day. A typical week included the following: dance from 8am to 10:30am, break, school work from 11am to 1pm, lunch, school work at 2pm till 4pm or 4:30pm and dance from 5pm to 6pm on Monday and Friday. Saturdays have a 2 hour ballet class with Sunday having no dance at all, but did have church which Fairuza did manage to skip alot. Her and a friend decided since they were Wicca it was against their religion. Fairuza had originally planned to attend the Arts Education School, but after meeting six other girls attending Bush Davies, including some of her future co-stars in "The Worst Witch", she applied there instead.)
-Interests: Writing poetry and stories, watch television, read incoming scripts, playing the piano and guitar, singing(her main enjoyment), dancing, and she loves couches.
-Favorite Bands: Dead Kennedys, Germs, Circle Jerks, Ministry, Frontline Assembly, Front 242, Black Flag, Butter8, Radiohead, Blur and Classical music, and Jazz.
-Pets: (cats) MoMo, Scout, Oscar, Sweetpea Poteet Tennessee, and Mouse.
-Favorite authors (to name a few): William Burroughs, James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Jung, Isabelle Allende, Michael Bulgakov, Ernest Hemmingway, Balzac...
-Favorite Artists: H.R. Giger, Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Vargas, Rousseau.
-Other things: She reportedly uses Dermablend to hide her tattoos when filming a movie where they are not wanted and she also is highly into researching her roles before filming starts so she can give her best performance.
-Fairuza's address: Venice, California and she has an apartment in New York City.