3 new movies from the Land of the Rising Sun
Actually, the movies are from Ruliweb, but they are of games from the Land of the Rising Sun, nonetheless. Well, here they are:
Eve Zero - 1.7 MB, 14 sec
After watching the (very short) Eve Zero movie, I suddenly can't wait to learn more about the game (ok, so I just want to see more of the chick with the half-open button down shirt). Maybe I'll do a preview for the game...sounds like a plan.
Sakura Taisen 3 {1} - 5.25 MB, 30 sec
Even though most of the video is really an advertisement for Sakura Taisen paraphernalia, you can still see that the game is going to be great. I want to download the song from the movie, does anybody know where I could do so? If anybody knows, please e-mail me with Sakura Taisen as the subject. Thanks.
Sakura Taisen 3 {2} - 2.47 MB, 29 sec
Continuation of the Sakura Taisen paraphernalia, but the song makes the download worth it. If you're expecting game footage, look elsewhere, but if you want a great song, and another look at the red and goldish VMU, download away! I want that red and goldish VMU, and I want it NOW!
--Dreamcast "Mac" Otaku Suddenly got an urge to buy Sakura Taisen 2...