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Here you will be a glimpse of what the people behind the scenes of Dreamcast Otaku are like. Right now there's only two three of us, but hopefully, we will grow. I, Dreamcast Otaku, conducted every interview (okay, I sent both of them a questionnaire) with each staff member, even the interview with myself. Anyway, click on a name to read that interview.

Incog - Dreamcast Otaku

What is your real name?
If I told you that, I would have to kill you. Hahaha. It's Mac.

Do you go by any other names, do you have any aliases?
You can call me Otaku...Dreamcast Otaku or Incog, whichever you prefer.

Now that we know your name(s), what are your specialties?
My titles include: King of Sports Games, King of RPGs and Prince of Fighters.

What do you do and have you done for this site?
I'm a Reviewer, a Previewer, the Editor-in-Chief, the Webmaster, and basically do everything for this site. I can be classified as the Mac-of-all-trades. I also created all of the (I think they are) snazzy banners for the site.

Why do you like videogames?
Who ever said I "liked" videogames? I love them! They are the best way to relieve aggression, especially fighters, and have fun with friends. Where else would you be able to dunk on Mutombo with a 5'4" player?

What is the worst Dreamcast game you've played?
The worst Dreamcast game I've played without question is South Park: Chef's Luv Shack. There isn't a game as bad as this. The only good thing about this game is, wait there isn't anything good about this game. I feel sorry for all of the people who bought this game *cough* Miguel *cough*.

On to the other side of the gaming spectrum... what is your favorite game for Dreamcast?
Umm...my favorite game for Dreamcast would have to be...Marvel vs. Capcom 2, followed by Soul Calibur and Power Stone 2. All of them are fighters!

What is your favorite game of all-time?
Ha! That's too easy. My favorite game is Final Fantasy Tactics for Playstation. Just in case you want to know, my second favorite game is tied between Xenogears for Playstation and Roller Coaster Tycoon for PC.

What game is in your Dreamcast right now?
Hold up, let me go check...ah, it's Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future. I just bought it 3 days ago (2.22.01), I've only played (and beat) the first level, but it's pretty good so far.
Of course you play games on other platforms besides Dreamcast, so what's in your other console(s) and PC?
Final Fantasy 9 is in my Playstation; Sim City 3000 Unlimited (really hard) is in my PC; Fighter's Mega Mix, which I just finished playing with my boy Dave, is in my Saturn; and nothing is in (or has been for a while) my Nintendo 64.

What Dreamcast games do you own?
NFL2K1 NBA2K1 Speed Devils
Soul Calibur Toy Commander Shenmue
Chu Chu Rocket Ecco the Dolphin UFC
Fur Fighters Hidden & Dangerous Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Power Stone 2 Space Channel 5 Pen Pen Tricelon (import)
Virtua Tennis

It is said (or maybe I just made it up) that music fuels the soul, so what is your fuel nowadays?
Lenny Kravitz - Mama Said, 2Pac - All Eyez on Me (Book 1), Musiq Soulchild - Aijuswanaseing, and Super Unleaded are my (daily) fuel intakes.

What game(s) can't you wait for the most?
Ummm...besides a Final Fantasy Tactics sequel, I can't wait to play Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (DC). Four months is a long ways off, but I think I can make it. Since Armada 2: Exodus (DC) is only a week away, I'm really looking forward to that too.

If you could be any Dreamcast videogame character, who would that be and why?
That's a tough one...I would probably be Wang Tang from Power Stone 2, but only if I could go into "stoned" form whenever I wanted. Imagine being able to shoot Ki Blasts and Genki Damas at willl; that would be awesome! Another character I would probably be would be Kilik, 'cause in Soul Calibur I beat the crap out of everyone with his big stick (except for Mitsurugi, who I beat sometimes; damn you Dave!).

What 5 games would you recommend to anyone who just bought a Dreamcast?
Without question I would recommend Soul Calibur and Marvel vs. Capcom 2. The other 3 would probably be Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (very addicting), Phantasy Star Online (I still haven't played it, only watched Miguel), and Jet Grind Radio.

Okay, here is the last question: What is your most memorable gaming moment?
Well, I have a few, but here is the best one (no it doesn't involve a Dreamcast game, and it's a little long): I was playing Madden '99 (PS) with my boy Swiff, it was the 4th quarter, 3:13 remaining, his ball, I was down by 18 points, 27-9. He was feeling very confident, and figured he was goin to win, but not me. My comeback all started with him throwing a quick out to some receiver on the right side of the field, but Deion (oh, I was the almighty Cowboys, he was the Jets) runs in front of the receiver, picks off the pass, and runs it back (with his lightning speed) for a touchdown. I kicked the EP, and the score was 27-16, about 3 minutes remaining. On his next drive, he went 3 and out, taking up about 40 sec off the clock. I scored very quickly on the next drive, making the score 23-27, I was still down by 4. On his next drive, he marched all the way down to the 7 yard line...there was only 27 sec remaining. I was a little nervous, but I didn't let it get to me. Guess what happened? Curtis Martin fumbled the ball right next to the endzone, George Teague (#31) picked it up, broke a tackle and rumbled the fumble for a touchdown... giving me a 29-27 lead with 3 sec on the clock. I was already estatic as soon as I grabbed the fumble, and he was, well, pretty pissed once he saw he wasn't going to catch me. I kicked the EP to make it 30-27. He tried to run the kickoff back, but to no avail, and I won the game. I was talking so much trash that day. I still mention it to him whenever we play NFL2k1, or any sports game. Man, I love videogames. And that people, is my most memorable videogame moment!

Well folks, that about wraps it up for this interview with Dreamcast Otaku. Please scroll down for the interviews with Dark Demon Rage and Outlaw.

Dark Demon Rage - RPG Otaku

What is your real name?

Do you go by any other names, do you have any aliases?
You can call me Dark Mist, Demon Rage, Dark Demon Rage or Hideout.

Now that we know your name(s), what are your specialties?
I'm the King of all Games, and a good b-boy.

What do you do and have you done for this site?
I spread the word about Dreamcast Otaku by e-mailing people [I didn't know] and I gave screenshots. Also, I might throw in my two cents by writing a few reviews.

Why do you like videogames?
It is something to do with friends or when you are bored [or when you aren't sleeping (I had to thrown that in there)].

What is the worst Dreamcast game you've played?
Without question it would be Trick Style.

On to the other side of the gaming spectrum... what is your favorite game for Dreamcast?
My favorite game for Dreamcast would have to be Phantasy Star Online.

What is your favorite game of all-time?
It would have to be Command and Conquer: Red Alert.

What game is in your Dreamcast right now?
NBA2k1 is in my Dreamcast right now.

Of course you play games on other platforms besides Dreamcast, so what's in your other console(s) and PC?
The only other console I have is Playstation, and nothing is in there at the moment. And nothing is my PC.

What Dreamcast games do you own?
NFL2K1 Sonic Adventure Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia Virtua Tennis
Resident Evil: Code Veronica Rippin Riders

It is said (or maybe I just made it up) that music fuels the soul, so what is your fuel nowadays?
Right now I'm listening to a CD I created of different artists.

What game(s) can't you wait for the most?
I would have to say a Skies of Arcadia sequel.

If you could be any Dreamcast videogame character, who would that be and why?
Well, I would be Demon Rage [my character in PSO] because one he is red; two I would love to go around chopping people's heads off; and three, I could have all of those hot weapons.

What 5 games would you recommend to anyone who just bought a Dreamcast?
Phantasy Star Online, Skies of Arcadia, NBA2K1, NFL2k1, and last of all, Resident Evil: Code Veronica.

Okay, here is the last question: What is your most memorable gaming moment?
Metal Gear Solid when I killed 8 people in a row and survived.

Well folks, that about wraps it up for this interview with Dark Demon Rage. Please scroll down for the last interview with Outlaw.

Outlaw - Xtreme Otaku

What is your real name?
My real name is Kevin.

Do you go by any other names, do you have any aliases?
Yes, you can call me Outlaw or Xtreme Otaku

Now that we know your name(s), what are your specialties?
Prince of sports games, King of Fighters, and the "Outlaw" of action.

What do you do and have you done for this site?
I have yet to do anything, but I will be a reviewer, [possibly a] previewer, and editorial specialist.

Why do you like videogames?
I like videogames, because you have a lot of freedom, you are able to do things you would normally never do, try to do, or are impossible to do in real life, like: shooting someone and getting away with it; or becoming a spy for the government.

What is the worst Dreamcast game you've played?
Sega GT and WWF Royal Rumble are the worst games I've played for the Dreamcast.

On to the other side of the gaming spectrum... what is your favorite game for Dreamcast?
My favorite Dreamcast games are Shenmue and Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

What is your favorite game of all-time?
My favorite game of all time is Super Mario 3 (NES).

What game is in your Dreamcast right now?
NBA2k1 is in my Dreamcast right now.

Of course you play games on other platforms besides Dreamcast, so what's in your other console(s) and PC?
Parasite Eve 2 is in my Playstation, Zelda: Majora's Mask is in my N64, and Jedi Knight is in my PC.

What Dreamcast games do you own?
NBA2k1 NBA2K Soul Calibur
Crazy Taxi Power Stone Shenmue
Resident Evil: Code Veronica Grand Theft Auto 2 Ready 2 Rumble
Virtua Fighter 3tb NFL2K1 Dead or Alive 2
Sonic Adventure

It is said (or maybe I just made it up) that music fuels the soul, so what is your fuel nowadays?
2pac - All Eyez On Me, and Destiny's Child are both in my CD player.

What game(s) can't you wait for the most?
I can't wait for all of these: MGS 2: Sons of Liberty, Crazy Taxi 2, Shenmue 2, and Soul Calibur 2.

If you could be any Dreamcast videogame character, who would that be and why?
If I could be any Dreamcast videogame character, it would be anybody from Crazy Taxi, but most likely Gus.

What 5 games would you recommend to anyone who just bought a Dreamcast?
There are so many games out there that are great, but I would recommend Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Soul Calibur, NBA2k1, Crazy Taxi, and Shenmue.

Okay, here is the last question: What is your most memorable gaming moment?
My most memorable moment would have to be when I finally beat a game without using any codes.

Well folks, that about wraps it up for this interview with Kevin. Please scroll down for the last interview...wait, this was the last interview. Well, be sure to check out the rest of the sections, eat, sleep, and...you know the rest.

If you missed any of the other interviews...I mean quesionnaires, retrack by clicking the corresponding name below.

      1 staff member has a PSO addiction, 1 talks too much, and the other admits he couldn't beat a game w/o codes... a weird bunch indeed.

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