
The interface is the part of a tool or technology with which the user interacts. For a screwdriver, its the handle. For a bike, its the seat,handlebars, and pedals, and gear levers. For a Web site, its a crafted communication enviroment that houses the site's content. Tje navigation devices the user needs to get to the content. The design goal for an interface is to clarify the content offered by the site to " dish it out" effectivley.

If the site is designed as a tool, its to allow visitors to get the tech support information they seek or to buy tickets for something. The interface should be virtually transparent.

If the site is ntended to promote or sell a product or service the interface has a big role to play in making it easy for potetial buyers to get the information they need to make a decision. It also has to help motivate them to take action and it needs to povide a way for them to place orders either online or off.



Metallic Logo

This interface was created a long time ago and never got completed and published. The my site was getting underway and I could not work with two sites at the same time so I had to drop this project.




Marble Logo

This is the first logo of my ever first homepage that got published. This design goes way back the good old design days. I never had a chance to publish this either.




Golden Eye

Golden Eye - Another logo design which never got published due to some technical reasons. The interface was made to match in the name and I had no problem getting the effect incorporated in this logo.



Greencross Logo Another logo design which never got published due to some technical reasons. The interface was made to match in the name and I had no problem getting the effect incorporated in this logo.



Blue Sea

The Blue Sea Logo is one of my favorite onces, because it is so transparent and see through. It looks very 3d in my opionion.


Techno Welcome

Techno Welcome Logo Another logo design which never got published due to some technical reasons. The inerface wast made to match in the name and I had no problem getting the effect incorporated in this logo.


New Logos

Photoshop Type E-Mail Web Design Interface