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Historical Chronology

Lightning Bolt [Top]

200 A.D. to 640 A.D.

c200: Theodotion: Greek convert to Judaism, made revision of LXX (Septuagint); Papyrus 32: J. Rylands Library: Titus 1:11-15; 2:3-8; Papyrus 64 (+67): Mt 3:9,15; 5:20-22,25-28; 26:7-8,10,14-15,22-23,31-33; Sahidic Coptic cop(sa) Bible translations written in Alexandria; Hypostasis [hidden spiritual reality] of the Archons (Nag Hammadi); Valentinian Exposition: 24.23: Son is hypostasis of Father (Nag Hammadi); Corpus Hermeticum: Alexandrian quasi-Neo-Platonism; Papyrus 66: 2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian/Western" text-types

c201: Claudius Galen: b.130?, Greek Anatomist: On the Natural Faculties (Loeb)

c202: Irenaeus: 2nd bishop of Lyons, supported Quartodecimans in Easter controversy versus Pope Victor in 190, wrote "Against Heresies" in Greek (lost), extant Latin; "... they have apostatized in their opinions from Him who is God, & imagined that they have themselves discovered more than the apostles, by finding out another god; & that the apostles preached the Gospel still somewhat under the influence of Jewish opinions, but that they themselves are purer, & more intelligent, than the apostles." [AH3.12.12,ANF,v.1]

210-240: Sanhedrin (High Court) of Judaism regularly held in Sepphoris Galilee

211-217 Apr 8-21 Jun 8: Caracallus - Macrinus: Roman Emperors, both assassinated

212: Constitutio Antoniana: Civis Romanus sum!, all free men Roman citizens

217-222-230-235-236-250: Popes Callistus I, Urban I, St. Pontain, St. Anterus, and St. Fabian

217-235: antipope Saint Hippolytus: bishop of Rome, "Logos" sect [ANF,v.5]

217: Judah Ha-Nasi: b.135?, "Rabbi", codified Mishnah (c220); Gaius (Caius): presbyter of Rome, anti-Montanist, wrote "Dialogue against Proclus", rejected Gospel of John, Hebrews, Rev. [Canon NT,Metzger; ANF,v.5]; Clement: b.153, bishop of Alexandria, pagan philosopher convert, cited Alexandrian NT text-type & Secret Gospel of Mark & Gospel of the Egyptians, wrote: "Exhortations", "Paedagogus", "Stromata" (Loeb Classics) [ANF,v.2]

218-222 Mar 11: Heliogabalus (Elagabalus): b.204, Roman Emperor, boy priest promoted Syrian sun-god Elagabal & meteorite brought to Rome, assassinated

220-589: 6 Dynasties period of China: capital Nanjing

220-264: 3 Kingdoms period of China: Wu (south), Wei (north), Shu (west)

220: Goths invaded Asia Minor & Balkans; Minucius Felix: Roman Christian lawyer, wrote in Latin [ANF,v.4]; Mishnah: Torah teachings, Halakhah (Oral Law), Hillel/Akiva/Meir/Judah; Tertullian: b.160?, Carthaginian lawyer, Christian convert in c193 then to Montanism (c155) in c207, "Father of Latin Church", coined "Trinity", "New Testament", 2-natures doctrine (Jesus fully human & divine), advocated exclusion of women from priesthood, wrote: Father, Son, Holy Spirit are 1 substantia yet 3 persona, cited rumor Jesus son of prostitute [Spectaculis 30.6], cited "Western" text-type; (Loeb Classics, Latin) [ANF,v.3-4]

222-235 Mar 18: Alexander Severus: Roman Emperor, halted Christian persecutions

c225: Papyrus 45: 1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean), Acts (Alexandrian)

226-241: Ardashir I: Persian Emperor, founded Sasanian Empire of Persia (226- 642), conquered Mesopotamia in 230, Zoroastrianism state religion ...

230-258: Council of Rome: Bishop Demetrius of Alexandria condemns Origen (253)

235-238 Jun: Maximinus: Roman Emperor, ended Christian schism by deporting Pope Pontian & antipope Saint Hippolytus to Sardinia where they died, assassinated.

238-244: Gordianus III: Roman Emperor at age 13, assassinated

240-640: Sanhedrin (High Court) of Judaism regularly held in Tiberias, Galilee

240-258: Council of Carthage: early Christian council

c240: Commodianus: Early Christian Church Father [ANF=Ante-Nicene Fathers,v.4]

241-272: Shapur I: Persian Emperor, captured Asia Minor, Syria, Valerian (260)

244-249: Philippus the Arabian: Roman Emperor, celebrated 1,000th anniversary of Rome in 248, defeated & killed by Decius

249-251-253-253: Decius - Gallus (assa.) - Aemilianus (assa.): Roman Emperors

249: Wang Pi: b.226, Taoist commentaries on I Ching, Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu

c250: Diophantus of Alexandria: wrote first book on algebra: "Arithmetica"; Mandeans: followers of John the Baptist, began compilation of "Ginza"; Liu Hui: Chinese mathematician, wrote: Hai Tao Suan Ching; Papyrus 72: Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959, "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3 Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas;

250-400: Tosefta: supplements to the Mishnah (c220)

250-350: Apostolic Constitutions of Orthodox Christianity: #2.36 (p.413): Thou shalt observe the Sabbath, on account of Him who ceased from His work of creation, but ceased not from His work of providence: it is a rest for meditation of the law, not for idleness of the hands. #6.19 (p.458): For He nowhere has dissolved the law, as Simon pretends, but fulfilled it; for He says: [Mt 5:18,17]. #7.23 (p.469): But keep the Sabbath, & the Lord's day festival; because the former is the memorial of the creation, & the latter of the resurrection. But there is 1 only Sabbath to be observed by you in the whole year, which is that of our Lord's burial, on which men ought to keep a fast, but not a festival. Approved at Orthodox Synod of Trullo in 692 [ANF=Ante-Nicene Fathers,v.7,Eerdmans]

251-253-254-257-258: Popes St. Cornelius, St. Lucius I, St. Stephen I, and St. Sixtus II; antipope Novatian

253-260: Valerianus: Roman Emperor, notorious persecutor of Christians, in 258 "Valerian's Massacre" executed Pope Sixtus II, antipope Novatian, Bishop Cyprian of Carthage, & all other Christian Bishops, Priests & Deacons

253: Origen: b.185?, used Greek Gnostic term "homoousios" [Jesus & God of "same substance"]; God is 1 genus of ousia [substance] yet 3 distinct species of hypostases [hidden spiritual realities?] of Father, Son, Holy Spirit; compiled "Hexapla": 6 versions of Jewish Scriptures side by side: Hebrew MT, Hebrew transliterated into Greek, Aquila's Greek translation, Symmachus' Greek translation, Origen's revised LXX, Theodotion's revised LXX; also Quinta/Sexta/Septima translations; Tetragrammaton in square Hebrew script; cited "Alexandrian" & "Caesarean" NT text-types; [ANF,v.4,10] According to Eusebius [EH6.8.1-3] Origen castrated himself for Christ due to Mt 19:12 & disputed authenticity of Pauline Letters {Paul ... did not so much as write to all the churches that he taught; & even to those to which he wrote he sent but a few lines.} [EH6.25.7(Loeb)]

257: Visigoths & Ostrogoths invaded Black Sea area, Franks invaded Spain

258: Cyprian: bishop of Carthage, pagan convert, claimed Christians freely forged his letters to discredit him, cited "Western" NT text-type [ANF,v.5]

260-268: Gallienus: Roman Emperor, reversed Valerian, restored Church, assass.

260-268,269-274,275-283-296: Popes St. Dionysius, St. Felix I, St. Eutychian, and St. Gaius (Caius)

264-268: Council of Antioch: condemned Paul of Samosata: bishop of Antioch & founder of Adoptionism (Jesus was human until Holy Spirit descended at his baptism); also condemned use of Gnostic term "homoousios" (see 325)

265-316: Western Jin (Chin) dynasty of reunited China: compass invented in 271

265: Dionysius the Great: b.200?, bishop of Alexandria [ANF,v.6]

267-272: Septimia Zenobia: Queen of Palmyra, controlled Egypt

268: Goths sacked Athens, Sparta, Corinth ...

268-270-270: Claudius II (plague) - Quintillus (suicide): Roman Emperors

270-275: Aurelianus: Roman Emperor - Lucius Domitius Aurelianus (214-275), restitutor orbis, vigorously promoted Sol Invictus sun-god (continued by Probus & early Constantinus) & festival dies natalis Solis Invicti (birthday of Invincible Sun) on Dec 25, dedicated Sol Invictus Temple in 274 Dec 25, made Sol the official religion & principle patron of the empire, during his reign he had the Aurelian Way built, he captured Palmyra in 273, reasserting Roman authority, assassinated; {Besides, the Sol Invictus had been adopted by the Christians in a Christian sense, as demonstrated in the Christ as Apollo-Helios in a musoleum (c.250) discovered beneath St. Peter's in the Vatican.} {indeed, from the beginning of the 3d century "Sun of Justice" appears as a title of Christ} [New Catholic Encyclopedia,v.4,p.227,v.3,p.656]

270: Plotinus: b.205, Egyptian philosopher, founded Neo-Platonism, Doctrine of 3 Primal Hypostases: 1 [To Hen], Mind [Nous], Soul [Psyche]; yet the 1 transcends hypostasis, is prior to hypostasis & beyond being; Loeb:7v(Greek)

276-293-302-309: Bahram II - Narses - Hormizd II: Persian Emperors, decline

276-276-276-282-283: Tacitus - Florianus - Probus - Carus; Roman Emperors

277: Mani: b.216, crucified?, founded Manichaean Christian sect in Persia

280: Anatolius of Alexandria: b.230, bishop of Laodicea [ANF,v.6]

283: Carinus: Western Roman Emperor; Numerianus: Eastern Roman Emperor

284-305 May 1: Diocletianus: Roman Emperor, notorious persecutor of Christians, in 286 divided empire into West & East, in 293 divided each into 2 administrative units, in 303-312 "Diocletian's Massacre" edict against Christians

285: Pappus of Alex. described 5 machines: cogwheel/lever/pulley/screw/wedge

286-310: Maximanus: Roman Emperor, co-Augustus, father of Maxentius, suicide

293-311 May: Galerius: Roman Emperor, co-Caesar with Constantius I

293-306 Jul 25: Constantius I: Roman Emperor, co-Caesar, father of Constantinus

294: Codex Gregorianus: compilation of Roman Law

296-304: Pope St. Marcellinus: apostate, offered pagan sacrifice for Diocletianus?

c300: Bohairic Coptic cop(bo) Bible translations written in Alexandria; Hesychius of Alex.: martyr, translated Hebrew OT to Greek, lost [Jerome]; Kama Sutra: doctrine of sacred sex by Vatsayan Mallagana of Benares; Katayayana: compilation of Indian Law; Paris Magical Papyrus: compilation of writings on magic in Greek; Ch'en Cho: Chinese astronomer, also Kan Te/Shih Shen/Wu Hsien of c350bce; Papyrus Berlin Codex of Greek Genesis; Papyrus Bodmer 24 of Greek Psalms; Codex Freer of Greek Minor Prophets; all published in 1927

300-700: The Kingdom of Axum flourishes

300-900: Old Mayan Civilization flourishes

maya.gif (7655 bytes)

Mayan civilization from 300 to 1450 AD

c301: King Tiridates III (Trdat) of Armenia is converted to Christianity by Saint Gregory the Illuminator: 1st State to make Christianity the state religion

304: Porphyry: b.233, Neoplatonic philosopher, wrote: "Adversus Christianos"

306-337 May 22: Emperor Constantinus the Great: saw a vision in the sun of a cross with the words "by this sign conquer": in 312 Oct 28 invaded Rome & defeated Maxentius at Milvian Bridge; in 313 Feb decreed "Edict of Milan" with Licinianus which ended religious persecutions; in 314 called Council of Arles against Donatus; in 315 erected Arch of Constantine; in 321 decreed SUNday (dies Solis) as Roman day of rest [CJ3.12.2]; in 324 defeated & executed Licinianus & became sole Emperor; in 325 May-Aug called Council of Nicaea, 1st Ecumenical, c300 bishops decreed 20 canons, Constantine proposed condemned Gnostic term (264) "homoousios" (Jesus & God of SAME substance) causing "Homoiousians" schism (Jesus & God of LIKE substance) led by Meletius of Antioch, Cyril of Jerusalem & Basil of Ancyra, by June 19 still 18 bishops refused to sign but under Constantine's threats only Arius, Secundus & Theonas held out & were exiled; in 330 May 11 moved capital to Constantinople (formerly Byzantium); converted to Christianity on deathbed

306-308: Pope St. Marcellus I: tried removing prior Pope Marcellinus from official records for apostasy, exiled from Rome by Maxentius for disturbing the peace

306: Council of Elvira: prohibited eating/marriage/sex between Christian & Jew

309-379: Shapur II the Great: Persian Emperor, regained lost ground from Rome, ordered "Avesta" compilation of Zoroastrian texts back to c. 1,000bce

310: Pope Eusebius: deported to Sicily with antipope Heraclius by Maxentius

311-314: Pope St. Miltiades: given Fausta's palace as papal residence by Constantinus; excommunicated Donatus in 313 for requiring rebaptism of apostates

312: Lucian: founded Exegetical School of Antioch, revised LXX, martyred; Methodius: Early Church Father, martyred [ANF=Ante-Nicene Fathers,v.6]

314-335,336,337-352-366: Popes St. Sylvester I, St. Marcus, St. Julius I, and Liberius

316-589: Tartar invasion of northern (Wei) China

317-420: Eastern Jin (Chin) dynasty of China: capital at Nanking, Tartar advance halted at Battle of Fei Shui in 383

320-335: Chandragupta I: founded Gupta dynasty of northern India (320-495)

c320: Lactantius: b.250?, Early Christian Church Father [ANF,v.7]

c325: Fayyumic Coptic translation fragment of John 6:11-15:11

325-900: Teotihuacan: ancient Mexican city

330: Iamblichus: b.245, Syrian Neoplatonic philosopher

334-365: Codex Hermogenianus: compilation of Roman Law

335-376-414: Samudragupta - Chandragupta II: Gupta dynasty of northern India

335: Council of Jerusalem: reversed Council of Nicaea's condemnation of Arius, on Sep 17 consecrated Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulchre

336: Arius: b.256?, Greek theologian, Arianism: Father only true God [Jn 17:3], Jesus firstborn of all creation [Col 1:15], Logos (Word) was created [Pr 8:22]

337-361 Nov 3: Constantius II: Emperor of East at 21, Arianism official state religion, in 353 defeated Magnentius, supported antipope Felix II (355-365), in 356 Feb 19 closed all Pagan Temples, first tour of Rome in 357 Apr 28

337-350: Constans: co-Emperor of West @14, killed in Revolt of Magnentius

337-340 Mar: Constantinus II: co-Emperor of West @20, killed by Constans

338: Judaism standardizes 19-year cycle lunisolar calendar

c339: Eusebius: b.260?, bishop of Caesarea, cited "Caesarean" NT text-type, wrote: "Ecclesiastical History" (EH); (Loeb Classics: 2 volumes, Greek); quoting Papias bishop of Hierapolis (c130): {"& the Presbyter used to say this, 'Mark became Peter's interpreter & wrote accurately all that he remembered, not, indeed, in order, of the things said or done by the Lord. For he had not heard the Lord, nor had he followed him, but later on, as I said, followed Peter, who used to give teaching as necessity demanded but not making, as it were, an arrangement of the Lord's oracles, so that Mark did nothing wrong in thus writing down single points as he remembered them. For to 1 thing he gave attention, to leave out nothing of what he had heard & to make no false statements in them.'" This is related by Papias about Mark, & about Matthew this was said, "Matthew collected the oracles in the Hebrew language , & each interpreted them as best he could."}[EH3.39.14-16(Loeb)]; Eusebius' NT Canon [EH3.3,25]: Recognized: 4 Holy Gospels, Acts, 10 Pauline Letters, 1-2 Tim, Tit, 1 Pt, 1 Jn; Disputed: Didache, Barnabas, Hermas, Diatessaron, Jewish-Christian Gospels, Hebrews, Acts of Paul, James, 2 Pt, 2-3 Jn, Jude, Rev, Apocalypse of Peter Rejected: Gospels of Peter, Thomas, Matthias, Acts of Andrew, John ...

343: Council of Sardica: decreed 20 canons (laws); Ko Hung: b.283, Chinese alchemist, immortality pills, wrote Pao-p'u-tzu

c350: Papyrus Antinoopolis: of Book of Proverbs in Greek, published in 1950; Papyrus Bodmer 45-46: Greek Susanna, Daniel 1:1-20 (Theodotion's LXX); Akhmimic cop(ac) & Sub-Akhmimic cop(ac2) Coptic translations of John; Ulfilas: apostle to the Goths (Germans), translated Greek NT to Gothic; Nag Hammadi Codices: Coptic Gnostic Library, 12 papyrus codices, 1945; Old Syriac (Aramaic) Gospels: Syr(s) & Syr(c), of "Western" text-type; Canon Muratorian: 4 Gospels, Acts, 10 Pauline Letters, 1-2 Tim, Titus, 1-2 Jn, Jude, Wisdom; disputes 3 Jn, Rev, Apoc. of Peter, Hermas [ANF,v.5]; Doctrine of Addai: Syriac account of founding of Christianity in Edessa by Addai (=Thaddeus); Canon of Diatessaron,Acts, 10 Paul,1-2 Tim,Tit,Heb,3 Cor; Papyrus Chester Beatty: #4:R961: Greek Gn 9:1-44:22; #11: Greek Sir 36:28- 37:22,46:6-47:2; #12: Greek Enoch 93:12-13,94:7-8,97:6-104:13,106:1-107:3; Codex Sinaiticus (S or): earliest Christian Bible, (LXX - 2-3Maccabees - Psalms of Solomon + 27 NT + Barnabas + Hermas), missing Hermas 31.7-end; of "Alexandrian" text-type: most accurate text-type; Codex Vaticanus (B): earliest Christian Bible (LXX - Maccabees - Psalms of Solomon + 23NT???), missing Gn 1-46:28, Ps 105:27-137:6, 1 Tm-Phm, Heb 9:14-end; of "Alexandrian" text-type: most accurate text-type; Comma Johanneum: "in heaven, the Father, the Word, & the Holy Ghost: & these 3 are 1. & there are 3 that bear witness in earth," [1 Jn5:7b-8a(KJV)]; 1st found in Latin book "Liber Apologeticus" by Gnostic Priscillian, found in only 4 Greek manuscripts!, none prior to 11th century! [Epis.John,Brown]

357: 2nd Council "Blasphemy" of Sirmium: condemned Council of Nicaea (Anomean)

359: Double Council of Rimini-Seleucia: Dated Creed (Homoean)

360: Huns invaded Europe, scrolls began to be replaced by books (Codex); Canon Cheltenham: (aka Mommsen's), claimed 24OT+24NT based on Rev 4:4: OT,Ps 151,Tobit,Judith,1-2 Mac,4 Gospels,Acts,10 Paul,1-2 Tim,Tit,1-2 Pt,1-3 Jn, Rev

Barbarian Invasions (350-600 AD)

Barbarian Invasions from 350 to 600 AD

361-363 Jun26: Emperor Julianus "the Apostate": Pagan revival; (Loeb:3v, Greek)

363-364 Feb: Jovianus: Roman Emperor, lost Armenia to Shapur II of Persia

364-375 Nov17: Valentinian I: Emperor of West, appointed brother Valens to East

364-378 Aug9: Valens: Emperor of East, Arian, tolerant of Pagans & Jews

365: Acacius: bishop of Caesarea, Homoeans: Son is homoios (like) Father; Council of Laodicea: in Phrygia; decreed 59 canons: #16 (p.133): The Gospels are to be read on the Sabbath [i.e. Saturday], with the other Scriptures. #29 (p.148): Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; &, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ. + #60 (p.159): KJV Canon +Baruch +Epistle of Jer. -Rev.[Nicene & Post-N. Fathers:7 Ecum. Councils,2ndS.,v.14,Eerdmans]

366 Sep-367 Nov: antipope Ursinus: leader of supporters of former Pope Liberius; Oct 1-384 Dec 11: Pope St. Damasus I: hired thugs to massacre rival Ursinians (Liberians), in 382 called Council of Rome which rejected 381 Council of Theodosius (not accepted till Lyons II in 1274), had Jerome begin Latin Bible revision, decreed Canon of OT,Tobit,Judith,Wisdom,Sirach,1-2 Macc,27 NT? [disputed]; in 384 Jerome presented new Latin Gospels, originals lost

367: Saxons, Picts, and Irish attack Britain; Celtic pagan revival about this time in Britain

367-383 Aug 25: Gratianus: Emperor of West, hunted pagans with Ambrose, assassinated.

369: Imperial Roman rule restored in Britain, but henceforth a rapid decline of towns and villa economy

370: Aetius: Christian bishop, Syntagmation: "God is agennetos (unbegotten)"

373: Athanasius: b.295, bishop of Alexandria, condemned at 335 Jul Council of Tyre, called 362 Council of Alexandria, decreed God is 3 hypostases, in 367 Festal Letter 39 decreed Canon of OT,Baruch,Ep Jer,Tobit,Judith,Wisdom, Sirach,Didache,Hermas,27 NT [NPNF,s2,v4]

375-387,388-392 May 15: Valentinian II: Emperor of West at age 41, assassinated

376: Photinus: bishop of Sirmium: Jesus was a man adopted by the Father as Son

379-395 Jan 17: Theodosius the Great: last united Roman Emperor, in 381 May-July called Council at Constantinople, 2nd Ecumenical, against Bishop Macedonius, decreed 4-7 canons?; in 390 declared Nicene Christianity official state religion on Feb 27, Riot & Massacre at Thessalonica, performed public penance for on Dec 25; in 391 anti-Pagan Edicts such as purges of non-Christian works at Library of Alexandria; in 393 halted Olympics

c379: Basil the Great: b.330?, bishop of Caesarea; (Loeb Classics 4v, Greek)

c380: Canon 85: of Apostolic Constitutions (see 250-350): OT, Judith, Sirach, 1-3 Macc, Didache, 1-2 Clement, 26 NT (exc. Rev), lists itself also [ANF,v.7]; the last major Kurdish dynasty, the Kayosids, fell around this time

383: In Britain, Maximus (the 'prince Macsen' of Welsh and Cornish legend) proclaimed emperor by British army

384 Dec-399 Nov 26,27-401 Dec 19: Popes St. Siricius (criticized Jerome) and St. Anastasius I

385: Tao-an: b.312, Chinese Buddhist philosopher

386: Cyril: archbishop of Jerusalem, cited "Caesarean" text-type [NPNF,s2,v7]

387: Maximus moves British troops to the Eupropean mainland

388: Maximus defeated and killed, but British link with Roman Empire remains weakened

390: Apollinaris of Laodicea: b.310, Jesus is human body & divine spirit

391: Library of Alexandria: "The Center of Western Culture," is partialy burned

394: Council of Constantinople: called by Bishop Nectarius

395-410: Alaric: Visigoth King, sacked Athens in 396, Rome on 410 Aug 14

395-408: Arcadius: Eastern Roman Emperor, father of Theodosius II

395-423: Honorius is made Western Roman Emperor

c395: Ausonius: b.310?, Christian governor of Gaul; (Loeb Classics 2v, Latin); Ammianus Marcellinus: b.330?, Christian historian, wrote: "Res gestae"; Niall, High King of Ireland, sacks cities of western Britain

397: Ambrose: b.339?, bishop & governor of Milan, wrote: "de Fide"; Ling-pao ching wrote "Book of the Sacred Jewel", Taoist philosophy

399: Stilicho clears Britain of barbarians (the first 'rescue' described by Gildas?)

399-421-459: Yazdigird I - Bahram V: Persian Emperors

c400-450: Cunedda, from the north, takes over a large part of Wales: other cheiftans in western and northern Britain claim succession to Roman Imperial power; Missionary and literary activity by British Christians: St Ninian converts some of the Picts in Britain; heretic Pelagius teaches in Rome; possible settlement of monks or hermits in Glastonbury area, Britain

400-600: era of "aggressive forgeries" in Christian texts [Grant,JTS,1960]

c400: Jenne-Jeno in Nigeria; Palestinian Talmud (Mishnah (Oral Law) + Gemara (Mishnah commentary)); Pericope of the Adulteress: John 7:53-8:11, added to Bible [Jerome,(D)]; Codex Vercellensis it(a): Latin Gospels, of "European" text-type; The Kingdom of Axum converts to Christianity: Ethiopic Bible: in Ge'ez, 81 books, standard Ethiopian Christian Bible; Peshitta Bible: Syriac (Aramaic) Vulgate, Syr(p), OT + 22 NT, excludes: 2 Pt, 2-3 Jn, Jude, Rev; Peshitta becomes standard Syrian Christian Bible; Vulgate Bible: (Hebrew OT ->Latin, Greek NT ->Latin), by Jerome? (c419), originals lost, Vulgate Latin Text becomes standard Roman Catholic Bible; early Christian Canon Law: in Greek, 20 from Nicaea (325), 25 from Ancyra (314), 15 from Neocaesarea (315), 20 from Gangra (c325), 25 from Antioch (341), 59 from Laodicea (c365) [NPNF:7 Ecumenical Councils]; Codex Bobiensis it(k): c. half of Mt/Mk in Latin, "African" (Carthage) text-type, has "shorter" ending of Mark after Mk 16:8: {But they reported briefly to Peter & those with him all that they had been told. & after this Jesus himself sent out by means of them, from east to west, the sacred & imperishable proclamation of eternal slavation.} [Text.Com., Metzger, p.123]; Jerome cited "expanded" ending of Mark found in (W) after Mk 16:14: {& they excused themselves, saying, "This age of lawlessness & unbelief is under Satan, who does not allow the truth & power of God to pervail over the unclean things of the spirits [or does not allow what lies under the unclean spirits to understand the truth & power of God]. Therefore reveal thy righteousness now" - thus they spoke to Christ. & Christ replied to them, "The term of years of Satan's power has been fulfilled, but other terrible things draw near. & for those who have sinned I was delivered over to death, that they many inherit the spirtual & incorruptible glory of righteousness which is in heaven."} [A Textual Commentary on the Greek NT, Bruce Metzger, p.124]

Go to Top

401-417: Pope St. Innocent I: decreed Roman custom the norm for Roman Catholicism, in Letter #6 (to Exuperius) listed Canon of OT,Tobit,Judith,1-2 Macc,27 NT

402: Stilicho withdraws troops from Britain

403: Epiphanius: b.315, bishop of Salamis, Cyprus; in 370 cited Canon of OT, Baruch, Epistle of Jeremiah, Wisdom, Sirach, 27 NT [Heresies 8.6, 76.5 ...]

405-411: Fa-hsien: Chinese Buddhist, visited India

c405: Prudentius: b.348, greatest Christian Latin poet; (Loeb Classics: 2v); Niall, High King of Ireland, killed at sea: Irish threat to Britain henceforth much reduced, though some Irish settlers remain, e.g. in south Wales

406-428: Gunderic: Vandal King, allied with Alans & Sciri invaded Spain in 409

406-407: Franks invaded Gaul, Romans retreated from Britain (begun in 383)

406: Armenian Bible: translated by St. Mesrop [Life of Mesrop]

407: Saint John Chrysostom: of Antioch, famous anti-Semite [NPNF]; Constantine III (the 'Bendigeit Custennin' of Welsh legend, and King of Britain in Geoffrey of Monmouth) proclaimed emperor by British army: goes to Gaul taking most of the remaining regular forces

408-450: Theodosius II: Eastern Roman Emperor at 7, in 431 Jun-Aug called Council of Ephesus, 3rd Ecumenical, against Patriarch Nestorius (451), decreed 6-8 canons?, Mary is "Mother of God" (Theotokos) [cf. Artemis of Ephesus]; in 438 ordered "Codex Theodosianus" compilation of Roman Law; in 449 Aug called "Robber" Council of Ephesus (Monophysite)

c408: Claudian: b.370?, Alexandrian Latin poet: "Rape of Prosperine" ; Loeb:2v

410: Great Saxon attack on Britian: the regional councils or civitates rebel against Constantine, Britain is now autonomous within Roman Empire; provisional de facto recognition by Emperor Honorius

412: Visigoths under Ataulf invaded France, in 416 Spain

413: Kumarajira: b.334, Chinese Buddhist philosopher

414-454: Kumaragupta I: Gupta dynasty of northern India, invaded by White Huns

414: Sheng-chao: b.384, Chinese Buddhist philosopher, wrote: "Chao-lun"

415 Mar: Saint Cyril Archbishop of Alexandria: d.444, had monks murder woman philosopher & mathematician Hypatia by scraping off skin with oyster shells; expelled Jews; persecuted Novatianists; [Gibbon's Decline & Fall, v2, p816]; coined "hypostatic union": Christ is 2 phuseis [2-natures] yet 1 hypostasis

c416: C.R. Namatianus: last Pagan Latin poet, wrote: "de Reditu Suo"

417: Hui-yuan: b.334, Chinese Buddhist philosopher

417-418-422-432-440: Popes St. Zosimus, St. Boniface I, St. Celestine I, and St. Sixtus III

418 Dec 27-419 Apr 3: antipope Eulalius

c418: Imperial Roman expedition to Britain and partial re-occupation (the 2nd 'rescue' descibed by Gildas?) according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

c419: Saint Jerome: S.E. Hieronymus, b.347?, Christian Latin Scholar; (Loeb)

421: Agricola introduces Pelagian doctorine into Britain

c425: Philostorgius: Greek Church Historian: Ecclesiastical History c325-425; "Way to Purity": Buddhist doctrine written by Buddhaghosa of Ceylon; no Roman imperial forces or administration in Britain after this date: Vortigern probably beginning to rise to prominence; Saxons in Cambridgeshire, Britain

c427: Ashi: head of Sura Yeshiva, "Rabbana", began compilation of Babylonian Talmud

428-c460: Gaiseric: Vandal King, Arian?, invaded N. Africa in 429, Hippo in 430, Carthage in 439 Oct 29, brutal sack "vandalism" of Rome in 455

429: Picts, Scots, Celts expelled from southern England by Anglo-Saxon-Jutes; St. Germanus in Britain to combat Pelgianism, apparently favoured by Vortigern's 'Celtic' party

430 Aug 28: St. Augustine of Hippo: b.354, Gnostic (Manichaean) convert to Christianity, origin of "Original Sin", in 393 called Council of Hippo, decreed Pope Damasus' Canon [NPNF,s2,v14], in 394-419 called Council of Carthage, decreed 138 canons (laws); wrote: City of God, Confessions; Loeb:10v(Latin); Sidonius Apollinaris begins writing

431: Syrian Christianity split into East (Nestorians) & West (Jacobites)

432: Saint Patrick: 385-461, "Apostle of Ireland", began mission to Ireland

434-453: Attila: b.406?, King of the Huns, "Scourge of the Gods"

434: Chu Tao-sheng: b.360?, Chinese Buddhist philosopher

440: Extensive Saxon raiding in Britain

440-461-468-483-492: Popes St. Leo I the Great, St. Hilarus, St. Simplicius, and St. Felix III

446: Unsuccessful appeal to civitates to Aėtius (according to Gildas)

447: Votigern predominant in Britain; 2nd visit of St. Germanus

447-458: Merovich the first Merovingian king of France ruled

450-457: Marcian: Eastern Roman Emperor, in 451 Oct-Nov called Council of Chalcedon, 4th Ecumenical, condemned Council of Ephesus of 449, decreed 8-30 canons?, Nicene Creed ..., God is 1 ousia [substance] yet 3 hypostases [hidden spiritual realities?], Pope Leo I's Tome of 449: Christ is 2 phuseis [2-natures: 1 fully human & 1 fully divine] yet 1 hypostasis (compromise solution of Jesus god/man schisms); yet in 453 Pope Leo I rejected canons of Chalcedon, not accepted till Lyons II in 1274

c450: Mark's Resurrection of Jesus: Mark 16:9-20, added to Bible [(A),(D)]; Socrates: Greek Church Historian, wrote: Ecclesiastical History 305-439;Sozomen: Greek Church Historian, wrote: Ecclesiastical History 324-439; Chief Hawai'i-Loa of Raiatea discovered Hawai'ian Islands; Codex Alexandrinus (A): (LXX + 14 Church_Odes + 27 NT + 1-2 Clement), missing 1 K12:17-14:9, Ps 49:20-79:11, Psalms of Solomon, Mt 1-25:6, Jn 6:50- 8:52, 2 Cr 4:13-12:6, 1 Clement 57.7-63.4, 2 Clement 12.5b-end; "Alexandrian" type; Codex Bezae (D): Greek/Latin Gospels + Acts; Codex Washingtonianus (W): Greek Gospels; both of "Western" text-type: "fondness for paraphrase"; Codex Ephraemi Syri rescriptus (C): Greek LXX + 27 NT, many gaps; Codex Marchalianus (Q): Greek LXX + Luke + John, many gaps; Codex Ambrosianus (F): Gk Gen-Josh; Codex Freer: Gk Deut. & Joshua; Codex Colberto-Sarravianus: Origen's Greek Hexapla LXX of Gen-Judg; Codex Palatinus it(e): Latin Gospels, "African" (Carthage) text-type; Codex Veronensis it(b): Latin Gospels, "European/Vulgate" text-type; Syr(pal): Palestinian Syriac (Aramaic) Gospels, of "Caesarean" text-type; std. Aramaic Targums: T. Onkelos of Torah, T. Jonathan of Prophets; Bodhidharma: founded Zen Buddhism in India, brought to China; Angles, Saxons, and Jutes settle in Thanet, Britain and elsewhere as auxullary troops with Vortigerns's permission

451: Battle of Avarayr: Persia defeated Armenia, tried to force Zoroastrianism; Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople: Mary was *not* "Mother of God" & Christ is 2 phuseis [2-natures] & 2 hypostases [hidden spiritual realities?]

452-456-479-539-571: Anko - Yuryaku - Senka - Kinmei: Japanese Emperors

452: Eutyches of Constantinople: Monophysites: Jesus Christ is 1 divine nature

454-467,475-495: Skandagupta - Budhagupta: Gupta dynasty of northern India

455: Chichen Itza: founded by Mayans on Yucatan Peninsula; Gengist seizing territory in Kent, Britain (Battle of Aylesford)

457: Battle of Crayford, Britain; general Ango-saxon revolt about this time and sacking of lowland Britain: flight of refugees to Amorica (which thus begins to become 'Brittany') and to Spain; collapse of British economy

457-474: Leo I: Eastern Roman Emperor

458-482: Childeric I: Frank King, father of Clovis I

459-484-531-579: Peroz - Kavadh I - Khusrau I: Persian Emperors

461: Death of Vortigern: after this, a gradual British recovery under the remnant of the Romanized citizenry led by Ambrosius

470: Seaborne British army joins Amorica settlers in campaign to restore authority of Emperor Anthemius in Gaul; Ambrosius's counter-offensive against Anglo-Saxons beginning around this time; Faustus, a British bishop, perhaps a son of Vortigern, prominent in Gaul; British church now virtually cut off but regaining vigour

476 Aug 28: Official End of Western Roman Empire; last Emperor: Romulus Augustulus

476-491: Zeno the Isaurian: founded Byzantine Empire (476-1453); in 482 decreed Patriarch Acacius' "Henotikon" against Pope Leo's "2-natures" causing Acacian Schism till 519; in 489 destroyed Nestorian school at Edessa

477: Aelle, the South Saxon leader, lands near Selsey, Britain

480-490: Britain is prosperous, according to St. Germanus's biographer

c480: Arthur, King of the Britons, is born

482-511 Nov 11: Clovis I: Frank King, capital Paris, Roman Catholic in 496

483: Christian Council of Persia adopted Nestorian (451) doctrine

488: St. Bridget comes to Glastonbury, Britain from Ireland

491: Armenian Church seceded from Byzantine & Roman Churches

491-518 Jul 9-527 Aug1: Anastasius I - Justinus I: Byzantine Emperors

492 Mar 1-496 Nov 21: Pope St. Gelasius I: first "Vicar of Christ" [495 May 13]

493-526 Aug 30: Theodoric the Great: b.454?, Ostrogoth King of Italy

495: Cerdic, the West Saxon leader, lands from Southhampton Water, Britian

496-498-514-523-526: Popes Anastasius II, St. Symmachus, St. Hormisdas, and St. John I

498 Nov 22-499 Feb,501-506: antipope Lawrence: Lawrentian schism

498: Nestorians (451) settled in Nisibis, Persia

c500: Codex Sangallensis vg: earliest extant Latin Vulgate, Gospels; Codex Argenteus (got): earliest nearly complete Gothic (German), Gospels; Codex Cottonianus: Greek Genesis; Susrata: Indian medical book compiled; Angles and Saxons on Humber, in North Lincolnshire, in East Anglia, Essex, Middlesex, Sussex, Hampshire, and advancing from the Wash toward the Upper Thames in Britain; Jutes in Kent and New Forest, Britain; British migration to Amorica continuing (and throughout century), but some success in Britain in containing the invasion; King Arthur of the Britons emerges as a leader; St. Illtud at Llantwit Major during first quarter of 6th century: many disciples forward movment of Church in western Britain

502: Narsai of Mealletha: Syrian poet, headed Nestorian school @ Nisibis (498)

508: Cerdic defeats the Britons in Netley Marsh, Britain

511-558: Childebert I rules France

513: Mt. Vesuvius erupts again (see 79)

516/518: Britons under King Arthur wins great victory at 'Mount Badon', probably regaining lost ground in Thames Valley and north-west of London, Britain; after this a phase of British ascendancy and comparative peace, with some Saxons returning to the European mainland; Gildas, Cadoc, David and other important ecclesiastical figures active during the next half-century in Britain; Britons assisting Irish Christianity; Monestary at Glastonbury on present site in Britain

516-524: Sigismund: Burgundian King, left Arianism for Roman Catholicism

520: Institutionis Grammaticae: Latin grammar by Priscianus of Constantinople

524-532: Godomar: Burgundian King, overrun by Franks

525: Dionysius Exiguus set Christian calendar (A.D.) & Jesus Christ's birth at 1 AD, Dec 25th

525: Boethius: b.475?, Roman Catholic philosopher, wrote: "Theological Tractates", "Consolation of Philosophy"; (Loeb Classics, Latin)

526-530-532-535-536-537: Popes St. Felix IV (III), Boniface II, John II, St. Agapitus I, and St. Silverius

526-534-541: Athalaric - Hildebad: Ostrogoth Kings of Italy

526: major earthquake hits Antioch killing c. 250,000

527-565 Nov 14: Justinianus the Great: Byzantine Emperor, empire reached largest size, persecuted Pagans & Jews; in 529 closed 900 year old Athens Academy of Philosophy; in 529-535 ordered "Corpus juris civilis" compilation of Roman Law by Tribonian; in 532 Jan Nika Riot of Blues & Greens; in 533 Belisarius captured N. Africa from Vandals & in 535 began reconquest of Italy; Council of Clermont excluded Jews from public office; in 536 Dec 9 Belisarius captured Rome, held till 546 when Totila the Ostrogoth King (541-552) starved last residents into submission; in 537 Dec 27 dedicated Hagia Sophia; in 538 Council of Orleans required Jews to remain indoors during "Passion Week"; in 540 Persians sacked Antioch & took Syria, Ostrogoths retook Italy; in 542- 594 plague, *halved* population of Europe!; in 543 condemned Origen, disastrous world earthquakes; in 544 condemned "3 Chapters" of Theodore of Mopsuestia (d.428) & other "2-natures" Christology of Pope Leo's 449 Tome; in 552-554 Narses defeated Ostrogoths & retook Italy; in 552 sent Christian missionaries to China & Ceylon to get silkworm; in 553 May-Jul called 2nd Council of Constantinople, 5th Ecumenical; decreed "Theopaschite Formula"

530: antipope Dioscorus: was elected but P. Felix IV designated P. Boniface II

537 Mar 29-555 Jun 7: Pope Vigilius: involved in death of Pope Silverius, conspired with Justinianus & Theodora, in June 547 issued "Iudicatum" supporting Justinianus' anti-"2-natures", excommunicated at Council of Carthage in 550

537/539: King Arthur of the Britons killed in Battle of Camlann

543: Yu p'ien: Chinese phonetic dictionary using Fan ch'ieh system

545: The five kings denounced by Gildas ruling over western Britain about this time, Maelgwn of Gywnedd being the most important

546: Codex Fuldensis vg(F): Latin Vulgate, 27 NT + Epistle to Laodiceans (c100)

547: Yellow Plague in Britain; death of Maelgwn of Gywnedd

550-1453: Medieval Greek of Constantinople (Byzantium) became standard Greek

550: Byzantine Greek Text: Greek Orthodox Bible, much smoothing & conflation; St. David converted Wales to Christianity, crucifix became Christian icon; Toltecs invaded Yucatan Peninsula & conquered Teotihuacan civilization; Codex Mediolanensis vg(M): Latin Vulgate Gospels; Codex Veronensis: Greek & Old Latin Psalms; "Book of Taliesin": Welsh poems by Taliesin; Codex Claromontanus (Dp): Greek/Latin Pauline Letters, includes Canon of c350: OT,Tobit,Judith,Wisdom,Sirach,1-2-4 Macc,Barnabas,Hermas,4 Gospels, Acts,7 Pauline Letters (excludes Philippians & 1-2 Thess),1-2 Tim,Tit,Acts of Paul,James,1-2 Pt,1-3 Jn,Jude,Rev,Apocalypse of Peter; "Western" text-type

552: West Saxons resume advance in Britain: British defeat at Salisbury

556-561: Pope Pelagius I: selected by Justianianus, endorsed "Iudicatum"

558-562-566-584-628-637: Clotaire I - Caribert - Chilperic - Clotaire II - Dagobert I: Frank Kings

561 Jul 17-574 Jul 13: Pope John III: authorized by Justianianus

563: St. Columba founds Iona in Britain

565-578-582-602-610: JustinII-TiberiusII-Maurikios-Phocas: Byzantine Emperors

568-774: Lombards invaded Italy, converted to Roman Catholicism in 589

c570-600: Oldest surviving Welsh poetry: Taliesin, Aneirin, Llywarch Hen, Myddin ('Merlin'); Urbgen drives back the northern Angles in Britain

571: Saxons overrun British enclave in Buckinghamshire

571-585-587-592: Bintas - Yomei - Sushun: Japanese Emperors

575 Jun 2-579 Jul 30: Pope Benedict I: authorized by Justin II

577: British defeat at Dyrham: Loss of Bath, Cirencester, and Gloucester, 'West Welsh' isolated

579-590-604 Mar 12: Popes Pelagius II (died of plague) and St. Gregory I the Great

c580: Cassiodorus: Roman Senator, founded Monasteries, translated Greek->Latin

586-601: Recared: Visigoth King of Spain, left Arianism for Roman Catholicism, in 589 called 3rd Council of Toledo, Filioque added to Latin Nicene Creed?

589-618: Sui dynasty of China: reunited China, Grand Canal, book printing, in 606 standard examinations for public office

590-628 Apr 3: Khusrau II: Persian Emperor, in 611-614 captured Antioch, Damas- cus, Tarsus, Jerusalem, "Holy Cross of Christ", in 619 Egypt; assassinated

592-628: Suiko: Japanese Empress, Sinoization, Shitenno-ji Monastery at Osaka, Hoko Temple, Shotoku Taishi Law, Horyuji & Hokoji Temples at Nara

593-603: Aethelfrith of Northumbria gaining ground in northern Britain; British defeat at Catterick (Gododdin)

595: 1st authenticated record of Base 10 (decimal) number system (0-9) appears in India

596: St. Augustine of Canterbury sent to convert England to Roman Catholicism: in 597 he is in Kent

600: Babylonian Talmud (Mishnah(Oral Law) + Gemara(Mishnah commentary)); Antara ibn Shaddad: 1 of 7 great Arab poets; Codex Harleianus vg(Z): Latin Vulgate Gospels; Codex Philoxenian/Harclean Syr(ph/h): Syriac 27 NT, "Western" text-type; Vaghbata: Indian medical book compiled

601: Ch'ieh yun: Chinese phonetic dictionary of Northern Chinese dialect

603: Aethelfrith routs Aedan, King of Scots in Britain; Welsh bishops refuse to co-operate with Augustine

604-606-607-615: Popes Sabinian, Boniface III, and St. Boniface IV: authorized by Phocas

606-647: Harsavardhana of Kanauj: reunited northern India

610-641: Heraclius: Byzantine Emperor, in 627 Dec 12 defeated Persians at Nineveh & discovered Indian sugar cane, in 628 recovered "Holy Cross of Christ", in 629 defeated Muslims at Battle of Mu'ta & recovered Jerusalem (till 638), in 636 Aug 15 defeated by Muslims in Syria at Battle of Yarmuk River, in 638 decreed Patriarch Sergius' "Ecthesis" (Monothelites: Christ of 1 will)

615-618,619-625: Popes St. Deusdedit (Adeodatus I) and Boniface V: authorized by Heraclius

616: Syro-Hexaplar: Syriac translation of Origen's Hexapla Septuagint; Aethelfrith defeats Welsh at Chester, cutting of Wales from northern Britain

617-698: Tibet is first unified under King Songtsen Gampo and his successors. Tibet was one of the mightiest powers of Asia for the three centuries that followed, as a pillar inscription at the foot of the Potala Palace in Lhasa and Chinese Tang histories of the period confirm.

618-907: Tang dynasty of China: included Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, and Turkistan

619: Suan-Ching: "10 Classics", textbooks used for Chinese exams

622 Jul 16: Muhammad (born c570) Arab prophet, founded Islam (Qur'an revealed) and established following at Medina (Yathrib) 622 A.D. is year 1 in Muslim lunar calendar: Hijra (Hegira) (A.H.=Anno Hegirae). [Start of 1260 'days', 3 1/2 'years', or 42 'months' of Biblical prophetic cycle], married widow Khadija his benefactor, 1st follower, and 1st wife in 595, Mt.Hira vision in 610, began preaching at Mecca in 613, earliest records of some of his teachings is 615, 'flight' from Mecca, established following at Medina (Yathrib) in 622 Jul 16 = year 1 in Muslim lunar calendar: Hijra (Hegira) (a.h.=anno hegirae), married 3rd wife Aisha daughter of Abu Bekr in 624, wrote to rulers of world in 627 (According to a tradition, Muhammad sent from Medina letters of friendship, proclaiming His prophethood, to: the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius, the Persian Emperor, the King of Abyssinia, the Governor of Egypt, the King of Hira, the Duke of Yemen, and to the Emperor of China -Tang Dynasty), captured Mecca in Jihad (Holy War) in 628 [beginning of 1,335 'days' prophecy]

625-638: Pope Honorius I: condemned at 6th Ecumenical in 680 (Monothelites)

625: Paulinus of Rome began conversion of Northumbria (Britain) to Roman Catholicism; Brahmagupta: Indian mathematician, taught at Ujjain

626-633: King Edwin of Northumbria, Britain: founded Edinburgh, advocated Roman Catholicism

628-641: Jomei: Japanese Emperor

632 Jun 7: Muhammad, founder of Islam, passes away

632-633: Welsh invasion of Northumbria defeated: end of effective British challenge to Anglo-Saxons; after this date, Celtic missionaries are active in most of the Anglo-Saxon territory of Britain

632-651: Yazdigird III: last Sasanian Emperor of Persia, invaded by Islam in 642

632-661: Abul-Hasan, Ali al-Murtadha (born in 600), son of Abu Talib, becomes the 1st Imam of Shi'ah sect of Islam and the 4th Islamic Caliph in 656

632-634: Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, b.573, 1st Islamic Caliph, capital at Medina: Collection and collation of the Quran is achieved.  Byzantine Empire causes trouble and 4 seperate armies are defeated.

632: East Anglia converted to Roman Catholicism, in 635 Wessex, in 636 Ireland

634-644: Umar Al-Faruq, 2nd Islamic Caliph, in 634 conquered Syria, in 638 Jerusalem, in 639 Egypt, in 642 Persia; assassinated

637-655: Clovis II rules France

640 Pope Severinus; Library of Alexandria: "The Center of Western Culture," with 300,000 ancient papyrus scrolls, is completely destroyed by Arab conquerors

640-642: Pope John IV

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