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lightsaber sktb1 This is my TIE Bomber. The TB has Lights and Sounds! The engines light up with red LEDs along with the classic TIE flyby sound. The lasers light up green and are accompanied by a double TIE laser blast sound. The Dual Proton Torpedo launcher really works and has a blue LED inside and makes a firing sound borrowed from the X-wing Alliance game. The cockpit also lights up with one green and one red LED. Here is link to the basic light and sound circuit I used. There is a rotary bomb dropping device in the weapons pod that holds 12 bombs.

The body is made from 3 1/4" ABS tubing from Plastruct. The wing pylons are 1" ABS tubing coupled with 7/8" and 1 1/8" ABS tubing. The wings them selves are form a POTF2 Darth Vader's TIE Fighter. The cockpit interior is also from the DV TIE, along with the missile firing mechanism. The rest ,except for the Legos, is scratch built.

The wiring is really messy. When I started work I knew I wanted lights, but later on I found the sound chips. I had to go back in and perform surgery to pull the wires that I needed.


This is the fornt and rear of the ship. The lasers are green LEDs below the cockpit their speaker is right behind the pilots seat. On the right in the weapons pod are the two missile launchers. Between them is the blue LED that lights up when they fire and to the left is the speaker for the missile sound. The engines are red LEDs place in the middle rear of each fuselage section. The speaker for the engine sound is mounted in the pylon between the two fuselage halves.
This is the top of the cockpit. The whole white panel on top slides back on a track to let the pilot enter.
Here is the bottom of the cockpit. The red button activates the cocpit and engine lights and engine sound. It is a spring loaded on/off switch. The black button is for the laser lights and sound. It is a momentary switch. The lights only come on when it is pressed.
Here's two shots of the bottom side of the weapons pod. The top is an almost straight on view. Form left to right it shows the missiles, missile firing levers, bomb chute/sensor array and the grey gear rotates the bomb rack inside. The two levers fire the missiles independently but both operate the sound and LED. Two small momentary switches mounted behind the levers allow this to happen. In the second pic I tried to show that there is a slide door that closes the bomb chute while not in use. For loading the bombs the ship is turned upside down and they are dropped back into the chute.
The bomb rack holds 12 bombs. The bombs are 1/2' round beads I thought would work for the ordinance sized thermal detonators used in ESB. I made the mechanism from Technic Legos and the rack is hand made from plastic stock. The gear on the out side of the hull connects at 90� to the rest of the gears. The gear ratio is 6:1, so every full turn of the knob and two bombs are dropped.
These three pics show the main electronics bundle in the rear of the cockpit pod. The first pic is of how it all is crammed in. The pic on the right shows the three sound boards (taped together), the battery holder and the wire bundles. It's quite a mess. The bottom pic shows more of the wire mess. You can make out the red and black switches on the bottom right of the smaller pics.
Detail pics of the wing pylons. The left is the wing side and the right is the fuselage side.
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