If you want to get in touch with the BUBDC, send your e-mails straight to them at [email protected].

Where would I be without it? Between a maddening class schedule and tiring work, without it I’d have gone insane here at college within a month.

The B.U.B.D.C. provides beginner level lessons for the nearly 400 people who dance across our floor every year. It also has lessons for more accomplished dancers. Club members do us proud in collegiate and regional competitions as well as a number of performances each semester. Below you’ll find some great pictures, and maybe you’ll understand why I love this club and these people so much.

First, here’s a shot of most of the club "regulars," the usual suspects, taken at our
"Night of Dance and Romance," on 14 February, 1997.

Our coach Anne-Marie Paul and her husband and partner, John Paul.

The officers from Spring 1997 (L to R): Ernest JeanBaptiste, Jr. (President), Erin M. Mahan (Secretary), and me, Eric R. Umali (Treasurer).
Taken at the Intercontinental DanceSport Festival, Clearwater, Florida, Jan. 1996: (L to R) Bhakbhume Tanta-Nanta, Melissa Eisensmith, Ernie, Amy Wilson, Me.

Pretty cool picture, huh? The cast of our performance at the B.U. performing groups’ showcase called Bacchanalia, 4/96. (L to R) May Upiya, Perry Uybarreta, Bhak, Melissa, Vichu Tanta-Nanta,
(front: Jenna Silber, Daniel Smith), Larry Yang, Tara Golba, Amy, Gogem Artug, Mark Pennington, Me, Joy Follett.

Some of our competing couples:

Bhakbhume Tanta-Nata & Melissa Eisensmith. Harvard Invitational Comp, 2/97.

Vichu Tanta-Nanta & Amy Wilson. Brown Comp, 3/97.
Ilan Greenwald & Alison Arnold. West Point Comp, 5/97.
Eric & Suzette Maciel. Harvard Invitational Comp, 2/97.
Eric & Kelly Hayes. Cape Cod USABDA Performance, 4/97.
Eric & Kelly again (hey, it’s *my* page!) West Point Comp, 5/97.

Why do I dance? I once came across a quote that went something like this:
"Why? In what other activity can you walk up to a beautiful woman
who you've never met before, ask her to dance,
spend the next few minutes with your hands all over her,
and when you're finished, she thanks you for it?!"