Ch.1 "Final Exam"

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Lucasfilm, Ltd. and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

"CAPTURED" - Chapter 1

by Eric R. Umali

“Final Exam”

 The next day, a dozen of the more advanced Jedi students entered one of the larger chambers of the praxaeum used as lecture halls.  Jacen arrived last, and took his usual seat beside Tenel Ka.

 “Greetings, Jacen.”

 “Good afternoon, Tenel Ka.”

 They sat in silence as Lowie, Jaina and Zekk talked animatedly about something or other.  Finally, Tenel Ka spoke.  “Jacen, that… thing… you were going to say-- before the pteron’s attack-- what was it?”  She re-applied the relaxation technique she’d been using since Jacen took his seat.

 Jacen was doing the same.  “I’ve been meaning to say something about that.  Could we… talk… after Uncle Luke’s announcement?”

 “We may talk now, if you like.”

 “I meant in private.”

 “Ah,” she answered.  “Aha.”  An uncomfortable silence followed.

 Jacen fidgeted.  “Would you like to hear a joke?”

 Tenel Ka was about to reply when she noticed Master Skywalker entering the room.  She and Jacen instantly turned their attention to him.  What neither noticed was that just prior to his entrance, every other eye in the room had been on them.

 “Good morning.  As what you might term the ‘Senior class’ of the academy, I have determined that something of a final exam is necessary.  In two hours, you will board a ship and be taken to another planet.  There, you will be given your bearings and _very_ few supplies and left on your own.  Your assignment is straightforward: make your way home to a designated rendezvous point.”

 “Where are we going?” asked Jaina, excited.

 Master Skywalker smiled.  “The least hospitable place I could think of: Tatooine.”  There was a general groan from the students.

 “How far away from the rendezvous will we be dropped, Master Skywalker?” asked Zekk, wary of spending too much time in the desert.  He’d visited Tatoine before, but only Mos Eisley Spacport-- Zekk was most comfortable in the city-- the bigger, the better.

 “Approximately seven standard days’ journey by foot.  If you do not return after ten, don’t worry-- we’ll start looking,” answered Skywalker, noting Zekk’s sigh of relief.  “I know,” Skywalker continued, “that you have all come very far in mastering your abilities.  But don’t get too confident, because you’ll be dropped off with not much more but the clothes on your backs.  Although Lowbacca may keep his translator droid which must have all its other functions restricted.”  The young Wookiee nodded.

 “But Master Skywalker,” interjected Raynar, clad as usual in his eye straining robes, “how do we eat?  Or sleep?”  Jacen noted that Tenel Ka shot the wealthy young man a look of derision.

 Master Skywalker had learned to be patient with Raynar, though, and answered him a in a calm, even voice.  “Use your senses, your abilities to make your way.  Reach out and find the water, or the shade of rock.  But not your fellow students.  The only other being you may seek aid in is your partner.  But have no fear.  If your ally is the Force, you have all the help you will ever need.  Good luck, and I will see you at the hangar bay in two hours.  May the Force be with you.”  He nodded to them and left.

 The students quickly vacated the room, and rushed to their quarters to prepare.  Jacen rose.  “I suppose it’ll have to wait then.”

 “This is a fact,” Tenel Ka replied.  The friends headed out of the chamber and towards their rooms.  Tenel Ka stopped when Jacen did.  “Jacen, if we are given a choice in who we are partnered with--“

 “Tenel Ka, I don’t need protecting any more than you do.”

 “Of course you do not,” she said, genuinely hurt.  “That is not what I meant.  I meant that if we were partners, we could talk sooner.  If you don’t mind.”

 Jacen, duly chastised, gave a short bow.  “Tenel Ka, it would be an honor.”

 She nodded and walked briskly down the corridor, with Jacen watching until she turned the corner.

 *I’ve been wanting to be alone with Tenel Ka for ages.  Now I might have the chance,* he thought, then spoke aloud.  “So why do I have a bad feeling about this?”


 Two hours later, the students had gathered as told in the cavernous hangar bay beneath the Great Temple.  A large scarlet-colored ship sat before them, a ship none among them recognized.  Jaina and Zekk circled it, gawking, until the hatch lowered right in front of them.  They watched as a pair of high leather boots descended the ramp, leading to a very long, slim pair of humanoid legs.  The jumpsuited female exited and shook out her deep red hair, then looked right at Jaina.

 “Mara?  Mara Jade?”

 Mara stepped closer.  “Well, it can’t be-- Jaina Solo?!  It can’t be you.  Has it been so long?  You’re even prettier than your mother.”

 Jaina blushed a bit and gave her a friendly hug.  “So who’s your boyfriend?”

 “This is Zekk, and he’s not my boyfriend.”  Mara noted the slight droop in Zekk’s features at that comment, and reminded herself to speak to Jaina soon.

 “Then you’d better get moving, Jaina.  Nice to meet you, Zekk.”

 Zekk shook her hand, but said nothing, struck by Mara’s beauty.

 Mara laughed.  “He’s a quiet one.  So, then, where’s your brother?”

 Jaina turned to find Jacen, Tenel Ka and Lowbacca trotting up to meet them.  Mara laughed again.  “By the Maker, he looks just like his father.”  She hugged the young man as well, eliciting a brief flash of heat across Tenel Ka’s features.

 The twins went on with the introductions.  “What are doing here, Mara?” asked Jaina.

 “Well, I’ve put the *Jade’s Fire* at the academy’s disposal to ferry you all to your ‘exam.’  I’ve also of a mind to spend some time with your Master.”

 On cue, Master Skywalker arrived.  Dropping her usual cool and collected exterior, Mara ran up to Luke and leapt into his arms.  Luke spun her around a few times and planted a surprisingly loving kiss on her lips.

 “Get in the ship,” he mumbled once he could steal a breath.  Laughing, the students obeyed.  Eventually, Luke and Mara joined them and headed into the cockpit.  The *Jade’s Fire* lifted off and sped out over the dense treetops.

 Mara’s ship was one of the fastest in the galaxy, so the trip to Luke’s home planet would not take much more than half a day.  Tenel Ka spent much of the time in quiet contemplation of the tasks ahead.  Jacen had been on enough adventures with the young woman that he knew not to disturb her.  Instead, he took a seat in the *Jade’s Fire*’s cockpit, right behind his uncle.

 “Hiya, handsome,” said Mara.  “What happened, that girlfriend of yours not talking to you?”

 “Mara, don’t tease,” said Luke as Jacen sighed unhappily.  “Hmm.  Jacen _is_ there something wrong between you and Tenel Ka?”

 “No, Uncle Luke, there’s _nothing_  wrong between me and Tenel Ka-- everything’s just the same as it always is.”  The young man excused himself and trudged off.

 Mara raised her eyebrows.  “Something tells me _that’s_ the problem.”

 Luke nodded as he settled back into his seat.  “I think you’re right.”

After about eight hours, the ship came into orbit above the tan and brown globe of Tatooine, glowing bright under the system’s twin suns.  Another twenty minutes after that, the crimson ship hovered above a large grouping of rocks a few kilometers within the borders of the Dune Sea.  Mara opened the ramp and lowered a pair long cables.  Luke stood beside her as the hot, dry wind of his home planet ruffled his hair.

 “All right, everyone, we’re going to start dropping you off.  Raynar, Perisin, you’re first.”  The two students came forward.  “Leave your lightsabers here,” he instructed them.  Grudgingly, they obeyed.  “These are the coordinates of the rendezvous, and here is a compass, along with a few liters of water.”

 “This is all our supplies?!” asked Raynar.  Luke nodded, then gestured for them to descend.

The lanky Perisin had no trouble heading down the cable, but Raynar’s robes almost got the better of him.  Once they were both safely on the ground, Mara reeled in the cables, closed the hatch, and the *Jade’s Fire* headed for its next destination.  And so it went until the last four remaining were Lowie, Jacen, Zekk and Tenel Ka.

 The ramp opened.  “Jacen, Lowbacca-- your turn,” said Luke.  Jacen’s face fell visibly.  “Is there a problem, Jacen?”

 Jacen gave a sidelong glance at Tenel Ka, whose face betrayed nothing.  “No, Master Skywalker.”  He and Lowie climbed nimbly down the cables, and then the ship left once more.  The young man squinted against the sand kicked up by the repulsorlifts and the wind that rippled his Jedi robes, staring at the departing ship.

 “Disappointed?”  Zekk whispered to his friend as Tenel Ka peered out of the window towards the friends being left behind.

 “Why would I be?”  Tenel Ka responded.  “You are as capable as he-- as _either_ of them are.”

 “Mmm-hmm.”  Zekk left his friend to talk to Master Skywalker.  Tenel Ka continued to stare out the window, thinking.

 *All right, Tenel Ka, what in the galaxy is going on with you?  Why did you say ‘he’ just then?  And you know very well which ‘he’ you meant.*

 “Because ‘he’ is all I can think about lately,” she whispered to herself.

 “Tenel Ka, did you say something?”  The young Jedi turned to find Master Skywalker standing behind her.

 “No, Master Skywalker.  Just thinking aloud.”

 “I see,” was the cryptic reply.  Mara came out a moment later and opened the hatch.  Zekk and Tenel Ka scrambled down the cables and watched silently as the *Jade’s Fire* winged its way back to the praxaeum.

 “Should we even bother making note of which way it’s headed?” asked Zekk.

 “Most likely not.  They will probably change course once out of our sight.  Can you estimate what time it is?”

 “1831 exactly.  I noted it when we left the ship.”

 “We should start out now,” Tenel Ka said surely, “but slowly.  We will be able to make better time once the sun begins to set and it cools down.”  Zekk nodded in assent.  They checked their bearings, and after some deliberation, set out.


 Having done much the same thing, Jacen and Lowie were also well on their way.  After several minutes of silence, Lowbacca barked a question.  Em Teedee translated.

 “Master Jacen,” said the droid, “Master Lowbacca wishes to know if there is something troubling you, and offers to listen if you’d like to tell him.”

 “I’m fine, Lowie,” he replied, then stopped dead in his tracks.  “No, I’m not.  I’d feel fine talking to you, Lowie, but I’m not sure about him,” he said, indicating the small translator droid.

 “Why, Master Jacen, I am aghast that you would think that _I_ would repeat anything you said in confidence to Master Lowbacca.”

 “Can you guarantee that, Lowie?”  The Wookiee nodded and gave a positive bark.  “All right then,” Jacen said, “you’d better sit down for this one.”

 They found a spot of shade and a few worn rocks to sit on and got comfortable.

 Jacen sighed.  “It’s about Tenel Ka,” he began.

 Lowie gave the Wookiee equivalent of a sigh and settled in.

 “I don’t understand what’s going on.  Every five minutes I catch myself thinking about her-- about her hair, about her eyes, about her voice-- it’s insane!  She’s been nice, even warm, to me sometimes-- but now, especially lately, she’s been so… distant.”

 “Master Lowbacca wants to know how long this has been going on.”

 “Only since I met her.  Only it gets worse every day.”

 “You say it gets worse?”

 “Yes.  But it’s not a bad feeling-- actually, it feels really good when I think about her.  Oh, I don’t know what to do!” he moaned.

 “Master Lowbacca says that he ‘senses’ that you’ve already decided what to do.”

 Jacen looked up, surprised.  “You know, you’re right.  I just don’t know what I’m going to say.”

 “Master Lowbacca suggests you tell Mistress Tenel Ka precisely what you have told him.”

 Lowie rose and started off again, leaving Jacen to ponder his next steps.  After a moment, Jacen got up and started off after his friend, determined to get home as soon as possible.


 They’d already gone several kilometers when Zekk requested a break.

 “Tenel Ka, what’s the rush?  If we keep up this pace, we-- or at least, _I_-- am going to be too tired to make it home!”

 “I have some things that must be taken care of as soon as possible.”

 “You mean you have ‘someone’ that must be taken care of,” Zekk replied under his breath.

 “What does that mean?”

 Zekk exhaled.  “I’m sorry, Tenel Ka, you weren’t supposed to hear that.”

 A flicker of anger flashed in her gray eyes.  “Tell me what you mean.”

 “Look, I haven’t known you as long as I’ve known Jacen and Jaina.  But even _I_ can tell when one person is developing… _feelings_… for another.”

 “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

 “Don’t you?”

 Tenel Ka sat beside him.  “Yes, I do.  Jacen.  Something is changing.  Our friendship has always been strong, reliable.  In many ways, I would not be here if it wasn’t for him.  He has always been very, very special to me.  But now…”


 “Now, something is different.  Actually, everything is different.  It is as if I were seeing him with new eyes, that are looking at him as something more than a friend, but I don’t know what.  The strangest thing is, I feel like I’ve always seen him that way.”

 “And you are just now realizing it-- is that how you feel?”

 “Yes.  Zekk, what do you think I should do?”

 The dark-haired young man closed his eyes.  “These feelings are very deep.  Powerful, and very real.  You should tell him.”

 “Tell him what?”

 “You’ll have to decide that on your own.”

 Without another word, they resumed walking.


 With powerful repulsorlifts, the large vessel settled down among the craggy red-brown rocks, well away from the populated centers of Anchorhead or Mos Eisley.  It came to rest on the dusty ground, hidden by carefully carved rock formations.

 The vessel’s captain nodded to his pilot in congratulations on the landing, and headed for the hold to inspect their precious cargo.  As he made his way into the depths of the ship, crewmembers got out of his way as quickly as their feet would carry them.

 Right now, their most valuable commodities were stored in the modified brig of this former Imperial ship.  The captain slid open one of the metal eyeslits and inspected the young human female cowering in the corner.  He smiled.

This haul would fetch a good price, and once they refueled at this base, they’d be on their way to collect.  The Tatooine base hadn’t been used for several months now-- in this line of work, it wasn’t smart to be predictable-- but it was a good one.  The prisoners would soon be sold into slavery or ransomed-- or both, if possible.

The captain smiled again and checked the other cells, selecting which prisoner he’d  be keeping as a commission.