When the Empire died, they were born--
a new hope for the New Republic.
The young twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia are now teens,
and enrolled at Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy on Yavin IV.
Together with their friends both old and new,
the future heroes of an already legendary saga begin their training.

Well, if you've made it this far into my Fan Fiction collection, you've probably figured out that I'll write using just about anything, if I can find something interesting in it (read: romance, especially if it's UST).

The YJK premise is fascinating, and the characters have exceptional potential.  Unfortunately, writers Anderson and Moesta seem either unwilling or unable to develop that potential, particularly in the area of romance.  There's constant reminders of just how much certain characters care about each other, but it's always left unsaid and un-acted upon.  Enter the fanfic writer.

For those who haven't been introduced to the books, I've again provided my own character sketches to familiarize you with the major players. You can tell by order and length just who'll be the focus of the stories, at least for now.

I've added scans of the YJK novels' covers, and will soon be adding reviews of each book to those.  Come this way.

I'll be borrowing the notation used for the TRAJQ fanfic indexing.  That means: V=Vignette (a scene/scenes, not an entire story); E=Episodic/Adventure; H=Humor; A=Angst; X=Crossover (using any characters); F=Future (3+years after YJK novels); P=Past (before YJK); ALT=Alterniverse (uses YJK characters differently or original recurring characters); NF=Not Fiction (anything else); M=Music (scene, video); HR=Romance: between whom is noted as Jc/TK=Jacen Solo & Tenel Ka, Z/Jn= Zekk & Jaina Solo, LS/MJ=Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade

E, F, HR - Jc/TK, Z/Jn, LS/MJ (love is all around)
"The Young Jedi Knights' final exam is going to be more dangerous and more important than anyone expects."

"Tenel Ka turns Sweet Sixteen, and experiences all the trials and triumphs that go along with it."

Wandering Star
E, F, Jc/TK HR
"An ancient message in a bottle sends the Jedi on their most trying adventure ever."

NOTE:  For all the YJK fans out there who've taken the time to write me, there's an OPEN LETTER for you.

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This Young Jedi Knights WebRing belongs toEric R. Umali.

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The Young Jedi Knights and all related characters, logos, and images, are trademarks of and copyrighted by Lucasfilm, Ltd., and are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended by their use on this page. I and this page are in no way affiliated with, approved of or endorsed by Lucasfilm. This page is created by a fan for other fans out of love and respect for the Star Wars saga, and is strictly a non-profit endeavor. All original materials, storylines, characters, and text on this page are copyrighted by their respective authors. Please do not use without permission.