part 2
Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Lucasfilm, Ltd. and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

"Debut" - part 2

Tenel Ka stopped in front of the door to Jacen’s room.  She took a deep breath and held it, then knocked firmly.  When there was no answer, she knocked again, harder.

 “Come in,” came the reply.  Tenel Ka slid the door open and stepped in to find Jacen finishing with the late feeding of his many pets.  He looked over his shoulder and started a bit.  “Oh!  Tenel Ka!  Hello!”  Jacen dropped a few last seeds into a cage, closed the door, and turned to his guest.  His hands unconsciously tugged at his coveralls, straightening them out.

 “What brings you here?” he asked.

 Tenel Ka was about to respond when a small form, a riot of green and yellow feathers burst from its cage and lit on the girl’s shoulder.  To her credit, she didn’t move a muscle, knowing full well Jacen kept nothing harmful in his managerie.  In fact, she thought, the little avian was rather pretty.

 “Bad Flit,” said Jacen to the little bird as he stepped towards Tenel Ka.  Gently, he reached out and Flit hopped onto his finger.  Tenel Ka felt a tingle shoot across her skin when his hand brushed her shoulder.  “I think he likes you,” Jacen teased as he returned the bird to its cage.  “A guy might get jealous.”

 As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Jacen clamped his mouth shut.  They both looked at each other in surprise.

 “That is,” he stammered, “I mean, _I’m_ the one who’s supposed to be good with animals.”

 Tenel Ka placed her hand on his shoulder.  “There is nothing to fear, Jacen.  I could never have the ability you have to connect and communicate with living things you have.”

 “And I could never have the confidence in myself and my physical abilities you have,” he replied with a lopsided grin.  “But I doubt you came here to engage in some mutual admiration.”

 “This is a fact,” she agreed.  Jacen motioned for her to sit in his chair as he took a place on the edge of his bed.

 “So what brings you here?”

 “In twelve days--”

 “You turn sixteen,” he completed.

 Tenel Ka raised her eyebrows in surprise.  “You know?”  Jacen merely shrugged.

 “I remember.  Say, isn’t there some traditional Hapan ceremony that happens when a girl turns sixteen?”

 She shook her head.  “I am amazed, friend Jacen.  How do you know all this already?”

 “I was doing... research,” he answered sheepishly.  “I was trying to figure out something _really_ special to give you as a present for your birthday.  I mostly looked up Dathomirian customs, but I figured I should cover everything.”

 A smile began to form on her lips.  “I am truly flattered.  But your search is over.  You may give me my gift right now.”

 “I don’t understand,” he replied, and rose.  He crossed the room and knelt beside her, perched on his toes, rocking slightly.

 “Ta’a Chume is holding the traditional Hapan Passage Ball for me on my birthday.  I would...” she swallowed.  Jacen took her hand in his.

 “What is it you want?”

 “I would like for you to be my escort at the ball.”  Jacen stopped in mid-rock and fell on his rump.  “Are you all right?” she asked, concerned.

 Jacen grinned.  “Are you kidding?”  He leapt to his feet, and, wrapping his arms around her, lifted Tenel Ka bodily into the air, spinning them both around.  Jacen whooped ecstatically.

 “Jacen-- Jacen, put me down!”  Jacen placed her back on the ground and backed away, but just a bit-- his hands remained on her waist.  “I have to warn you-- the ceremony is very long-winded and ostenatious and dignified, and not very fun at all.”

 He smiled.  “I’m sorry-- that wasn’t particularly dignified, was it?”  She shook her head, but was smiling back.  Jacen stepped away and gave a deep bow.

 “Princess Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo, it would be a great honor to escort you to your Passage Ball.”  In reply, she wrapped her own arm around him warmly.

 “Thank you,” she said, holding on tight.  Suddenly, there was the sound of applause from the hallway.  They both turned to find the doorway filled with the faces of their friends-- Jaina, Lowie, Raynar, Lusa-- even the visiting Zekk.

 Tenel Ka backed away quickly and resumed her usual cool demeanor.  Jacen looked flushed with embarassment, but happy.


 Later that night, the lonely communications center again had a single occupant.  This time, it was Jacen.  Glancing over his shoulders to make sure no one else was around, he keyed in his transmission.  He waited nearly ten minutes before recieving a reply.

 The screen before him flickered on, and he faced a stunningly beautiful woman with golden hair framing a face with a severe expression on it.  “Yes?” the woman asked, almost sounding annoyed.

 “I, ah,” Jacen began nervously, unsure if he was making the right decision, “I was wondering if I might be given permission to speak with the Queen Mother Ta’a Chume.”

 “The Queen Mother is quite busy, mister...” the woman glanced downwards, checking the transmission log she’d received.  Her expression immediately softened.  “Young Master Solo!  I will put you in contact immediately.”

 Jacen nodded as the screen changed to display the Hapan coat of arms.  *Now what was _that_ all about?* he wondered.  He didn’t have the time to wonder further, as Ta’a Chume appeared a second later.

 “Ah, Mister Solo-- may I call you Jacen?”

 “I would be honored, Queen Mother,” he answered.  Jacen was more confused than ever at her familiarity and friendliness, but hoped it would ensure his request would be answered.

 “Is there something amiss with my granddaughter?”

 “Oh, no, Queen Mother-- Tenel Ka is fine.  In fact, she asked me to be her escort to her Passage Ball next week.  Of course, I accepted.”  *But you probably already know that, don’t you?*

 “Of course.  That is happy news, my son, but it does not explain why you’ve contacted me.  Tenel Ka informed me a few hours ago that you would be escorting her.”

 Jacen swallowed.  *Here goes.*  “Queen Mother, I would be much obliged if you could arrange to have whatever information about the Passage Ball-- especially whatever my own part in the ceremonies might be-- sent to me.  I’m afraid the databanks I have access to are not of much help, as the Hapes Consortium is not a member of the New Republic--”

 “A situation that may one day be rectified,” Ta’a Chume remarked.

 *Now what does she mean by that?  Oh, well.*  “I hope so,” he continued.  “As I said, the databanks I can access don’t have much information on the subject, so I decided to go to the source.”

 “A most intelligent decision,” she said, “but why not ask Tenel Ka directly?”

 Jacen smiled and said, “I want to surprise her.”

 Ta’a Chume nodded.  “I understand.  I am aware of a number of texts on the subject,” she said, then thought a moment.  “Ah-- a few of the more affluent families on Hapes have made holovids of their daughters’ Passage Balls.  Perhaps one or two of those would be of help?”

 “That would be perfect,” said Jacen, his mood lightening.

 “I will have them transmitted to you, in a confidential packet, of course, within the hour.”

 Jacen inclined his head towards the screen.  “I am most grateful, Queen Mother.”

 “As am I, Jacen-- my granddaughter has made an excellent choice... in escort.”  With one last appraising look, Ta’a Chume’s image blinked out, and the connection was closed.

 Jacen rose, shaking his head. *Creepy.  Creepy woman.*

 An hour and a half later, he slipped a very full data card into his room’s terminal.  The directory came onto his screen, and he began scrolling through the information.  He sighed.  Learning all of this was going to be a real headache.  *It’s for Tenel Ka,* he reminded himself.  *You made a promise, and you’re going to keep it.*


 Zekk dropped onto the stone bench with a thump.  “Aww, Jaina-- you know I don’t want to!”

 Jaina stood, hands on hips.  “Zekk, it won’t be that bad.  Besides, Tenel Ka _invited_ you-- it would be rude not to go!”

 “Jaina, you _know_ what happened the last time I went to a fancy thing like this!”

 “Zekk, it wasn’t _that_ bad--”

 “I ate the bouquet!” he cried.  “And that was a New Republic state dinner-- you’re talking about attending a ball on probably one of the richest, most ceremonial planets in the galaxy!”

 “Zekk, that was _years_ ago.  You’re different-- mature, self-confident.  Heck, you could be a Jedi if you just stayed here at the academy.  Besides,” she added, “Lowie’s going to be on Kashyyyk, so I need a date.”

 His green eyes sparkled as he turned to her.  “Well, since you put it that way...”

 Jaina hugged him.  “Great!  Now I have to figure out what we’re going to wear.  Maybe I should call Mom.  Yeah, that’d probably be a good idea.”  She slid the door of her closet open as she spoke, shaking her head at the rather utilitarian selection.

 “And what about me?” asked Zekk.

 “I’m sure one of the other guys around here has a set of formal clothes you could borrow,” she said absently, as she looked over her clothes with disapproval.  “It’s just been so long since I’ve gone to something like this,” she murmured.

 Sensing her distraction, Zekk took the opportunity to tease her a little.  “You’re right,” he said, “I’ll just head over to Raynar’s room and--”

 “Don’t you dare!” she said sharply, emerging from the closet.  “I will _not_ have _my_ escort looking like a pigment factory exploded on him!”

 He brushed a hand through his dark hair as he chuckled.  “Don’t worry-- I’ll figure something out.”  Zekk took her hand and kissed it lightly.  “And I swear to be on my very best behavior.”

 “You’d better,” she teased back, then kissed him on the cheek.  “Now go tell Tenel Ka that we’ll be happy to accept her invitation.”

 “Yes, dear,” he called as he disappeared into the hallway.  Jaina stared at the doorway for a few minutes, smiling.  She brushed her lips absently with her fingertips, took one last exasperated look into her closet, and headed for the communications center.


 With a week left before her birthday, Tenel Ka stood at the foot of her ship, the *Rock Dragon*’s, boarding ramp.  Jacen came down the ramp, dusting his hands.  “All set,” he told her.

 Tenel Ka nodded, then turned to the rest of her friends, including Master Skywalker, who were gathered on the landing pad to see them off.  She and Jacen took turns shaking hands and sharing hugs.

 “I wish we could come with you now,” said Jaina.

 “As celebrant and escort,” Tenel Ka replied, “Jacen and I have to be involved with much of the planning.  You will probably not be missing much besides several days of fittings and measurings and consultations-- nothing fun.”

 “Besides,” added Raynar, “with two of his best students away for more than a week, Master Skywalker can only spare his others for so long.”

 Luke Skywalker smiled, then patted his nephew on the shoulder.  “Jacen, I know you’ll do us all proud.”

 “Uh, ‘_all_’, Uncle Luke?”

 “Sure-- your friends, your parents, the Academy... the whole New Republic... But there’s no pressure.”

 Jacen swallowed.  “Yeah, no pressure,” he said nervously, then relaxed as Luke and the others broke into laughter.

 “I’m kidding, Jacen-- you’re going to do fine.”

 “This is a fact,” agreed Tenel Ka, “or else I would _not_ have asked you to be my escort.”  She turned to her teacher.  “Thank you for the time away, Master Skywalker-- it means much to me and my family, especially Ta’a Chume.”

 He nodded.  “It’s my pleasure-- I remember how difficult a woman she is to please.”

 “This is a fact,” said Jacen, before Tenel Ka could.  The warrior girl gave one last glance at her friends and headed up the ramp.  Jacen was right behind her when he felt the Force urge him to turn.  He did, his brandy-brown eyes meeting his sisters’ own.  Jaina smiled, then nodded.  Jacen returned the gesture, gave a last salute, and bounded up the ramp.

 As the *Rock Dragon* began to rise on its repulsorlifts, Zekk turned to Jaina.  “So what was that all about?”

 “Just reminding my brother to behave himself.”

 “Sure,” he said, and placed his arm around Jaina’s shoulders as they watched the ship lift off into the sky.