part 8
Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Lucasfilm, Ltd. and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

And passing the "Voltron" story for "Most Vehemently Requested Conclusion", the winner is... "Debut"!!  You've all been much more than patient waiting for this, so I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Debut - part 8

The trumpets sounded through the Great Hall with a fanfare heard throughout the Palace.

Where once there had been loud conversing and pleasant music, the blare of the horns was followed by anxious silence.  Han Solo took a sip from the crystal flute he’d been nursing for the last thirty minutes and looked around.  Before he gave up, his estimate of the attendees had topped out at about four hundred.  Everywhere he looked, his eyes were dazzled by flashing jewels and precious metals, in the most ostentatious display of affluence he’d ever seen.

He smiled at the sight, turning to the old friend standing beside him.  “It’s a long way from a dive like Mos Eisley, isn’t it, kid?”

Luke Skywalker smiled back.  “It certainly is.”  He lifted his glass.  “To the smuggler and the farm boy.”

Han returned the toast.  “To the diplomat and the Jedi Master.”

The crowd drifted towards the foot of a massive stone staircase, its steps covered with a plush, deep red carpet.  The staircase rose a dozen meters upwards, then flared out to both sides, ending in a pair of curtained entryways.  Since most of the attendees were Hapan, they were familiar with the typical pomp and circumstance of the ceremony.  While they jockeyed for the best view, they left a wide aisle at the foot of the steps.

The quintet of trumpets sounded once more, followed by the first members of the procession.  Twin columns of spit-polished palace guards marched out of the curtained doors and down the steps.  After them came the trumpeters, a dozen in all, coming to a stop beside the troops.

Leia Organa Solo, her arm hooked with her husband’s, was glad of her special status in the ceremony as mother of the escort.  It placed her right by the end of the stairs, in front of the crowd-- anywhere else, and her stature would have prevented her from seeing a thing. Next through the curtains came six young people, the celebrant’s courtiers.  Leia recalled that the six courtiers were typically the celebrant’s friends, but the position was occasionally given to an affluent family as a token.  Thankfully, Tenel Ka had spent just enough time on Hapes for all of the courtiers to be at least good acquaintances.

The first couple to exit consisted of young Anakin Solo and a Hapan girl of his own age.  A few seconds later, they were followed by another pair of Hapan teens.  Finally, Zekk and Jaina appeared.  All the courtier couples were dressed in all the same finery-- deep gray jackets and trousers with short dark blue capes for the young men, and blue sequined gowns for the young ladies, with long, light colored scarves around their shoulders.

Han Solo shook his head as he watched Jaina, her hand in Zekk’s, take graceful steps down the stairs.  The young woman he was used to seeing in utility coveralls and with a grease-smeared face looked like an angel.  He leaned down and whispered in his wife’s ear.  “She looks...”

“Stunning,” Leia finished, just as amazed.  “And Anakin and Zekk-- they look so grown up.”

The crowd watched excitedly as the royal family followed, Prince Isolder appearing in the doorway to their left, and Teneniel Djo in the other.  Both Isolder’s crimson cape and Teneniel Djo’s gown brushed along the carpet as they walked, meeting at the top of the main steps, and continuing down hand in hand.

Ta’a Chume came through the right hand doorway, her steps measured and precise.  She paused at the top of the stairs, surveying the crowd.  The sight of so many luminaries gathered under one roof to celebrate her granddaughter pleased her more than she would be prepared to admit.  As a sign of respect and mourning over the passing of her aide, Mea Velara, the Queen Mother walked alone down the center of the wide steps.  Frankly, she preferred it.

Ta’a Chume walked away from the foot of the stairs, and proceeded several meters down the column of palace guards.  She came to a stop at the center of the aisle, with Prince Isolder on one side and Teneniel Djo on the other.  Together, the elder members of the Hapan royal family turned to face the stairs.

One last time, the trumpets sounded, and the even the quiet whispering that had accompanied the procession so far ended abruptly.

The curtains of the left-hand door parted, and Jacen Solo stepped out, looking calm and collected.  Only Jaina, standing in a row on Teneniel Djo’s side of the aisle, could detect the raging nervousness in her twin.  His uniform was similar to the ones worn by the courtiers, but more elaborate.  His jacket and trousers were a dark gray, the jacket having both shiny metal and leather accents both at his shoulders on epaulets, and where it closed over the right side of his chest.  A rich, deep blue cape, fastened at his shoulders, reached nearly to the floor, brushing the high, shiny black boots.  Jacen walked confidently to the center of the top of the stairs, and turned to the other doorway as the red curtains opened.

A moment later, Tenel Ka appeared, and the crowd gasped, almost as one.  Nearly everyone in the room had seen the Princess before, either in person or in vids, where she had always been clad in clothes befitting a Dathomirian warrior.  Not so tonight.

Tenel Ka paused a moment just after entering, then turned down the steps.  She came down slowly, the glittering white heels just visible under the hem of her gown making soft clicks.  Her gown was white-- almost dazzlingly white, under the bright chandeliers.  As she moved, the long, full skirt that began just at her waist swirled around her, tiny crystals on its surface twinkling as they caught the light.  The bodice, fitted to her athletic figure, was also decorated with the diamond-brilliant crystals.  The gown was strapless, and so exposed her well-exercised arm and shoulders, and sun-tinted skin.  A diaphanous white scarf floated at her shoulders and wrapped around her right arm.  Large diamonds dangled from her ears, matching the brilliance of the tall diamond tiara set into her elaborately twisted red-gold tresses.

Jacen attempted to take a step forward, very nearly falling flat on his face as he discovered how weak his knees had gotten.  As a smile began to grow, he found his mouth was dry and he’d been holding his breath.  Just the sight of Tenel Ka had done it, and not surprisingly, he enjoyed every moment.

As Tenel Ka descended the stairs, she knew that every other eye in the room would be on her, but she had eyes only for Jacen.  It nearly took her breath away, he looked so handsome and perfect.  He stood waiting for her, radiating a calm and a confidence she’d never seen before.  She found it hard to keep her balance, and it wasn’t only the fault of her unfamiliar shoes.

When Tenel Ka reached the landing, she held out her hand.  Jacen took it, and both young Jedi felt an almost electric thrill pass through the touch.  They turned to the gazing crowd and began down the stairs together.  After just a few seconds, they came to the foot of the stairs.  Jacen took a step back, and presented Tenel Ka.  The Princess stepped forward, and the entire throng erupted in applause.  The noise was deafening, and Jacen could feel even the heavy marble beneath his feet vibrate.

Tenel Ka inclined her head, acknowledging it all, then they waited for it to die down two exceptionally long minutes later.  Jacen again took her hand, and they led the procession into the Ballroom, followed by the royal family, the courtiers, the guards, and finally the trumpeters.

The crowd followed them, all chatting excitedly about the Princess, and, Leia noticed with more than a little touch of pride, her handsome escort.


High above the ballroom, the rafters had been decorated with white and blue draperies, swaying gently below the ceiling.  A little closer to earth, the guests were seated at huge circular tables, a dozen persons to each, while the celebrant’s party was placed on a raised dais at one long table.  Han, Leia and Luke had been seated right at the front and center.

Despite the fact that they were seated beside each other, Jacen and Tenel Ka had yet to be able to say three words to each other.  Even during the exceptionally sumptuous dinner, guests and well-wishers-- both sincere and otherwise-- kept up a constant parade past the two of them.

During a brief pause, Jacen was able to ask, “How are you holding up?”

“Halfway though dinner, and I’m starving,” Tenel Ka responded out of the corner of her mouth.

A little while later, Ta’a Chume stood, silencing the crowd.  She cleared her throat, and spoke with great reverence.

“As is our tradition, we are gathered here, friends and family, to celebrate the passage of my granddaughter from adolescence into adulthood.”

So began the ceremonies, which were to continue for nearly another hour.  There were dedications and invocations, and a dozen tiny little ceremonies to be performed.  Much of the time was taken up by a long litany of the celebrant’s accomplishments which was recited by her parents.  In usual ceremonies, this was brief and consisted of academic and social deeds, but in Tenel Ka’s case, it was an extensive recounting of her many adventures with her fellow young Jedi Knights.

Even though the stories were exciting, particularly for the attendees who had never heard them before, a long time was still a long time.  Finally, it came for the last three speakers.  The first of these was reserved for the celebrant’s closest female friend.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Jaina Solo stood and silently looked over the hundreds of people before her.

“My name is Jaina Solo,” she began, “and it is my honor to serve my very good friend, the Princess Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo.  I have known Tenel Ka for what seems like my entire life.  In the years we have been friends, she has been the truest, most loyal friend one could ever hope for.  Being her friend has been an honor, a privilege...”  Jaina turned to meet eyes with Tenel Ka, and both young women found themselves fighting back tears.  “And a true joy.”

There was a loud round of applause as Jaina embraced her friend.  “I love you,” she whispered.

“And I love you, Friend Jaina,” replied the Princess.

When there was silence again, it was time to hear from the celebrant’s escort.  Jacen took a sip of water, setting it down with a hand that was just beginning to shake.  He rose slowly, only to suddenly find a hand clasping his, hidden by the table.  Jacen soon found himself calming, as if it flowed into him through the hand.

“My name is Jacen Solo, and it is my honor to serve my... my very best friend, the Princess Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo as her escort.”  He paused.  “Through the most joyous, the most trying, and the most... terrifying times in my life, I have had the exceptional good fortune to have Tenel Ka there with me.  I could never find a truer friend, a more courageous warrior, or more talented Jedi.  I owe her my life at least a dozen times over-- without her skill, her determination... or her...”  He stopped again, then added, sadly, “... forgiveness... I would not be standing here tonight-- as a Jedi, or at all.  My life is... immeasurably better for knowing her....”

As he came to the end of his prepared words, Jacen felt a tear warm his cheek.  He looked to Tenel Ka, only to see tears in the Princess’ eyes to match his own.

“... and _I_ am immeasurably better... for loving her.”

In a flash, Tenel Ka was on her feet.  She and Jacen embraced tightly, speechless.  The audience burst into applause.

From her table nearby, Leia Organa Solo leaned in close to her husband.  “Han,” she whispered, “did we just hear-- ?”

Han Solo smiled wryly.  “I think so, honey.  I think so.”

Tenel Ka remained standing as Jacen took his seat, leaving his hand still in hers.  The Princess released it for just a moment to dab at her eyes.

“My name,” she began slowly, “is Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo, and it is my honor to have you all here with me tonight to celebrate this occasion.  I wish to begin by thanking you all for coming, and thanking my grandmother, my parents, and my friends for taking part.”  Tenel Ka acknowledged each in turn.

“Those who know me well know that I am not a speaker.  I am usually more comfortable letting my actions speak my mind for me.  And now, when I must say how I feel, I find I am moved to speechlessness.  It is no secret that I am not fond of elaborate ceremony, but as I stand here, I am glad to have this opportunity to celebrate with the people who mean the most to me.  I thank my grandmother, the Queen Mother Ta’a Chume, for giving me a true example of pride and confidence.  I thank my mother, the Crown Princess Teneniel Djo, for giving me courage.  I thank my father, the Prince Isolder, for giving me integrity.  I thank my teacher, the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, for showing me the way of the Force.”

She took a small sip of water, then continued.  Jacen looked up at her, marveling-- it was the most he’d ever heard her say at once, and was hanging on every word.  “I thank my friend, Jaina Solo.  Over the years, you have been confidante, comrade and sister to me.  You have shown me how to... act on my instincts... and my beliefs... without reservation.”  Her voice began to catch with emotion.

At last, she turned to Jacen.  “I thank you... my friend, Jacen Solo.  What... what can I say?  Without you, life would have no... laughter... no humor... no joy.  Every day, you surprise me, and... inspire me... with not only your spirit, but also your tenderness... and your valor.  For whatever you may owe me, I have been repaid tenfold.”  Tenel Ka hurriedly brushed back tears on both cheeks.

“There is... _nothing_ good in my life... that you are not a part of.”  She opened her mouth again, but couldn’t find any more words.  It was now Jacen’s turn to rise, and he wrapped his arms around her.  After a few moments, Luke Skywalker stood and began to applaud.  Han and Leia followed suit, and soon the entire crowd was on its feet, and the sound of the applause was deafening.

Once both Tenel Ka and Jacen were able, the two young Jedi stepped away from the table and walked to the large dance floor.  Soon, they stood facing each other, a few feet apart, in the center of the floor.  Jacen made a deep bow as Tenel Ka bowed her head.  He stepped forward, and pulled her into his arms.  From somewhere near, an orchestra began to play, the soft strains of music began filling the hall.

*Trust your practicing.  Trust yourself,* Jacen told himself, then began moving forward.  Soon, they were turning around the floor, dancing gracefully.  To the crowd that watched, the two young people seemed to glide across the mirror-smooth surface, as if they never touched it at all.

After a minute, the music began to pick up pace, and Jacen and Tenel Ka increased the tempo of their steps to follow.  They began to twirl around each other, always together as they spun down the floor.  As the music sped to its crescendo, Jacen led them to the center of the floor once more, and the couple began to spin in place, moving like a single dancer, turning faster and faster until the cymbals crashed, and the music ended.

Both short of breath, Tenel Ka and Jacen stayed holding each other, staring into each other’s eyes.  Jacen placed a hand on Tenel Ka’s face, and held her softly.  He pulled her closer.  Tenel Ka could almost hear her grandmother gasp.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you,” he answered.

Their lips met, and they kissed.

The party, the room, the entire world dropped away.