(I wonder if anyone's gonna do it?)

As if I don't have enough fic floating around in my head...... Oh well. I hope no one cares that it's a wee bit on the early side, but if I don't finish now I never will, and if I just save it to be sent later I'd never remember. Oh well.

"Even After You're Gone...."

by Not lion 1

Just for the record, I don't own Jonny, Jessie, Hadji, Race, Dr Quest, *or* Rachel, but I *have* been (I think) the only one to use her in a story that isn't set in the past (i.e. before her death) AND I'm not making any money off of this (duh). If this seems a little on the astrological side, I've gotta say I'm interested in the topic. Hoh well. "The Alternative Polka" is a song by Weird Al Yankovic

Libra was low in the sky tonight. As Jonny sat on the grass, watching it, he thought about how perfectly balanced the scales were... perfectly balanced. Like he'd always thought his mother to be... It made sense that she was a Libra.

He heard the porch door slam. Jessie came jogging out. She sighed disappointedly. "Are you thinking AGAIN?"

He had been rather philosophical lately. "Maybe." Jessie plopped down next to him on the grass.

"Any idea why?"

"For the fun of driving you crazy."

She plucked a handful of grass and dropped it on his head. "I'm serious. You've just been thinking too much..."

"Just thinking."

"About nothing..."

"And everything...."

"All at once!" they finished together.

"Do you have the time.... to listen to me whine...."

"We don't NEED to hear the whole song, Jonny."


Jessie settled down in the grass and watched the sky. She pointed up at a group of stars. "See that? That's Pisces."


"I'm a Pisces."

"Yep. Often depended on to tie up loose ends, a gifted imagination, has a better time helping others than helping themselves, often too generous."

"You did your homework, didn't you?"


"Let's see.... you were born August 26, right?"

He nodded.

"That's Virgo, right?"

"Yep. Stubborn and rebellious, never conforms to any kind of order, was hated by Zeus."

"Where did you get all of this knowledge?"

"My mom and I used to sit outside, and she'd tell me all this stuff. I kind of commited it to memory, I guess."

"What was she?"

"Libra. Balanced, always trying to work things out, doesn't like disorder. Best love match is Aries...." his voice trailed off, and he got that distant look in his eyes.

"Well, it was nice talking with you." She got up and went back inside.

Jonny smiled to himself as he remembered something else. "Virgo. Lucky numbers 6, 15, and 24..... best love match is Pisces......." He looked at Libra for an instant. "Thanks, Mom."