challenge: write a story of 250 words or less, beginning, using, or (preferably) ending with the following phrase: "Thanks, Mom." (I wonder if anyone's gonna do it?)

Wonder no more, Eric. I could never resist a challenge This is an action short. Any one who wants to archive it can. (That's not a hint. Suze has asked all authors to include this). Wendy (who's writing fanfic when she should be studying)

Disclaimer: I only own the boring characters, and no one will pay me to write about just them.

Mother's Day

by Wendy

As the ruins lurched beneath her feet, Jessie realized that the pyramid must be sinking. She knew she had to get out of there- fast

She began to run. Then, a thug who she had just kicked to the ground grabbed her ankle. She struggled to break free, but his grip was like a vice.

Suddenly, a heavy boot kicked the hand. Jessie smiled at her mother, Estella, in relief. Estella quickly put the artifacts they had been hunting in her backpack. The villains that had been trying to steal the valuables quickly bolted away.

"We better get going, Darling," Estella exclaimed.

"My thoughts, exactly," Jessie replied.

They ran to the archway and immediately skidded to a stop. A huge chasm separated the two women and solid ground. They looked at each other and shrugged. Estella jumped to safety. Jessie was at her heels, but she fell just a little short. Her mother instantly leapt forward and pulled Jessie to safety.

As they watched the ruins slip into the shaky ground, Estella wondered how other mothers spent Mother's Day. Then, she looked at her beautiful daughter and realized that she didn't really care.

Jessie hugged Estella firmly and sighed, "Thanks, Mom!"