FORTUNE'S WIND - Ch.2 "Attack"

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Synopsis: It is, it is a glorious thing to be a pirate king...

"FORTUNE'S WIND", chapter 2

by Eric R. Umali


Since he was a boy, Douglas Wildey could dream of nothing but a life seafaring. When he was fourteen, he signed on for a spell in the Queen's Navy. Three years later, he jumped ship somewhere around Cape Horn. Soon after, he was aboard what he thought was a merchant ship bound for Madagascar.

The ship was headed for those waters, but not for trade-- for piracy. For the many years that followed, Doug Wildey served under many of the most famous buccaneers in history, working his way up from creman to bo'sun to quartermaster to first mate.

Then came the *Bandit Queen*, and with her, his own command. On that fine ship, he sailed the waters of the Caribbean, raiding mostly the heavily laden ships carrying New World wealth to the old crowns of England and Spain.

One day, "Black Dog" Wildey's crew made port in Kingston, Jamaica, and settled into their favorite tavern, the Blood Rose. After an hour of the usual carousing, Wildey spied a tiny hand reaching up from under a table for his plate. Wildey grabbed the hand, taking with it the scrawny body of young boy. The pirate looked him over. He seemed no more than five, and was obviously starving. The boy was dressed in rags and was filthy-- all signs of life on the street.

"Hungry, eh? What's yer name, boy?"

"Jonny," said the boy, in a small, hollow voice. Wildey was only human. By the next day, Jonny was the ship's mascot, and Wildey's cabin boy. The crew became his family; the sea and the *Bandit Queen* his home.

Once he was properly fed, Jonny revealed himself to be a boy of boundless energy. He learned all he could from the crew-- sailing, fighting, fencing, anthing he could get them to show him. Jonny soon became one of the most valued members of the crew. Wildey especially loved the boy, so he arranged for his education to go well beyond life at sea. Tutors of all kinds were "engaged" for Jonny, being replaced every so often when they proved too fragile for a pirate's life.

By the age of sixteen, Jonny was a match for any man who sailed the seas, pirate or soldier. He made old "Black Dog" proud. So much so that the young man was made first mate.


Jonny crouched at the bow of the ship, he and a dozen other crewmen hidden from view by the *Bandit Queen*'s great prow. He looked over at "Black Dog" Wildey, seeing not the bloodthristy pirate of his reputation but his own surrogate father and best friend. Jonny smiled, and watched the British ship approaching quickly.

With the handle of his sword, he thumped on the deck beneath him, signalling the men in the forecastle. Below, in the large chamber, the crew primed the dozen small cannons.

"Now, Jonny?" asked Wildey, his voice growing excited.

"Not yet."

Moments later, "Now, Jonny?"

"Not yet, Dog."

The great blue and white ship was nearly upon them. Wildey thought he could count their cannons. "Now, Jonny?"

"Now, Dog," he replied.

Wildey stood and shouted, "Carronades ready!"

At the fore of the ship, a dozen gun ports opened, their black barrels pointed straight at the British warship.


"Good God, they were ready for us!" shouted Bannon. "Ready forward guns!"

The crew scrambled to load and ready the cannons.


"Fire carronade!" shouted Wildey. The cannons roared, one after the other, blasting the *Questor*'s prow with shot.


"Captain, they've disabled our foreward battery!"

"Helm, hard to port! Bring our heavy cannon to bear!" The *Questor* turned as its own gun ports opened to reveal the big cannons, thirty strong.


Pirates began rushing to one side of the deck, as the *Bandit Queen* began its own turn.

"Bring us hard alongside, helm!" shouted Jonny. *So far, so good,* he thought. It had been his plan, and was working very well. Another young man came running towards him and the captain. Through the cannon's smoke, Jonny made out the dark-skinned face of the ship's quartermaster, Hadji. He had come from the East Indies to seek his fortunes in the west, and had found his way aboard the *Bandit Queen*.

"Captain Wildey!"

"Hadji, good!" Wildey replied. "Tell the men to be ready to board!"

"Aye, Captain!"

Wildey turned to Jonny. "You go across with 'em, Jonny. I want you to find that cargo."

"It's a warship, Captain-- are you sure that they're carrying something?"

"I'd stake my life on it, Jonny."

Nodding, Jonny ran off to prepare the boarding party.


"Captain, they're coming too close-- we can't use the cannons."

"They mean to board us! Ready rifles and stand by to repel boarders!"

Powder was poured and shot loaded. A row of men stood fast at the edge of the deck. Moments later, the ships were nearly side by side, barely a hundred feet apart.

"Fire!" ordered Quest, and the rifles answered.


"Return fire!" shouted Wildey. The ships drifted closer and closer. "Away grapples, men!"

Crewmen began throwing the heavy iron hooks across the gap, where they landed soundly on the *Questor*'s railing. Wildey lifted his head and shouted, "Away boarding party!"

Most boarding parties would now come over the railings, jumping from the deck of one ship to the other. Knowing this, Wildey's first mate had something else planned.

From their vantage point high on the yardarm, Jonny and Hadji looked down at the battle.

"Ready, Hadji?"

"You first, my friend."

"So what else is new?"

With a yell, Jonny jumped out into space. The line he held went taut, and he swung through the air.


Jessica was out of her room with the first barrage from the pirate ship. She ran to the small porthole in the hall outside her father's cabin, where she had a view of the gun deck. The men were desperately firing into the air, but at what, she couldn't see. She, too, expected boarders to come over from the other ship.

Suddenly, her view was blocked. Jessica backed away until light came through the porthole again. The dark shape became the figure of a tall young man. Blonde hair topped his head. He was dressed in a black vest,and pants with leather boots that reached his knees. When he landed, several of the sailors on deck rushed at him.

The young man drew his sword and began to charge them. Before they could get a shot off, a dozen of his pirate crewmates descended the same way, right on top of the sailors. More pirates rushed to the deck, which was soon full of fighting men.

Virtually unseen, Jonny sheathed his sword and wove his way through the melee, towards the aft of the ship. He found one of the hatches, and disappeared belowdecks.

Of all the eyes on the ship, only one pair saw him do it. When the young man descended into the lower decks, Jessica walked quickly and calmly away from the porthole and into her bedroom, shutting the door.