FORTUNE'S WIND - Ch.3 "Turn the Tide"

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Hanna-Barbera and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

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Synopsis: Now we get cooking.

"FORTUNE'S WIND", chapter 3

by Eric R. Umali

"Turn the Tide"

Shafts of smoky sunlight were the only illumination in this part of the hold. Barrels of provisions were stacked high among other uninteresting crates and boxes. Jonny, sword drawn, searched the place, looking for whetever it was Black Dog had been told about. Completing a circuit of the chamber, he headed for the far hatch that led to the aft cabins.

The first thing through the hatch was his sword, followed by a cautiously exposed golden haired head. Jonny clambered up into the splendidly appointed officers' cabins. Their exotic wood paneling, spacious chambers and shining brass accoutrements were a far cry from the crew's housing. Finding no resistance, he climbed to the top deck, the captain's quarters.


The battle on the gun deck was furious. Smoke hung heavily in the air, but all guns were silent, having been replaced by the sabre and cutlass and hands.

From their respective vantage points, "Black Dog" Wildey and Captain Benton Quest directed their troops.

"Take the fight to 'em, boys, but bring Quest to me!" hollered Wildey.

Hadji ducked, his black ponytail nearly being clipped from his head by an exceptionally enthusiastic sailor. The young man brought his wide, curved sword up and moved to return the favor.

"We're beating them back, men!" cried Quest. "I want Wildey alive!"

Commander Bannon muscled his way through the pirates, using his fists as much as his sabre. They fell before him quickly, but kept coming back.


Captain Quest's cabins took up the entire space of the upper aft deck. A giant altar of an ebony desk faced the doors, a dozen windows with a grand vista behind it. His plush mattressed bed was recessed to one side, and a myriad of sceientific and navigation instruments occupied the other. These Jonny examined first. He concentrated on the many he did not understand first.

Giving up on them, he turned towards the desk. Behind it sat an ornately decorated chest. Jonny sheathed his sword, then drew his dagger. He jammed the blade into the lock mechanism.

"Step away from there, pirate."

He turned to the voice, dagger still in hand. Standing before him was a vision that Jonny was quite of two minds about. On one hand, the fire-haired young woman was the most strikingly beautiful girl he'd ever seen. Jonny lost himself in her sea-emerald eyes before taking in the rest of her. Below the flowing waves of red hair, she had on a dark green shirt, with billowing sleeves. A tailored brown leather vest and what looked like tight riding trousers delineated a fine form. Dark brown boots encased her legs to halfway up her thighs.

On the other hand, this fire angel brandished a sabre, pointed right at him.

"Now, see here, Miss...?"

"You hardly need to know my name. Step away from the captain's things, pirate, and face justice."

"Ha," he laughed. "What was that? 'And face justice?' You've been reading too much."

She looked puzzled for a moment. "And what would a pirate know about reading?" Jessica's hold on the pistol wavered imperceptibly. The pirate was the most handsome man she'd ever seen-- longish golden blonde hair falling over glittering eyes the color of the open waters. The black vest she'd seen before was trimmed in gold. With its tailored shape and his exposed long, lean arms, he cut quite a dashing figure.

Jonny was about to respond when Jessica stopped him. "I have no interest in what you have to say, pirate. Now draw your sword."

"Why would I do that?"

"To surrender it to me... or to defend yourself."

Suddenly, his hand was on her wrist, twisting the sword from her grip. Jessica gave a small cry-- more in surprise at his ability to have gotten so close so quickly than in pain.

Jonny backed away a few inches, Jessica's sabre now pointed at her throat. "Now," he began, a sort of lopsided smirk forming, "we can carry on a civilized conversation. That begins with introductions. My name is Jonny."

"No last name? Very civilized. My name is Jessica Bannon, though you may not remember for too long."

"And why not?"

Jessica's answer took the form of a knee to Jonny's weak spot. Dropping the sabre, he staggered back, doubled over. She retrieved her sword and leveled it at the groaning pirate.

The sabre swung straight at his head. Jonny's own sword flashed from its scabbard. The blades met with a sharp clang.

They stood with their blades locked. Jessie's sabre gleamed, its polished blade and brass basket and hilt showing little sign of use. It was her father's ceremonial sword. Jonny's was like none she'd seen before-- its blade thin and curved, with a gold hanguard and handle wrapped in silken cord.

Both backed away and began the duel in earnest, the swords crossing again and again.


Out on the deck of the *Questor*, the battle was at full pitch. The two sides were at a stalemate, with no ground gained or lost.

There was a noise of glass shattering. Everyone within earshot turned to see the black mass fly through the broken window, crashing to the deck. Jonny scrambled to his feet.

"So what have you found, friend?" yelled Hadji from behind him. Laughing despite being in the thick of the fight.

"A she-devil is what!" Jonny called back, and sprinted towards the aft cabins again. Jessica appeared in the doorway, then leapt to the deck.

She and Jonny continued the duel, surrounded by a massive audience. Commander Bannon pushed his way through the crowd.

"Jessica! What in blazes do you think you're doing?" The big man moved towards his daughter, only to be blocked by a dozen pirates who knew this was Jonny's fight. Bannon struggled against them mightily.

She answered pausing to trade blows. "This... pirate... was in... the captain's cabin! He was trying to steal... Heaven knows what!"

Before Jonny could retort, the air was shattered by a deafening roar. The bow of the *Questor* crumpled, skewing the long prow at an akward angle, sending pirates and sailors alike into the drink.

Jessica turned from the damage to scowl at Jonny. "Coward! You fire upon your own men?"

"That shot did _not_ come from the *Bandit Queen*!" Jonny shouted back, as confused as everyone else.

Another boom, and seawater splashed onto the deck. Jonny ran for the railing to see another ship, guns at the ready, barreling straight for them. The *Questor* lay between this new ship and the *Bandit Queen*, and it took another pair of hits.

"They've used our battle to sneak up on us!" he shouted. Soon, Hadji was at his side, his spyglass pointed at the interloper. The battle had been abandoned in favor of self-preservation, with sailors and pirates scrambling back to their respective posts. "Who are they, Hadji?"

The Indian adjusted his focus. The billowing white sails sharpened in his view, and he ran his sight up the mast. "The Union Jack," he said.

"The Brits are firing upon each other?"

"These are colonial forces."

Jonny cursed. "Damn them! They're as bloodthirsty as any buccaneer! Who is it?" The "Black Dog" and his crew had faced the colonial forces before, and always come out on top. Jonny searched his memory for their tactics and strengths.

Focusing on the deck of the fast approaching ship, Hadji made out the huling figure commanding the ship. He lowered the spyglass slowly.

"Who is it, Mr. Singh?"

"An old friend of ours. The blackhearted governor of Jamaica himself."

Jonny spat on the deck. His voice was a low, threatening hiss.

"Jeremiah Surd."