FORTUNE'S WIND - Ch.9 "War Drums"

I had to post this before leaving for the holiday. There's enough cliffhanger in this one to keep you interested (especially since the next part isn't even started yet).

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of HB and are used for non-profit, entertainment purposes only.

Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis: Things are starting to get rolling, and this is the first push.

"FORTUNE'S WIND", chapter 9

by Eric R. Umali


The sun was beginning its climb up the sky, and it shone bright upon the deck of the *Bandit Queen*. Hadji was at the helm and Jonny and Jessie were near the bow, going through the intricate patterns of a new practice form. Benton and Roger stood on the quarterdeck, looking over the charts.

"We'll pick up a better wind if we make a slight course correction here, don't you think? Bannon? Bannon?!"

Bannon shook his head, startled. "I'm sorry, Benton, did you say something?"

"Only for the last five minutes, Roger," the older man answered, annoyed. "You've been ignoring me. What's the matter?"

Bannon turned away and faced the stern of the ship, looking out at the water behind them. "I don't like it, Benton, I just do _not_ like it."

Benton's brow furrowed. "You don't like what?" The younger man was silent. Benton looked out at the deck, where his friend had been staring instead of at the charts. His gaze moved until it finally fell upon the flowing red hair of Jessie Bannon, who had begun sparring with their handsome young captain.

"Ahh," said Benton, nodding. "I take it you do not approve of your daughter's friendship with young Captain Jonny?"

Bannon spun. "He's a pirate! A blackguard who was born on the streets, raised by cutthroats, and doesn't even have a last name!"

"Don't forget, my friend, that this pirate saved both our necks."

"I can't forget, Benton," Bannon seethed, "but that doesn't him good enough for her."

Benton scratched his beard, thinking. "Would any young man be good enough for Jessica?"

"She deserves a man of breeding. A professional and a society man, one who could make for her a proper home and a proper life. Not gallivanting about the oceans, an outlaw."

"Are we still talking about those young people down there, or about you?"

Bannon snorted. "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't that why Estella left? Because you couldn't provide a proper life for her, gallivanting about the oceans as you were?"

"This has nothing to do with me," said Bannon, his voice quiet.

Benton shrugged. He knew his friend was rarely one for opening up. "As you wish. I happen to be under the impression that a proper life with a proper husband as a proper wife is the last thing in the world Jessica would want."

Bannon leaned against the rail, watching his daughter and Jonny dueling playfully.


Their swords met with a loud clang. Jonny and Jessie fought for leverage, barely a foot apart.

"You're slowing down, Captain," she teased.

"I'm being polite," he replied, and pushed them apart. They circled, each waiting for the other to make a move.

"I have a feeling today will be the day I beat you," said Jessie with a knowing smile.

Jonny shook his head. "I've been trying to teach you, young lady-- if you assume you're going to win..."

Jessie lunged at him. Jonny spun and trapped her sword arm. When he finished turning, Jessie's sword was in his hand, and both blades were at her neck.

"... you've already lost," he finished. Jonny lowered the swords, and handed Jessie's sabre back to her.

"Ready for your prize, then?"

Jonny frowned. "Prize?"

Jessie leaned in, eyes closed. Jonny took the hint, and soon their lips met. His free hand hand found its way to her waist, and hers to his shoulder. When they parted, Jonny took a moment to catch his breath.

"I should win more often."

Suddenly, Jonny felt himself pulled violently away. He went sprawling painfully to the deck. Shaking his head, he looked up to see Roger Bannon barreling for him. Jonny scrambled to his feet, ready to face the man. Jessie rushed between them.

"Father, stop it!"

"Jessica, get out of my way! I'll deal with this... pirate! I saw what he did to you!"

She stood before him, hands defiantly on hips, despite the fact that her father towered menacingly over her.

"Then you weren't watching close enough, Father, or you'd know that _I_ kissed _him_!"

Bannon stopped in his tracks. "What? What are you saying? You don't actually have... feelings for this cutthroat, do you?"

"A cutthroat would have let you die on the gallows, or killed you for the map. Captain Jonny has shown you nothing but kindness and hospitality."

"You don't owe him anything, Jessica. Especially not your affections."

"You don't give me much credit, do you, Father? I have feelings for Jonny, yes. And I would if I'd met him anywhere else under any circumstances."

Jessie stood beside Jonny. Bannon seethed. "You have a girl fight your battles, boy?"

"Jessie speaks both our minds, and far better than I ever could. But if you wish to quarrel, sir--" Jonny lowered at the knees and retrieved his sword, eyes never leaving Bannon's.


Every eye went up to the crow's nest. The crewman there raised his spyglass, then shouted down to the deck.

"Land ho, Captain!"

Jonny turned to Bannon. "This will have to wait." He ran to the helm, calling, "Mr. Singh, bring us thirty degrees to starboard!"

He bounded up to the quarterdeck, with Benton and Jessie hot on his heels. Benton unrolled the map.

"We need to find this cove, to the southwest. It's the only place to make a decent landing."

The island was coming up fast. Like most of the islands in the area, it was covered by a lush, verdant jungle. Jonny's eyes took in its natural beauty even as his mind searched for ways to cut a path through it.

"Can you guess at how long it will take to find this treasure?" Jonny asked.

"Not long, I hope," he replied. "The path is fairly straightforward. None of the usual 'so many paces from this tree' and 'so many paces from that rock' on the map."

"I hate to disappoint, Captain, but pirates don't use those directions, either."

They bent over the map, planning their route to the treasure.


An hour later, they had found the spot. The small cove provided the perfect landing area, and was sheltered from being spotted by any passing ships.

"Captain," said Hadji, "we're as shallow as we'll go."

Jonny nodded. "Drop anchor and ready the johnnyboats. Take some of the crew and find fresh water and supplies." Hadji ran off to give the men their orders as Jonny went to retrieve some supplies for the search.


Jessie was buckling on her scabbard when she felt a tap on the shoulder. She turned to find her father wearing his sternest, most "disapproving-father" expression.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Jessie never met his eyes. "This is no time for an argument, Father. I'm going down to the island with you. I don't need you to protect me any more." The casualness with which she said it surprised them both.

"You've found a new protector, is that it?"

She finally looked at him, exasperated. "You don't understand-- I don't _need_ protection."

"Jessica, you're hardly old enough to--"

"I'm old enough to have been married by now, if you'd had your way."

Bannon sighed and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Jessica, I only want what's best for you."

She placed her own hand atop her father's. "Then give me the chance to show you that I can decide what's best for myself. Besides-- you'll be there, won't you?"

Roger Bannon laughed and nodded his head. He had spent many years wishing that Jessica would start acting like the daughters of all his friends. Now he was beginning to realize that those little girls would never be the survivor, never have the fire of his own.


Jonny checked the pulleys on the last large boat they were using to land, and found Hadji already unstowing the oars.

"Mr. Singh," Jonny said, "I thought I told you to go ashore and get supplies."

"As you would say, my friend, 'Not a chance'. "

Smiling, the young captain crossed his arms. "You're not usually one for rushing headlong into the adventure, Hadji."

"True enough. But _you_ are. And we have a deal, I'm sure you recall?"

"You know I don't believe in that blasted life debt of yours."

"But _I_ do, Jonny. I do."

Shaking his head, Jonny turned towards those on the deck. "All ashore who's going ashore!"

Benton, Bannon and Jessie stepped into the johnnyboat. With the help of the few remaining crewmembers aboard, the boat was lowered into the crystal blue waters of the cove. With Hadji and Bannon rowing and Jonny at the tiller, they shoved off.

The water lapped quietly against the sides of the boat. Jessie leaned precariously over the bow, studying the school of rainbow-colored fish that flitted about beneath them.

Jonny and Benton climbed out of the boat and pushed it the final few yards onto shore. Jessie leapt from the boat, sinking her boots into the white, powdery sand.

"It's beautiful!" she shouted, rushing to the edge of the beach.

Jonny watched her happily taking in every detail around her. "Beautiful indeed," he whispered to himself. He glanced over to see Bannon staring at him.

The younger man ignored the older, and walked to Benton's side.

"Well, Captain Quest, where do we begin the adventure?"

Benton unrolled the vellum map and studied it intently. He pointed to a small clearing in the thick brush that suggested the head of a man-made path. "There-- near the tree that's been scored." Sure enough, a small tree near the clearing had several deep notches carved into it.

Jonny turned to the others. "Mr. Singh, take the point-- Bannon, the rear. Captain Quest--"

"You needn't retain my title, you know."

"Call it professional courtesy-- from one captain to another. If you're a true captain, you'll always be one, ship or no."

Benton nodded as Jonny continued. "Captain, stay by Hadji. Jessie, stay between your father and me."

"How appropriate," she muttered under her breath. Jonny and Bannon caught it, though, and glared at each other, then looked to Jessie. All three smiled, then turned down the path.

The quintet moved cautiously through the heavy flora, assaulted by the smells and especially the sounds of the jungle. A thousand varieties of bird and beast and insect contributed to the cacophony. After a few minutes of walking, Jessie's ears heard something out of place.

"Do you hear that, Jonny?"

"I hear a lot of things. Anything in particular?"

"There's something... rhythmic. Almost like... drums."

Jonny stopped immediately. "Hadji!" he called out, then motioned for him to stop. Jonny closed his eyes, straining to pick out a single rhythm from the wall of sound around him.

There it was. A deep, distant pounding. Drums.

Soon, they could all hear it. They came to the same conclusion.

They were not alone on the island.


Aboard the *Bandit Queen*, down in her main hold, a dozen of Jonny's crew gathered, shouting at each other angrily.

"And what would you have us do? Mutiny?!"

The thin dark man in the corner shouted back. "Aye, that's exactly what I'd have ye do. That boy can't captain this ship! He's no pirate!"

"But 'Black Dog' picked him to be captain!"

"He was no pirate, either! Not after the boy! _Real_ pirates should have this ship, no one else!"

Another man latched on to the dark one's meaning. "You mean to be captain, don't you?"

"And who better? Who else among you dogs can promise you the plunder you deserve?!"

The dark man stepped towards the shafts of sunlight, at last showing the gaunt, bony structure of his face.

"I've been waiting twenty years to take this boat for my own! If not for..." His voice trailed off as he shook his head violently. "Who better to destroy them and deliver this ship and the treasure to you!"

A cold fire burned behind his eyes.

"Who better than Ezekiel Rage?"


I know, I know. Well, I was going to put him in earlier, but I never got around to it. So we've got two baddies (don't count out ol' Surd yet), and plenty of conflict ready to go. See you next week!