FORTUNE'S WIND - Ch.10 "War Drums"

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Synopsis: Battle lines are drawn, and prisoners are taken.

"FORTUNE'S WIND", chapter 10

by Eric R. Umali

"War Drums"

On the jungle path, the small party was understandably agitated. The distant drums grew louder.

"Good Lord," said Bannon. "Natives!"

"Savages!" said Quest.

Jonny turned on him. "I'm not one for that word, captain. In the eyes of many of your Royal Navy peers, my first mate is a 'savage'."

"My apologies, captain... Mr. Singh."

The young men nodded. "However," Jonny continued, "we could very well be in danger. Hadji, head back to the cove. Tell the men that as soon as they've finished loading what they've already gathered, they're to stay aboard the *Bandit Queen.* You included."

"But, Jonny--"

"Mr. Singh," he replied, "you have your orders. I want the *Bandit Queen* protected, and I leave you to that duty."

Reluctantly, Hadji accepted. "Aye, captain. You take care of them. And yourself."

"Same to you." They shook hands, and the young Indian disappeared into the green, back the way they'd come.

"Jonny, is it really a good idea to go on?" asked Jessie.

A sly smirk came to his face. "Not scared, are you?"

She smiled back. "Not at all." Jessica moved to the front of the line, then waved to them. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

The three men followed, trying hard to keep up as she cut a swath deeper into the jungle.


The sun was well into its descent when Hadji emerged from the flora right beside the scored tree, and began looking around the cove. One of the boats was ashore, where several crewmen were busy loading fruits and barrels of water. A few more men were seated nearby, curing a few piece of game. The other boat was on its way to the beach, apparently having unloaded its cargo already.

He walked to the first boat. "Mr. Johnson," he said to one burly-looking sailor, "how many men are still out?"

"Just a few, Mr. Singh."

"Good. Don't send any more parties inland. Once this boat is loaded, we're to head back to the ship. We heard native drums coming from another part of the island."

"What about the captain?" called another sailor.

"He'll be making camp inland. Hopefully he'll be resting his head right on the treasure."

"That's good to hear," said a rasping voice from behind them. Hadji turned to face Ezekiel Rage.

"Mr. Rage," the first mate said, "what are you doing ashore?"

The rail-thin pirate stepped out of the jollyboat. "I thought I might be of assistance, sir."

"You may. Help the others load the supplies. We're to get the lot aboard as soon as possible, then batten down for the night."

"But, sir-- the treasure... the captain..."

"Will both be there in the morning, Mr. Rage."

"Aye, sir," Rage replied, and started loading supplies onto his boat.

Two hours later, everything had been brought back to the *Bandit Queen,* and all hands had gone belowdecks for the night.


While Hadji was busy with his task, the smaller party was steadily moving inland, deeper and deeper into the jungle. Soon they came to a thick wall of vines and branches. Jonny and Jessie began slashing at it while Quest and Bannon consulted the map.

"We've still a hundred yards to go," said Quest.

"We'll be through in a moment," replied Jessie between swings.

A moment later, her blade found the right vine, and a section of the obstruction fell away. Through the small opening left in the wall, they could see a large clearing on the other side. Jonny stepped through first, followed by Jessie, Captain Quest, and Bannon.

They found themselves in a huge open space, an area where the jungle growth had been cleared away. The ground sloped up towards the a giant cave. The entrance had naturally formed into the shape of a skull.

"Certainly a foreboding sight, eh?" Bannon said.

Jonny was walking slowly to the mouth of the cave. "It's more sound I'm concerned with than sight right now," he said.

"What do you mean? I don't hear anything."

"Exactly. The drums have stopped." The party fell silent, listening. A moment later, something flew by Jessie's ear. She turned to see a long dart embedded in a nearby tree.

"The natives!" she screamed, as more darts began to whiz through the air, all coming from the depths of the jungle surrounding them.

"Into the cave!" shouted Jonny, and the others were quick to obey. They ran towards the gaping maw.


Hadji was in his cabin, pacing impatiently. After a few minutes, he sat down on the deck and folded his legs. Closing his eyes, he began to slow his breathing and calm his nerves. Just as he felt the tension begin to fade, there was a knock on the door.

Sighing, he rose. "Yes?"

"Mr. Singh?" Johnson said from the other side. "We've sighted another ship, coming this way."

"What?!" Hadji threw open the door and rushed on deck. Leveling his spyglass, he focused on the oncoming ship.

"A warship... flying the Union Jack." The ship turned its course a bit, allowing Hadji to see the name carved on the bow.

"Oh, no... the *Talon*! Surd's ship!" He closed the spyglass angrily. "Load the starboard cannons! All hands prepare to fight!" He turned to the deck to find no one moving.

"What are you doing? Get to your posts, or Surd will have our heads!"

The few men on deck turned away from him, and towards one of the large hatches. It opened, and a half dozen men stepped onto the deck, hands bound. Behind them came Ezekiel rage, pistol in hand.

"Rage," said Hadji coolly. "This is mutiny."

"Aye, Mr. Singh, that it is."

"You'd best relent, Rage. The captain may only maroon you for this. But our fast-approaching friends," he said, gesturing towards the *Talon*, "will not be as kind."

"I'm afraid you've got that backwards. It's you and that young devil who might be marooned here. Besides, Surd is invited company." He turned to one of the other mutineers. "Tie him up and stick him in the hold with the others."

As they bound his hands behind his back, Hadji glared at the pale, gaunt pirate before him. "I wish I could say I'm surprised, Rage. But you're just the sort of scum that would associate with Surd. I hope you enjoy your decision when you're swinging on Execution Dock."

"Oh, but you're wrong-- His honor the governor is sailing here with a nice, official commission for me and my new ship as Queen's Privateers." Rage gestured at Hadji, and the young man was soon shoved towards the hatch. Hadji shook his head in disgust as they led him and the handful of loyal sailors into the hold.

Rage walked up to the quarterdeck and leaned against the rail. "Tom," he called to one of his men, "prepare a suitable welcome for our guests."


Bannon was the first to stumble, the dart lodged in his right shoulder. Quest followed, twisting through the air as he fell. Jessie had turned to fire her pistol, but was struck in the leg, which promptly folded beneath her. Jonny just made it to her side when he felt the dart sink into his side. Instantly, he could feel nothing below his waist, and he collapsed. He began to raise his own gun, but the numbness spread up his arm, and then finally all went black.

With the last rays of the sun fading, the jungle shadows stepped into the clearing. A dozen men, dark-skinned and clad in brief skins and paint descended upon the unconscious party.

The four sleeping figures were carried swiftly away and into the green, only to disappear into the shadows again.


The *Talon* dropped anchor a few hundred yards from the *Bandit Queen.* A small launch was lowered from the Colonial warship, and the pompous finery of the Governor of the Royal Colony of Jamaica was clear from the deck. A few minutes later, Jeremiah Surd stood once again upon the deck of the *Bandit Queen,* now a guest instead of a raider.

Surd and Rage faced each other, scowling.

"How long until we have the treasure, Rage?" demanded the Governor.

Rage shook his head. "Not one for pleasantries, eh, your excellency? Just as well. The boy and the others are ashore, and will stay there until morning-- something about natives, but I suspect that. Once they've found the treasure, we'll just get its location from them."

"And why in the world would he reveal such a secret to you-- who's stolen his ship and his crew?"

"We have his first mate," said Rage, and a twist spread across his face in a horrible approximation of a smile. "There's nothing that boy wouldn't do for one of his friends."

Belowdecks, Hadji listened to the exchange, but with one eye swollen shut and his jaw aching badly, he had difficulty concentrating. Straining against his bonds, he tilted his head towards the waning shafts of light and sent a prayer that somehow, his friend would come through again.


Jonny, for his part, at least, was coming _to_. He opened his eyes. It was night-- the moon bright and the air clear and warm. The numbness had faded, but it left him with pins and needles all over.

There was firelight near, and he saw a torch in the corner of his eye, but he was facing away, tied to a large post with his hands behind him. Turning his head, he found his companions to his left-- Jessie, Bannon, and Quest. He saw Jessie shake her head, clearing the cobwebs.

"Are you all right, Jessie?" he whispered.

She blinked, her eyes focusing slowly. "I think so, Jonny. What are they going to do to us?"

Jonny frowned. Fear was beginning to color her voice, and, he suspected, his own as well. "I don't know. Are the others awake?"

"Not yet." There was rustling from behind, and in the trees. From where they once saw nothing came more than a dozen natives, their dark eyes narrow and hard in the flickering light. Those in their line of sight headed straight for the prisoners. There was a lot of nervous chattering, in their own language. A few of the natives, the stronger ones, twisted the stakes, forcing them to scramble around or be twisted painfully. Bannon and Quest woke, but before they could speak, spears were immediately thrust at their faces.

A huge bonfire roared before them, and to one side, a tall man, his head covered in an elaborate feathered mask, began to speak. None of the captives recognized the tongue, but the words were harsh and angry. The medicine man gestured, and the fire reduced, leaving the open space lit by the torches.

An unexpected voice adressed them.

"I want to know only one thing: why are you here?"


Author's Note: I recently learned that the correct word for the rowboats used to go ashore are properly referred to as "jollyboats," not "johnnyboats," as written previously (thank you, R.L. Stevenson).