FORTUNE'S WIND - Ch.13 "Fall of Rage"

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of HB and are used for non-profit, entertainment purposes only.

Archiving permission granted.


Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of HB and are used for non-profit, entertainment purposes only.

Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis: Rage and Surd aren't giving up without a fight.

"FORTUNE'S WIND", chapter 13

by Eric R. Umali

"Fall of Rage"

Their swords met with a crash, sparks flying. The advantage went immediately to Jonny, who was the better trained swordsman. With a few swings, he was already forcing Rage towards the railing.

"Dog and I were fools to let you live!" Jonny shouted.

"Aye, that you were, boy!" Rage cried back. Their swords crossed at the hilt, and they struggled, both trying to find leverage. The gaunt pirate leaned his head down, clamping his rotting teeth onto Jonny's hand. With a short cry, Jonny pushed away from him.

"Now you'll pay for that mistake the way Wildey did! With your ship-- and your life!"

Rage came charging at him, and swung his cutlass with a madman's strength. Jonny deflected the blows again and again, but his arms were beginning to ache under the force. Rage brought his sword high, intending to send it crashing on the young captain's head. Jonny twisted and sent the pirate tumbling over his shoulder and to the deck.

"You're losing your sea legs, Rage!" taunted Jonny.

He recovered faster than Jonny expected, and lunged up at him. Jonny turned, and the cutlass missed his heart, but slashed across his side.

"Hurts, does it?" hissed Rage.

Ignoring the wound, the young captain fought on.


Captain Benton Quest lay on the deck, his breathing labored. Commander Roger Bannon pressed a cloth against the pistol wound in the older man's chest, trying to staunch the flow of blood.

"Jonny," Benton coughed. "Roger, you must tell him..."

"You can tell him yourself, Benton."

"He has to know," he whispered.

Jessie and Hadji had also gone to Quest's side when he fell. "Father can care for him," the young woman said, "we must help Jonny." Her hand went to her sabre.

"No," said Hadji, holding her back. "This is the captain's fight. He can handle Rage. _We_ must get this ship underway."

Jessie looked back towards the duel, then nodded. They and the remaining crewmen set immediately to the rigging. Even as they worked, the gunfire from the *Talon* continued, but with less frequency. Three of them set shoulder to the capstan, and began weighing the anchor.


Jonny swung again, and again their swords crashed. He could see the frustration building in Rage's eyes.

"I hope you've made your peace with the Almighty, boy!"

"Aye," Jonny answered, "I've warned him to expect you."

Rage lunged. Jonny countered, and found his sword being pressed toward the deck.

"Make sure to say hello to ol' Black Dog in hell for me, boy," the pirate hissed. Rage spun around, intending to lop Jonny's head off. Jonny turned just in time, blocking the swipe. Twisting his katana, he enveloped rage's cutlass and disarmed him. The sword went clattering to the deck as Jonny slashed Rage across the chest.

Rage collapsed to his knees, his eyes blazing with hatred. He spat on the deck at Jonny's feet, and crumbled. Jonny silently ran his katana's blade between his fingers in the traditional motion, then slid it into its scabbard.

Reaching down, he grabbed a fistful of Rage's coat and dragged him the last few feet to the bow. With a heave, Jonny shoved him over.

Rage's body twisted, and the pirate's bony hand clutched Jonny's arm. Struggling to break the grip, Jonny stared into Rage's disturbingly calm eyes.

"You have to die sometime, you devil-- and when you do, _I'll_ be waiting." Rage let go.

"Give my best to Davy Jones," Jonny said as he watched the dark from splash into the sea. He turned to find the ship nearly ready to go. The captain headed aft to help her get under way.


The cannons of the *Talon* gave one last report. "Enough!" shouted Surd, sweeping his spyglass across the beachhead. "Those savages are long gone by now. Stand down from Quarters."

The crew stood down from their alert as Surd retired to his cabin. The governor sat heavily in his chair, mulling over the whereabouts of his tardy search party. Suddenly, Lawrence burst through the door.

"Your Excellency!"

Surd reached for the bottle of brandy on his table and threw it, only barely missing his assistant's head. "What the devil do you want?!"

"The other ship, sir," he said, cowering, "the pirate ship-- it's leaving!"

"What?!" Surd shouted as he leapt to his feet. Not waiting for an answer, he stormed back out of his cabin and onto the deck. From there, he saw the *Bandit Queen*-- under sail and headed out of the cove.

"Weigh anchor and get us after them!" he ordered, even as the *Bandit Queen*'s stern pulled away. "The moment we're in range, open fire." Surd watched the crewmen scrambling, a half dozen of them straining against the capstan poles.

"If we lose them, I swear it will be your hides-- every last one of you!"


Jonny knelt beside Benton. The older man's face was ashen and glistened with sweat, and despite Bannon's best efforts, the crimson stain on his shirt continued to spread. Hadji joined him and raised the cloth Bannon was pressing against Quest's chest and examined the wound.

"He has a chance," said Hadji, "but it will be close. If he has the strength to last the night, he should be all right."

"You didn't need to do that, Captain," said Jonny to the older man.

"Yes... I did..." Quest whispered. The weakness of his voice forced those around him to strain to hear his words. "There is... something... you must know."

Jonny shook his head. "It's all right, Captain Quest. Save your strength."

"Save... for what? I need to know... how... did you come... to be with Doug?"

"As everyone knows," Jonny replied, "I was found on the streets starving and lost. If not for Doug, I wouldn't be alive."

"It's... not true..."

The young pirate captain closed his eyes and nodded. When he looked up again, Jessie and had joined them. Jessie wrapped a protective arm around him and the other around her father.

"You don't have to say anything," said Jonny quietly. "I already know that story isn't true... father."

Benton coughed, his eyes widening. "You... knew?"

"Just for a few years. Doug told me when he made me first mate. Figured I was old enough to know by then. Now you can rest, father. It's all right." As Quest closed his eyes, Jonny turned to Bannon.

"Take him into his cabin. Hadji, see to him."

"Aye, captain," they said, and gently carried Benton away.

Jonny found on Jessie's face an expression of complete shock. Despite himself, he smiled. "Close your mouth, girl, and get back to your duties. We must set the main'sel before the *Talon* gets underway."

Jessie shook away her surprise. "Aye, captain." She headed for the rigging as Jonny ran towards the wheel.

The *Bandit Queen * had cleared the cove and was headed for the open sea. The *Talon,* better manned, was close behind her, with main'sel already being set.

Jessie ran up to the helm. "We need another two points to starboard to catch the whole of this wind, Captain," she said to Jonny. He nodded and turned the wheel, then looked behind them. He and Jessie watched the *Talon* gain ground for a few seconds.

"It's going to be quite a race," she said.

"The *Bandit Queen*'ll outsail her. Just you watch."

She nodded, then looked down towards Jonny's side. His wound was visible through the tear in his vest, which was darkening quickly. "Does it hurt?" she asked.

"Does what hurt?" He looked down. "Oh. Not--" he winced "--really."

There was a loud boom, and the water aft of the ship erupted with dozens of small splashes.

"What was that?"

"The *Talon,*" said Jonny. "We're out of range and position of their heavy cannon, so they're trying to reach us with their for'ard carronade."

"Can they reach us?"

"Maybe, but at this distance, the shot won't do any real damage-- not even if it hits a sheet."

They both turned to look again over the stern. Jessie's face was grim. "They're going to catch up, aren't they?"

Jonny nodded. "By sunrise."

"And then what?"

The young captain was silent. Finally, he spoke, his voice chillingly even.

"There'll be hell to pay."


Okay, start the chase music! So, folks, are ya liking this one?