FORTUNE'S WIND - Ch.14 "Hell to Pay"

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Synopsis: The final battle begins.

"FORTUNE'S WIND", chapter 14

by Eric R. Umali

"Hell to Pay"

The first rays of the sun were breaking over the horizon when the *Talon* was finally in range of its quarry. It had given pursuit as well as it could, chasing the faster, but poorly manned *Bandit Queen,* and it had at last come to striking distance. But the carronades were strangely silent, their ammunition having been used in the gainless barrage hours earlier.

The *Bandit Queen*'s master, Captain Jonny, stood silently in his cabin, watching the pursuing warship inch closer, through the bay of windows in the ship's stern.

There was a knock on his cabin door.

He did not turn. "Come," he said curtly.

Jonny's youthful compatriots stepped inside. First through the door was a striking young woman, hair as red as the coming sunrise. She stood with a palpable air of confidence, resting one hand on the sabre hung at her hip. Jessie Bannon, a crew member for less than two weeks, was already comfortable in her duties.

"Preparations are finished, Captain," she informed him.

Jonny nodded, his back still turned. "Is it _all_ ready?"

The third, Jonny's first mate, cleared his throat before responding. His long black hair was tied back, and his skin was a dark, rich tan. Hadji Singh, too, wore a sword-- an exotic wide, curved blade.

"The men were reluctant to use it all."

Jonny turned his head just enough for Hadji to see his upturned eyebrow.

"But they were persuaded," Hadji added quickly.

The captain nodded again and resumed his watch. "How is," he began awkwardly, "my... father?" Jonny was still getting used to the idea that the badly wounded Benton Quest laying in the cabin below was his father.

"Sleeping, but it's still a near thing," Jessie replied. When he gave no response, Jessie moved forward and stood just beside the young pirate captain, placing her hand on Jonny's shoulder.

"How long ago did Black Dog tell you about him?"

A smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth. "He didn't... not really. I'd always had my suspicions that Dog's fairy tale about me wasn't quite true."

"So why did you tell Captain Quest otherwise?"

"Captain-- my _father_ was in no position for a long discussion at the moment. I've followed his career. He's a good man who does good things. I would have done well to have stayed with him, if I'd had the choice." He continued to stare at the pursuing *Talon.* Jessie joined his gaze.

"This won't be easy," she said, voicing his thoughts with startling accuracy.

"Battles never are," he answered, then turned to look at her. *I finally meet a woman like her, and it may all end in minutes.* "I might feel better if you were not on deck..."

Jessie smiled. "You know me well enough by now to know you're _not_ going to win that argument."

"Yes, I suppose I do." Jonny turned to face his first mate. "Mr. Singh," he started, then offered his hand, "it has been an honor to serve with you and a privilege to call you 'friend'."

Hadji took the hand with both of his own. "I can only say the same, Captain... Jonny." The two young men embraced like brothers. They moved apart.

"Mr. Singh, sound quarters. All hands on deck."

"Aye, Captain." The first mate was out of the door. Seconds later, he could be heard shouting on the deck.

"Sound quarters! Sound quarters! All hands on deck! Prepare for battle!"

With a sigh, Jonny turned his attention again to Jessie. Before he could open his mouth, she spoke.

"You're not saying good-bye to me, Jonny..." her words stopped suddenly.


"You don't have a last name, do you?"

"What do I need one for?"

Jessie took a step closer, distracting them both. "Well, if you're ever going to be married... your wife will need a new name."

"Is it that important to you?"

"Well... yes."

Jonny thought a moment. "Jonny... Wildey... Quest..." he thought aloud.

The young woman slipped her hands around his waist. "Jonny Quest, eh? It suits you."

In reply, Jonny pressed his lips to hers. The kiss lasted long, becoming more passionate with each second until, breathless, they parted.

Without another word, they headed out of the cabin and onto the deck.


Aboard the *Talon,* the ship's master showed none of Jonny's calm in the face of the impending battle. The Royal Governor of Jamaica, the brooding man named Jeremiah Surd paced the deck, trying with all his might to _will_ the ship forward.

The *Talon*'s first mate came up to him. "We'll be alongside them in two minutes, Your Excellency."

Surd inclined his head in reply, then, "Fire all cannon with the first salvo. There aren't enough of them to worry about sustaining the attack. Hit them hard, then board the ship."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"And do not kill the boy. That pleasure is mine."

"Understood." He turned and left quickly.


Soon enough, the ships were a mere hundred yards apart.

"Fire!" shouted Surd, and the *Talon*'s batteries obeyed with a deafening roar, all of her portside guns firing at once.

A few of the projectiles splashed short of their target, but most struck the *Bandit Queen*'s hull, shattering the wood in places both near the top deck and down to the waterline.

"Return fire!" ordered Jonny. Six heavy cannon went off below his feet, all shattering boards at the *Talon*'s waterline. The ships closed to eighty yards.

Six more of the pirates' cannons fired, all well aimed, but doing little real damage to the larger ship. Sixty yards.

Forty yards. Twenty.

Jonny drew his katana as a pair of crewmen nearby began firing their rifles at their enemy. "Now!" he cried.

A dark projectile fell to the *Talon*'s deck from the heavens. The large wooden barrel smashed on impact, sending shards of wood flying and releasing its contents all over the deck. Another four barrels followed in quick succession.

"What the devil are they doing?!" shouted the governor.

Lawrence, his aide, knelt down and touched the soaked deck boards. He delicately brought his fingers to his nose.

"It's spirits, sir... brandy?"

Surd whirled in confusion to one of the sailors on deck who was shouting. "Rum!" he said, "It's rum!" Another half dozen barrels exploded around them.

*Why are they bombarding us with alcohol?*

Then, the governor looked across the scant feet separating the ships. A few of his men were already throwing their grapples over to the *Bandit Queen*'s railing, preparing to board the pirate ship. He saw his nemesis, the boy... the devil... he saw Jonny standing calmly on the deck with something in his hands.

Jonny reached out his arm to show Surd exactly what was about to happen. Surd's eyes widened. The young pirate held a large, lit oil lamp. Jonny swung it, casting it in a high arc towards the *Talon.*

The glass lamp turned end over end as if in slow motion as the two bitter enemies followed its motion, transfixed by it. It descended, the flame within it flickering. The lamp shattered into a million pieces on the deck.

Immediately, the deck of the *Talon* was engulfed in flames. Other lamps were thrown, as were more barrels of alcoholic fuel. The Colonial warship became an inferno.

"Hell to pay," whispered Jonny.


Surd shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to rally his rapidly dwindling forces. If they hadn't been engulfed by the flames, they were engaged in fighting them or had jumped ship to save their own necks.

Infuriated at the prospect of defeat that loomed above him, Surd himself charged for the gap separating the ships. Providence took his side that moment, and the wind shifted, pulling the smoke from the bonfire that was the *Talon* over and across the *Bandit Queen*'s deck.

Nearly unseen, Surd jumped the gap and landed unmolested on the deck, hidden by the choking grey smoke. Stepping carefully, he spied a tempting target-- a lean silhouette making its own way through the smoke.


Jonny's sword cut down one of the sailors foolish enough to challenge him. He was above the deck, clinging to some rigging as he fought off the pair of Surd's men who were taking that route to his ship. Suddenly, he heard a shrill cry. The smoke parted just enough, and he was able to see Surd's actions.

With a violent shove, Surd tossed a form over onto his ship's deck. The form rolled to its feet, long red hair swirling in the hot, blowing air.

"Jessie!" he shouted. The other soldier took advantage of Jonny's distraction and swung at the young pirate's head. Jonny ducked, avoiding the blow and felled the man. He lowered his head to find Hadji finishing off another attacker.

Sensing the question in his captain's mind, Hadji answered it. "I saw. I estimate no more than three minutes before the fires reach their powder magazine."

"Wait until the last moment, then shove away from the *Talon* whether we make it back or not."

When Hadji nodded, Jonny placed his katana back in its scabbard and drew his long dagger from his belt. Gripping it tightly in his teeth, he looked across to the *Talon*'s masts and sails. He took a deep breath.

Jonny ran nimbly across the yardarm and launched himself into space.