A while ago, I read the original novel "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende. A few nights after finishing it, I had a dream featuring characters from the story, and this is what my fevered imagination created. I've actually begun to fit a *story* to this fragment, which is, as you can tell, the end of the story. As you can see, the text is presented in two colors, as in the original story, to distinguish between the "real" world and Fantasia (or Fantastica, for you purists).

"The Neverending Story: The Quest"

Chapter ? - "Fulfillment"

The Empress smiled. "Atreyu-- my hero-- thank you for bringing me to my destiny, and for saving my life." She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You have always shown such courage. Now have the courage to let me face this by myself."

She gently brushed her full, red lips across his tanned cheek. Atreyu felt all courage leave him as she turned away and walked slowly to the great wooden doors. They parted for her noiselessly. The Empress glanced once over her shoulder at the proud warrior, then looked away as her eyes began to mist. Just as silently, the doors closed.

Atreyu fell to his knees as a great sigh escaped him. No longer able to bear looking at the doors that separated them, he shut his eyes tight, squeezing out a tear that burned a hot streak down his face, across the pale shadow of her kiss.

As he always did when angry or scared or confused, he settled back on his feet and drew the glittering crystal knife at his waist and held it before him. Focusing on the scatterd light, he tried to calm himself.

*I am the Imperial Protector,* he said to himself, *and it is my sworn duty to protect the Childlike-- the Empress.* The thought of her former title reminded him that she was no longer the eternal child. *My life is nothing. The Empress is everything. My wishes, my desires mean nothing. Her wishes and her welfare mean everything.*

His mind swirled with thoughts of her, each vision making it harder and harder for him to concentrate. He saw her wide, wondering eyes, the color of dark, burnished gold, that were always able to peer right into his soul. Heard the musical trill of her laugh. Felt the soft touch of her fingertips.

Atreyu dropped the knife, clutching at his temples as the confusing swarm of emotions threatened his very sanity. Seconds before he was sure he would go mad, he felt a heat at his chest. He opened his eyes a fraction, and, through a cataract of tears, he saw the burnished metal medallion hanging from his neck beginning to glow, brighter and brighter.

AURYN shone with a light greater than any sun, but Atreyu stared at it and into it. A ghostly, faraway voice began to fill his ears.

"Why are you here, Atreyu, hunter of the Purple Buffalo?" it asked.

He recognized the voice, but Atreyu could not concentrate enough to identify it.

"I am the Imperial Protector, and it is my sworn duty..." he whispered.

"Why are you here?" the voice demanded.

"...my sworn duty... to the Empress..."

"What is she to you?"

"She is everything..."

"Why are you here?!" it boomed.

"I don't understand," Atreyu said, and finally the voice registered. It was the Outer World voice of the other savior of Fantasia, the young man named Bastian Balthazar Bux. "Bastian..." he began.


In a flash, Atreyu's mind became as sharp and clear as the crystal knife he grasped again. The young warrior leapt to his feet and rushed at the great doors. With a mighty shove given with the strength of a Rock Biter, Atreyu threw them open. Inside was nothing but darkness. A voice like thunder crashed all around him.


"I am Atreyu, hunter of the Purple Buffalo, Imperial Protector of the Golden-Eyed Commander of Wishes! I am the Empress' hand!"


Atreyu breathed deeply and gave voice to his heart.

"I don't know who or what you are, Suitor-- and I don't care. I am here to challenge for the hand of the Empress!"


"Because she already has my heart. Because I cannot go on without her. Because, from the moment I was first so blessed as to lay eyes on her, I loved her."


"I am," he replied. His eyes were blinded as, suddenly, a great cover was torn away from the windows and skylights of the chamber. As his eyes adjusted, Atreyu was able to slowly make out details. There were throngs of Fantasians of every stripe lining the huge room. He stood upon a thick red carpet which led to a huge ivory throne.

Soon, he was able to discern the form of Chiron, the Empress' centaur physician and advisor on one side of the throne, and Bastian on the other. Both were in their finest raiments.

Standing before the throne was the Empress herself, resplendent in a shining ivory-colored gown, her face framed by her thick curls and crowned with a glittering diamond tiara.

Atreyu rushed forward, closing the yards between them until, remembering his station, knelt scant feet before her. In her spellbinding voice, she adressed him.

"Are you sure of this, Atreyu?"

Brushing back his long blue-black locks, he met her gaze. "My arm and my life have always been yours, my Empress. Know now that you have my heart and my true love as well."

"Good," she replied cryptically, and moved back a few steps.

Atreyu looked around confusedly. "Where is the Suitor? Bastian?"

His friend shook his head, smiling. "Not me, Atreyu. You were told that the Quest you and the Empress would reveal things which would insure the safety of Fantasia, and that in the end, the only worthy Suitor for the hand of the Empress would be found."

The young warrior was still confused. He soon felt the smooth skin of the Empress' hands on his cheeks. She drew him to his feet, saying, "Rise. Rise, my champion. My hero. My protector. My teacher. My Prince Consort. My future husband."

At last, they stood face to face. As the truth began to sink in, Atreyu curled his fingers into her brown ringlets. The Empress smiled.

"My only love," she finished, and tenderly placed her lips on his. After the first second of shock, Atreyu returned the kiss, fervently, his arms wrapping around her back and slender waist. The Empress pulled him closer kissing back with a passion that scandalized the entire court present. They parted after a breathless minute.

"You love me?" asked Atreyu.

"I have always loved you, my hero. But we both had to go on this quest to learn how to listen to what our hearts have always told us."

They kissed again. From beside the throne, Bastian Balthazar Bux grinned, and began to fade into the background as courtiers and aides surrounded the happy couple. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he was again sitting at his desk, the copper-colored book spread open before him. Bastian closed it, running a loving hand down the silk cover.

"Are you done, Bastian?" called the young man's fiancee from the other room.

"Be right there, Christa."

Bastian smiled as he thought of their next trip together to Fantasia. Leaving the tome on the desk, he switched off the light and walked out.

A circular impression on the cover began to glow, and AURYN appeared upon the as it always did, surrounding the title: