The classic tale gets a new chapter, The Quest. The story that came to me in a dream, I kid you not. Written exactly as I saw it. Romance here, as well. *INCOMPLETE*

One of my favorite shows as a kid. A more dramatic look at the heroic Space Explorers. Oh yeah, there's romance in Homefront, too.

Well, to be more precise, ROBIN & BATGIRL - A Night On the Town. The first part of a story taking place right after "B&R" that expands on the UST in the movie. Yep, more romance (seeing a pattern here?).

Inspired by the beautiful gothic romance, as created by James O'Barr and visualized by Brandon Lee (God rest his soul), Alex Proyas, Vincent Perez, Tim Pope, et. al. A different place, a different couple, a different atrocity -- the same vengeance, and a lesson about power.

Another story featuring original characters in a familiar setting. The premise: Immie meets girl, Immie meets old enemy, swordfighting, action and, of course, romance. Comes in two versions:

Love of A Lifetime. The original story.
Forever. The same story, now in screenplay format.

Yep, you read it right.  Again, original characters (for the most part).  Picking up where the movie ends, a new team led by Ethan Hunt takes on a vicious pair of gun runners: The Lady and The Tiger. *INCOMPLETE*

Here we go again-- another bright idea inspired by an unlikely (although a bit less than others) source.  Mythology has always been a favorite topic of mine to study, and I'm glad that more and more young people are being exposed to it through Herc and Xena (even if it is a Hollywood-ized version).  Although it conflicts with the strict canon of the show, I've got a lot of high hopes for this one.  Hercules learns a lot of lessons in The Eighth Labor. *INCOMPLETE*

You'd think I'd finish some of these stories before starting new ones, wouldn't you?  In any case, everyone's favorite digital heroine takes center stage in this work.  This one's a little more of a stretch than most others, as the romantic protagonists are both in their thirties, and a little more independent than in my other stories.  That in mind, I'll be focussing more on character than action with this one.  Lara and an old friend are off on a quest in Dream Catcher. *INCOMPLETE*

If you're looking for "Kobayashi Maru" and "Between the Candle and the Star," you need to head to my Starfleet Academy and Babylon 5 Fan Fiction areas.

The Legal Stuff

The various motion pictures and television and novel series referred to above and all related characters, logos, and images, are trademarks of and copyrighted by their respective owners (Warner Bros., World Events, Edward R. Pressman Corp., Panzer/Rysher, Renaissance Pictures/Universal and Core/Eidos), and are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended by their use on this page. I and this page are in no way affiliated with, approved of or endorsed by any of the aforementioned entities. This page is created by a fan for other fans out of love and respect for these works, and is strictly a non-profit endeavor. All original materials, storylines, characters, logos, images, graphics and text on this page are copyrighted by their respective authors. Please do not use without permission.