Well, if you’ve seen "Batman & Robin," (let’s not start critiquing the movie, that’s not why we’re here, all right?) you probably noticed that Dick and Barbara spent every scene they had together flirting. Well, what if that attraction was a little more than just hormones? Maybe it would go something like this…


by Eric R. Umali

Part 1

Dick Grayson stood in front of the mirror, frustrated. He’d spent half an hour picking out the right tie, and now it wouldn’t even knot right. Cursing under his breath, he pulled it loose and started again for the eighth time. He was wearing his best black suit and a white shirt-- a simple outfit, he knew, but he was never really on the cutting edge of fashion. *It’s hard to keep up with the latest looks when you live with the circus,* he thought.

Tonight was another in long list of Gotham City’s society functions. A benefit for the repair of the Museum of Natural History after Mr. Freeze’s destruction of most of the exhibits. The only difference was that Gotham’s favorite bachelor, billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne, would not be in attendance, as he was in Europe overseeing a merger. Dick knew that his guardian was overseas tracking down an arms dealer.

The benefit ball, however required that it’s largest contributor be represented, and so Mr. Wayne’s ward, the handsome young Richard Grayson was drafted to fill his place. Dick thanked his lucky stars that at least the function wasn’t black tie. He hated wearing tuxedoes.

Dick continued wrestling with the silk tie. Suddenly, saw a pair of hands reach around and grab the tie from behind him. The fingers were elegant, but not delicate-looking. A silver ring or two and a silver watch were the only jewelery. The hands undid his tie and pulled his shirt collar out and over the collar of his suit jacket, exposing the thin silver chain around his neck.

"There," a clear alto voice said behind him, "Very chic. You look terrific, Dick."

"Thanks, Barbara," he said, turning. "I--" He stopped, mouth open and dumbfounded.

Barbara Wilson stood before him, looking drop-dead gorgeous. She wore a satin dress in a deep royal purple that was tailored to show off every curve of her long-limbed athletic figure.

"What is it," she asked innocently.

"You, uh... you... look... amazing," Dick stammered.

A flush touched Barbara’s cheeks, and Dick’s balance faltered a bit. "You really think so?" Barbara twirled. The dress was of moderate length and had three glimmering straps on each shoulder, criss-crossing across the somewhat low back. She wore purple sandal pumps with straps going halfway up her shapely calves and carried a matching sequined handbag.

"I think if I’m standing near you, no one’s going to care what I look like."

She kissed him playfully on the cheek. "Flatterer." Barbara put her arm through the loop of his and led him into the foyer. "Come on, or we’ll be even more than fashionably late."

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Alfred Pennyworth, was there to greet them. Their overcoats were draped over one bannister, and Alfred was carrying a camera.

"My stars," he said. "Barbara, you look exquisite. And Master Dick, I must say you look quite handsome."

Barbara squeezed his arm. "Yeah, he cleans up pretty nicely, doesn’t he?"

Dick noticed the camera. "Alfred? This isn’t prom night, you know."

"I know, Master Dick, but since I missed your real proms..."

"I never had one," said Dick.

"I didn’t go," added Barbara.

"In any case," Alfred continued, "this is the closest I will get. Now please-- humor me."

"Alfred, isn’t something missing?" Dick asked.

"We have the lady, the gentleman, the dress, the suit... ah, of course!" Alfred nearly slapped himself. Barbara was completely confused. Alfred started towards the kitchen, but Dick was faster. He disappeared into the door, leaving niece and uncle alone.

"Uncle Alfred, what’s he up to?"

"A surprise, child. A pleasant one, trust me."

"You I trust, Uncle Alfred. Dick, I’m not so sure about."

"Give Master Dick the benefit of the doubt, my dear. You will find him a most noble, good-hearted and caring young man. Particularly where you are concerned."

"Me? You don’t think he--" Her question was cut off by Dick’s arrival with a small plastic box. He presented it to her. Barbara pulled open the bow to find a corsage of white roses in baby’s breath. She gasped.

"Dick, it’s beautiful! Here, pin it on." Dick carefully pinned the flowers to her dress. "But now you need a boutonniere." Dick gestured in the air, and suddenly a single white rose head appeared in his fingers. Barbara pinned it to his lapel.

"Now we’re ready, Alfred," Dick said, grinning. The two of them stood close at the foot of the great staircase, arms around each other’s waist behind them and hand in hand in front. Alfred went through more than half the roll before they finally prevailed upon him to let them go. The butler helped them both on with their overcoats, then led the way to the door. Taking his chauffeur’s cap in hand, he opened the front door then followed the young couple out.


The event was being held at the Museum itself. The scaffolding and other evidence of repairs had been draped with beautiful patterned fabrics, and the lighting was arranged carefully to draw attention to the decorations and away from the work. Four hundred people were already there, all milling about, all trying to be the one noticed on the GNN news cameras.

Dick and Barbara arrived at the top of the stairs, still arm in arm. Waiting there as always was "Good Morning, Gotham"s walking rumor mill, Gossip Gertie.

"And here we have Richard Grayson, ward of my close, personal friend, Bruce Wayne!" The gaudily bespectacled woman thrust her microphone in his face. Dick cleared his throat and began reciting his speech.

"It’s good to see you again, Gertie. Bruce is unfortunately overseas, overseeing a very delicate merger that promises to bring some much needed aid to the Eastern European countries. He sends his regrets... and his very sizeable donation." Dick gave the camera his best plastic smile.

"It’s wonderful to have you here, Dick." Gertie gasped. "And who is this lovely young woman?"

Dick nudged Barbara forward, and the two women shook hands. "Gertie," he said, "may I present Barbara Wilson. She’s a close friend of the family and the latest-- and most beautiful-- addition to the halls of Wayne Manor."

"Beautiful is certainly the word, Ms. Wilson," Gertie began. "Are you a model? An actress?"

"A computer science major at Gotham University," Barbara answered proudly.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" said Gertie, after a few moments. "You two kids have fun now!" Two seconds later, she had passed them and gone on to pester the next guests.

As they descended the stairs, Dick whispered in Barbara’s ear. "Good work. I’ve never seen Gossip Gertie speechless."

"I try."


They were soon seated. Dinner consisted of small salads, small appetizers, and a tiny main course. Even the gelato dessert was the size of a golf ball. All during dinner, various socialites, and even Commissioner Gordon dropped by the table, mostly to talk to Barbara. Dancing began soon afterwards. Dick lowered his napkin and pushed his seat back. He rose and went towards Barbara’s seat.

"So, Ms. Barbara Wilson, new darling of Gotham society, would you honor me with a dance?"

As Dick helped her out of the seat, she got up happily. "It would be my pleasure, Mr. Grayson, old darling of Gotham society." She took his hand and they made their way onto the dance floor.

They demonstrated quickly that they were the youngest people in the room, and had to tone down their dancing so as not to draw too many stares. After a few more energetic songs, the band switched to a slow ballad.

Dick took Barbara’s hands and pulled her into a close dance hold. They swayed and turned for a little while, looking straight into each other’s eyes. Soon, Barbara’s hands found their way around Dick’s neck. He slipped his own to around her waist as she rested her head against his broad chest.

"I have to tell you," he began with a shaky voice, "this feels really nice."

"Mmm," she sighed, "same here. I’ve been meaning to ask you out, you know."


"Yes, really. Uncle Alfred was right about you."

"What did he say?"

"He told me to give you a chance, and I’d find you were quite a guy. He was right."

"Alfred’s always right." Dick placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I’m really glad you decided to stay, Barbara."

She looked up at him. "So am I," she answered. Barbara bit her lip as he began to lean his head towards her. Their lips touched.

"Was that a spark?"

"I hope so," she answered, and pulled him to her again, kissing him back.

A minute later, they finally noticed that the music had stopped. They made their way back to their table, slightly embarassed. They sat facing each other, hand in hand, talking excitedly until Barbara’s attention seemed to wander.

"What is it?" Dick asked. Barbara pointed across the room.

"Something’s going on." Dick turned to see Commissioner Gordon and several of his officers speaking in the corner. They saw him pull a cell phone from his pocket. Seconds later, the bright light of the Batsignal pierced the dark Gotham night sky. Gordon hurried out of the building.

Without a word, both young people rose and immediately headed for the door. They rushed past the crowd and down to the street, where Alfred was waiting with the car doors open. Dick Grayson and Barbara Wilson entered the limousine, which quickly pulled away and into a dark side alley.

Robin and Batgirl emerged. Their dark capes fluttering in the evening breeze, they fired their grapnels into the air and swung for the rooftops of Gotham City.