Okay, so it's not *exactly* faithful to the movie version of the characters and such (particularly where Robin's costume is concerned-- that black and red monstrosity O'Donnell wore is an insult to comics fans).  If it really means that much, consider the setting to be something of a hybrid between the movies and the Animated Series.


by Eric R. Umali

Part 3

Anton, the terrorists' leader, paced impatiently across the tarpaulin-covered floor.  He was getting nervous.  There had been no spectacular, skylight-smashing entrance from this city's masked hero.  _That_ he had prepared for.  What he hadn't prepared for was the G.C.P.D.'s sluggishness in responding to his demands.  It was almost enough to make him nervous.

Nervous enough to start when his cellular phone rang.  He yanked it from its holder and jabbed at the ON button.  "It's taken you enough damn time!"

"We're sorry.  We've been having difficulties contacting the appropriate federal authorities," came the answer.  Anton immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Commissioner Gordon.

"As I'm sure you can guess, Gordon, I am not in the least interested in your troubles-- only your results.  If you cannot guarantee the release of our compatriots from Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary, I _can_ guarantee that every one of these hostages will die."  Anton's voice carried the perfect amount of seriousness with just a hint of instability.  He was proud of it.

"Really, pal-- you and I both know that wouldn't be the right way to go.  Without them, you've got nothing left to bargain with, and nothing to stop us from going in after you."  Gordon was tired, that much was obvious, but also deathly serious.

"Commissioner, I am confident in your ability to prevent that particular scenario.  Now why have you called me?"

Gordon sighed.  "To ask you for another eight hours, so that we can be sure of fulfilling your demands."

"The answer is no," Anton said coolly, and hung up.  He replaced the cell phone, and held up his walkie-talkie.  "Marco, report."


Batgirl stared for a moment at the woman lying unconscious at her feet.

“Umm, Robin?”

The shadows shifted, and the young hero emerged as if by magic.  He smiled slightly.  “Leave her be.  Cuff the guy to something solid and take his walkie-talkie.  I’ll take the next patrol down the hall.”

She nodded, and bent to her work as Robin silently left.  He moved carefully down the hallway, every sense alert.  Robin heard the sound of footsteps and again ducked into the darkness.

Another terrorist came around the corner, antsy and shoving a very frightened hostage along in front of him.

“Please!” cried the terrified man.  “I’ll give you anything you want!  Just let me go!”  The terrorist shoved him again, and he went tumbling forward.

There was a sharp sound from behind him, and the terrorist whirled.  Finding only a shadowy hallway looking back at him, he turned back around.  The terrorist took a step and walked right into Robin’s fist.  He folded to his knees instantly.  Robin shook his head.

“Y’know, they just don’t make ‘em like they used to.”  He knelt to cuff the terrorist when a burst of gunfire lit the hallway.  Another dark-skinned terrorist sprayed his machine gun a second time.  With a single fluid movement, Robin pulled a Batarang from his utility belt and sent it flying, all while diving to the floor to cover a trembling hostage.  The curved metal projectile spun through the air and clipped the dark man on the temple, sending him sprawling, out cold.

Robin tossed back his cloak and came to one knee, flattened slugs clunking quietly to the floor.  He gently placed his gloved hands on the hostage's shoulders.  The older man was shaking, and looked up at the young hero with fear in his eyes.

"Are you all right, sir?" Robin asked.  The man nodded nervously.  "Okay then," he continued, "I'm going to have you just sit tight here.  Don't move, and try to keep quiet.  Hopefully you won't have to wait long, and then some of my friends from Gotham's finest will be here to help you out.  Okay?"  Another nod, and Robin was on his way.

He hadn't gone two steps when Batgirl tapped him on the shoulder.

"Well, you took your sweet time getting here," he teased.

"That lady woke up.  Next time, _you_ get to calm down the shrieking fit, okay?"  They moved silently down the hallway.  "Do you think the rest of them heard those shots?"

"Best to assume they did."

"Okay, so what now?"

"Now," he said, his voice dropping to a low rasp, "we get serious."

Batgirl smirked.  "I love it when you talk like that."


The screaming began when the first muffled gunshots were heard.  They continued on and off for the next few minutes, which Anton spent frantically trying to raise his men.

"Pietro?  What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, Anton."

"Well, go find out, damn you!"

Again and again, it was the same.  He would send men to investigate, and then would lose contact.  A prolonged burst of gunfire could be heard, only a few rooms away.  The screaming started again.  Anton immediately trained his own weapon on the cowering hostages that remained at their base of operations.

"Marco, what the hell is going on?" he barked into his walkie-talkie.  "Marco!?  Marco!  Damn idiot!"

"Marco's taking a nap right now."

Anton spun.  The voice was low, like a whisper, but he could hear it clear across the room.  The gun barrel swung around, trying to find the source.  Suddenly, the lights went out.

Everything changed.  The whole room was plunged into darkness, save for a few narrow rays from the police spotlights streaming through the window.  Anton then realized something: the screaming had stopped.  He let loose a howl of rage and a hail of bullets.  Glass shattered, and wood splintered, but there were no sounds of pain.

The lights came up again.  The room was empty, but bullet holes were everywhere.  A single door stood open-- evidence of the hostages' escape.  Anton turned around.

Robin and Batgirl were waiting for him.  A deft swipe of Robin's hand, and Anton was disarmed.  Just as quickly, Batgirl followed with a right cross to his jaw.

Anton went sprawling, hitting the floor yards away from them.  He scrambled to his feet.

"Nowhere to run, Anton," Batgirl warned.

The terrorist's response was simple.  He ran-- headlong for the half-shattered window.  Crossing his arms in front of his face, Anton plunged through the glass, sending shards flying outwards.

Outside, the G.C.P.D. ducked for cover.  All except Gordon, who stood firm, trusting in his friends.  The terrorist flew several feet into the air, then was impossibly yanked back inside.

Robin grunted as he pulled the terrorist back, and Anton tumbled, unmoving.  The heroes headed over, and Batgirl crouched down, and tugged his head up by the hair.

"I think we should throw this one back," she quipped.

Gotham's finest were inside the building within the minute, picking up both out-cold terrorists and every frightened former hostage.  Gordon was there to pick up Anton himself.

"Excellent job, Robin… Batgirl.  Twenty-eight minutes-- a new record," he said.

Batgirl shook his hand firmly.  "Just doing our job, Commissioner."

Robin did the same.  "Now if you'll excuse us, sir?"

"Of course," Gordon said.  There was a scuffle from behind him.  Gordon turned to see Anton resisting arrest. When he turned back, the heroes were gone.  Typical.


As always, Alfred was waiting.  When the two sleek motorcycles slid to an almost silent stop, he stood at the end of the ramp, a pair of towels slung neatly over his arm.

Batgirl rose, removed her helmet and shook out her long hair.  "You know, I never thought I'd start thinking of a cave as home."

Robin came up beside her.  "I know.  Now, it seems like I'm more comfortable in the cave than in the mansion."

"I'm afraid I must beg to differ with you there, Master Dick," said Alfred, as he handed them the towels.  "Your nightclothes and such are laid out in your rooms, and there are some leftovers warm in the oven.  I will see you in the morning."

With a warm goodbye from both young heroes, Alfred left.  Robin and Batgirl headed into their respective "locker rooms."  A few minutes later, a very disheveled pair of young people met at the stairs to the mansion.

"We should talk," said Dick.

Barbara nodded.  "Tomorrow.  I'm beat… and hungry… and I need a shower."

"Well," he replied slyly, "I do know that 'From Here to Eternity' is on the movie network in an hour."

She smiled.  "So, grab a shower and I'll meet you in the kitchen?"

"Sounds good.  Only…"

"Only what?" she sighed.

"Only this can't wait."  All of a sudden, she was in his arms.  Dick leaned forward as Barbara tilted up her chin.  Their lips met, kissing deeply.  They held each other there until breath forced them apart.

"That's a hell of a way to end a night on the town," he whispered.

"Any time."