"HOMEFRONT" - Part 1

Okay, here’s the story behind this one. I’ve always loved "Voltron," and when I found it on my TV, packaged with "ThunderCats" and "TRAJQ," I was in heaven. I’d seen TC fanfic, so I looked for some Voltron stuff on the ‘net, as well. I found only a few pieces, and, well, I didn’t like them too much, so I decided to do it myself.


by Eric R. Umali

Part 1

Even though it was past midnight, this part of the castle was always alive with the hum of computers, hard at work. A single, slim figure crept through the darkened hallway, soft boots padding on the metallic floor. The figure stopped at a door and placed its long, elegant fingers against a black pad beside it. The pad glowed briefly, and the door slid open.

Inside, the figure turned to a computer terminal and began typing instructions. The computer soon beeped in readiness, and the figure moved to a large shape in the center of the room. The shape was surrounded by a huge set of rings which, by way of carefully guided magnetic fields, would allow the shape to move in any direction. Working another set of controls, a panel on the large, flat end of the shape pushed back.

A chair appeared, attached to a track. The figure slid into the seat. It and the panel moved forward, sealing the shape closed.

Inside the shape, the chair continued to slide forward until it came to rest in front of a large control panel topped by a large viewscreen. Touching a button, the interior was illuminated. The figure was surrounded by banks of metal and computer controls. Before the figure were positioned two large handles, and more controls.

With a now gloved hand, the figure grasped at a small metal shield affixed to the front of its white and pink jumpsuit. The shield slid into a recess in the control panel, which quickly opened and reconfigured. Tucking a few rebel strands of golden blonde hair under her helmet, the figure held her breath and began the mission.


Princess Allura of Arus had been in many battles since joining the Voltron Force years earlier, but none like this. The blue skies of Arus had been made dark and smoky. She’d never seen so many of Zarkon’s robot fighter ships in the air at once, but she fought valiantly. Piloting the Blue Lion, one-fifth of the mighty robot champion Voltron, she tore her way through the squadrons.

A huge silver blade clutched between the lion’s mighty jaws sliced through the figther’s hulls. Missles fired endlessly from its shoulder-mounted launchers and from those in its claws, lasers issued from its tail-- the lion was a flying arsenal. But it was all of no use.

Despite having sent nearly one hundred of the fighters to the scapyard, Allura and the Blue Lion were overwhelmed by sheer numbers, as she was fighting alone this day.

Pummeled by a dozen laser blasts, the robot lion careened to a rocky plain of Arus and was destroyed in a spectacular ball of flame.


Allura shook her head, and reactivated the simulator’s lights. She coughed at the acrid smoke, and her skin glistened from the exertion and the heat of the sparking console.

The Princess activated the simulator’s exit and slid out of the seat to the metal floor. She removed her helmet and shook out her long golden hair.

"Better than last time," she whispered to herself as she headed for the simulator’s control computer. "I wonder what my score was."

"Eighty-nine," said a stern voice from the darkness. The lights flickered to life.

Standing beside the control computer was a handsome young man, a year or two Allura’s senior. He stood straight and athletically slim, and his jet black hair fell past the collar of his red and white clothing. Commander Keith was a Space Explorer, and the leader of the Voltron Force. The young man had his arms folded across his chest, and wore a cold expression.

"Kieth," said the Princess, "I didn’t know you were up."

"I wasn’t," he answered. "That is, until I was informed of an unscheduled simulator activation."

Allura checked the monitor. "Eighty-nine, eh? Not too shabby, if I say so myself." The young woman smiled at him.

Keith didn’t move a muscle. "You’re capable of better."

"Better? Galaxy Garrison only requires a score of sixty-five to pass at that difficulty level. Anything above eighty is considered a technical victory!" The Princess, usually quite collected, was seething.

"There are no technical victories in real life, Allura." With that, Keith turned to leave. "But you’ll get plenty of practice," he called over his shoulder without a trace of humor, "with six more hours of simulator time on your schedule." The door shut behind him.

Allura shut her eyes tight. Unable to contain herself, she hurled her helmet across the room.

*Who the hell did he think he was?!* she thought. *Ever since we got word of the scaling back of Planet Doom’s armies and began training in earnest to keep sharp, he’s been a... a slavedriver! Calisthentics every morning... eight hours of simulator time a week... weapons and combat training. And he drives me hardest of all-- more than the others on the team.*

Her thoughts turned to the past, when the young Commander had been just another part of the family. Despite the great responsibility of command, he was always there, joking and enjoying himself beside all of them. *But now... well, I’ll just say that he’s not the Keith _I_ remember.* The Keith she remembered was the young man on the balcony...


It had been a cool Fall Arus night. The air was clean and crisp, a slight breeze blew, and the stars were out in all their glory. A ball was being held in honor of the combined Voltron Forces’ victory over the forces of Doom. Allura remembered how she had primped and prepared for hours to get ready. She was adamant that everything-- her hair, her makeup and especially her gown-- had to be perfect, though she wasn’t completely clear why.

Allura made her entrance at the top of the grand staircase leading to the cavernous ballroom of the Castle of Lions. One by one, she passed dignitaries and officers. She noted how handsome her comrades Pidge, Hunk and Lance looked in their dress uniforms. Then she reached the foot of the stairs.

Standing to her right, as handsome and regal as any Prince Charming, was her escort for the evening: Commander Keith. It was all she could do not to gawk at him, and she blushed a bit when she saw him catch her looking. She looped her arm into his offered one, and they strode proudly towards the head table amongst the loudly applauding and cheering throng.

"You look... exquisite," he whispered.

"Th... Thank you," was all she could manage. *Could he _possibly_ be as proud to be here with me as I am to be here with him? And if he is... how do I feel about it?*

Soon after the dinner, Allura was inundated with requests for her company, and many invitations to dance. *Such is the life of a head of state,* she told herself, but it did cut down on her enjoyment of the evening. No matter what she was-- Princess or member of the Voltron Force-- she was still a young woman.

After a few hours, Allura was finally finished with her "mixing," and was able to spend some time with her teammates. She danced with Lance, Hunk and Pidge, then began to wander the room, looking for her escort.

She finally found him on a secluded balcony. He leaned against the railing, a glass of punch balanced on it to his left. The music of the orchestra was just loud enough to be heard here. Allura stepped out onto the balcony, but Keith did not seem to notice.

"I hope you’re not avoiding me," she said, startling him. He knocked the glass off the railing. His arm was a flash over the rail and the glass, not a drop spilt, was soon back in its place.

"Oh, no, no, of course not, Princess, I--" He stopped cold. "I apologize for staring, Princess Allura, but I’m afraid I just can’t help it."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Commander," she replied. A fall breeze wafted past, and Allura, arms, neck and shoulders bare, shivered.

"You really should get back in," Keith said as he unfastened his uniform jacket. "I really wouldn’t want you to catch a cold." He gently wrapped the jacket around her. Allura crossed her arms and pulled it tightly around her shoulders. Keith’s hands remained atop hers.

"Have I told you yet," she began nervously, "just how handsome you are... tonight?" She quickly became acutely aware of how close they were.

"You’re very kind," he answered, and Allura felt the warmth of his breath on her cheek.

"I am _something_ tonight, but I’m not sure ‘kind’ is the word for it."

Their faces inched closer. Allura closed her eyes, awaiting the feel of his lips against hers.

"...Actually, Coran, I think I saw the Princess go out... here..."

Allura’s eyes snapped open, as did Keith’s. They both looked to the doorway to find Lance standing there, slack-jawed.

"Oh," he stammered, "oh. I’ll just... um... I’m sorry... I’ll--" Lance bolted out the door.

Allura turned to Keith, but he had already backed away. "You’ll have to excuse me, Allura," he said. "I’d better take care of him." The Princess nodded, and Keith was hot on his lieutenant’s heels.

*As always,* she thought, *looking out for us. That’s Keith.*

Allura shrugged off the jacket after noting the strong smell of his cologne, then returned to the party.


That was the Keith she knew, and cared for, not the unforgiving taskmaster he had become. Shaking her head and wondering where he’d gone, she returned to her room.