Konnichiwa minna! Welcome to my home! I'm the Allpowerful Mello, and this obviously, my home. I'm easily obsessed so tons of different kinds of anime are going to be posted here. My favorite is... well.. I have too many to just like one ^_^. But I'll shut up and let you get onto the stuff you really came here for: The beautiful anime. And...SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!
Update 6/2000 - *sweatdrops*...uhh...gomen nasai minnasan. I haven't updated for a while, have I? But, it's summer now, so I should have more to really get this site going good. I'm going to put more Gundam up, and probably some Fushigi Yuugi too. And I might put up a Magic Knight Rayearth and maybe even Nadesico. Jaa ne!
****LOOK!!!!****Hey! I have a good idea! Link To Me or my niichan will eat your soul!!!
***NEW*** When CLAMP, a manga studio of four women, debutted their new manga, it was a huge success in Japan. Around last year, Anime Works translated Magic Knight Rayearth. And with the end of the first MKR series, the second can only bring more fans.
Here's the Shrine Index. It provides better Shrine/Temple veiwing for every one the net ^_^
On March 6th, 2000, Cartoon Network revealed their new line up: Shit, Shit, More Shit, Gundam Wing. Many
people already new and loved Gundam, but now, more people would join their ranks. Me for one. Either way, Gundam Wing
is the best show to hit the Toonami line up for quite a while.
Okay,I've been really out of this anime for a while. But I do know that Toonami has taken it off. I can understand that though, but putting ReBoot back on?That is pathetic! Either way,my Ronin Warriors will not be leaving any time soon.
FY is one of best anime out there. Fushigi Yuugi is a complex story about two girls and seven warriors. It's REALLY confusing on my small brain. But beware, this anime is VERY addictive. One tape for X-mas, now I have 'em all*sigh*
Here are the Links. But why would you want to leave? Oh yeah..this site is pathetic....
You've all heard about me and the way I diss myself. But, if you want to more about psykopath, go here
Something not right? Broken links or other crap? Mail me!