Episode Season 4X03


X-Files Episode 4X03

On Set

Fort Langley, British Columbia. This building served as the Sheriff's station in the episode, "Home".
If you're unfamiliar with this infamous episode, click here.

Lisa, Me, Kris and Amber in front of the Fort Langley building.

The prop Sheriff's car.

David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson and the filming crew during a shooting break.

My friends Matthew and Amber when they got on the set of "Home".

David Duchovny getting his tie adjusted for the next take.

Gillian Anderson smoking and on her cell phone between takes. According to Amber, this is what she did for EVERY break that day of shooting.

Gillian Anderson hanging with the Vancouver crew of the X-Files.

The backs of Frank Spotnitz and Rob Bowman, who both write, produce and direct for the show.

Another picture of Matthew, Amber, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny.

Finally, a picture of David Duchovny's dog, Blue...apparently David wasn't so boisterious when introducing Matthew and Amber to his dog. As I hear it the quote was, "And this is my dog... Blue." Ah, the monotone!

Are you ready to head back to the X-Philes Haven?
If not, there's always the set pictures from The Pine Bluff Variant.

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This page was last updated on January 23rd, 2000.