
Coming soon....

There's just so much stuff I hate -- and stuff that pisses me off -- that I'm having a hard time organizing it all. If you think you're gonna end up here, you may as well send a photo now, since I'll be asking for one soon, anyway.

Let me just start you off with a little something here, since neither of them really requires much explanation:

Stupid People

Rock Stars who aren't Rock Stars by birth
(THAT particular part may require a little explaning, but I'll do that another time.)

Here's another one I decided to add since it's been weighing on my mind quite a bit over the past few months....

Unfair-Weather Friends
These are the people who are your best friends until things start going really good for them and then they totally forget about you and leave you in the dust after you were always there for them anytime they needed you but now they don't need you anymore because they've got their whole new flock and they're too good for you. These people also tend to be major hypocrites.



Another fine page by AggroChik
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