Drives and Thrusters

Suggestions by Porphyre

Chemical Thrusters- Use hydrogen fuel to get about. The traditional thrusters of FFE and FE:2. The standard.

Ion Thrusters- Uses mercury or caesium ions as fuel. It gets good mileage, but has slow thrust rates (with one exception, a shuttle that uses its own unique ion-based thrusters). A small fusion is used to heat and expel atomspheric gases for thrust while inside atomospheres.

Fusion Thrusters- Uses any gas. It heats up the gas very quickly with the fusion engine, then expels the rapidly expanding gas for thrust.

Gravitic Thruster- Uses a fusion generator to power a gravitic engine that produces equal thrust in all directions. It produces the same thrust, no matter what ship it is fitted on. If fitted to a ship that wasn't originally equiped with it, it takes up cargo space, shuts down external thrusters, and either speeds up or slows down your ship, accordingly. Though it usually slows down small ships, many traders buy it to increase their thrust factors, either main or retro.

Thrusters cause damage. Let's face it, they don't keep people away from shuttle launches because the astronauts don't like flash photography.

Each type of thruster would have its own damage rating at various distances. Ion engines would cause radiation damage. Chemical thrusters, as well as internal fusion and fission engines, would cause large amounts of heat damage. Gravitic engines, if included, would add to hull stress and possibly hull damage if a ship got too close.
External fission or fusion engines would obviously have devastating effects for ships that venture too close.

By simulating these effects, we add realism and perhaps even a last hope for a player wily enough to exploit this system. But the players would also have to be more careful around starports because while minor damaged cause in this way is likely to be ignored, the police will recognize roasting something with your thrusters as an attack.


Background: Some time ago, the CCW (Corporate Confederation of Worlds) started a contest, with the goal of developing a hyperdrive with the capability to jump from the CCW's rim to the rim of Solnaria space in a single jump. The first organization or nation to first accomplish the goal distance was to receive a reward in their preferred currency or commodity and a very generous royalty (under the terms that the CCW would mass produce the drive). At the time, hyperdrive technology was very much in its infancy. Here are the drives:

Tyro Drive: Tyro as in 'novice' or 'beginner'. Originally simply called a hyperdrive, it was dubbed the Tyro Drive after the first contest entry, the Journeyman drive, was completed. There are 5 classes of Tyro drives.

Journeyman Drive: The Journeyman drive didn't achieve the original goal of the project, but made it apparent that the goal was within reach. There are four classes of Journeyman Drives when the game begins. Over time, four more are developed. The latest class of the Jouneyman drives had the capability to make the jump in 3.5 jumps (about a military class 1.6). Shortly after the Journeyman class 8 is unveiled, the wormhole is opened. Soon The Augur Nations are discovered.

The MasterDrive: The Augur Nations had a drive that could accomplish the goal. Once they learned of the project's existence, they immediately applied for the prize money (and got it after about a month of arguing whether they were eligible). The drive came to be known as the MasterDrive (and is roughly equivalent of a military class 4.3). Later in the game, a MasterDrive Mk 2 (military class = 5.2) is released as the hyperdrive technology of the other superpowers catches up. (It is rather important to note that aside from a few items, like the MasterDrive and wake disrupter, Augur technology is somewhat lagging behind the other nations due to the resource drought.)


Jumpgates still exist throughout much of the new galaxy. However, most nations have begun to deconstruct their old jumpgate network as hyperdrives improved over the years. The most notable exception to this rule is The Nation of Reoliscan, which has decided to see if the newer hyperdrive technology proves as reliable as the old. Furthermore, The Nation of Reoliscan doesn't perceive much of a need for hyperdrive technology, as most of the travel (of Reol) outside the Nation is done on the ships of other powers and an intricate jumpgate network already exists. Therefore, jumpgates are found connecting most important political and military systems in human space and nearly all systems in Reol space.

A more thorough explanation

Torus jump drives and Stardreams:

Everyone's still working to find a perfect combination of torus jump drives and a stardreamer-type device. Certain ships would benefit greatly from a jumpdrive, especially the tiny interplanetary craft. Perhaps a mass limit to what the jumpdrives can propel? As a famous German probably once said, "Ich weiss nicht."

Torus jump-drives (called a fastdrive in TEP):

Possible rules for how it works:

How it works:
Note that there are 5 options currently available to us, though option 4 is less likely with the current vote on Navigable hyperspace. Options 2 & 3 are currently the most favored.



First possibility:

Second Possibility: Third Possibility: Fourth Possibility: Fifth Possibility:


Okay. We can't call it the stardreamer. I dislike the whole white noise/Zilman field explanation used. It would be far better to say there is some type of partial suspended animation. Ever read Fragments of a Hologram Rose? Something similar to the delta inducer. (and say, isn't that a good name?) 

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