E:FC Characterization
A Fan page by Porphyre
Pictures contributed by Tycho
All of the characters in E:FC had genuine motivation.   This page will attempt to explain each character's backstory.

Boone was a man caught between worlds. His wife was killed an assassin hired by Ronald Sandoval in order to free Boone of entanglements in normal life. The Resistance approached him before he could be implanted with a mind-expanding and loyalty-ensuring brain implant, offering to remove the mind-controlling "motivational imperative" if he decided to become a double agent. He reluctantly agreed, seeing no real choice at the time. From that point forward, he walked a tight-rope: he could never reveal publicly that was not utterly loyal to the Taelons, because then they would become suspicious. But rather than simply favoring the Resistance whenever possible, he struggled to find the right thing to do at all times. The Resistance wasn't always trustworthy, and the Taelons could be so utterly enigmatic that he couldn't tell whether they were genuinely altruistic in their motives or not. Occasionally, he favored the Taelons when the Resistance could not handle something, and he favored the Resistance when he thought he could trust them. In all cases he tried to find the solution that would benefit the most people, and whatever solution would best help mankind as a whole as well as those he knew and loved.
A real firecracker, Lili has been undercover for longer than Boone. She is his primary connection in the Resistance and holds higher rank there, even though Boone is her commander in their day job, working for the Taelons. Lili's a shuttle pilot (she was the original shuttle pilot who designed the control interface) and ex-marine. She's always ready for action. She doesn't trust the Taelons as much as Boone, and sometimes questions him when he does. She does not have an implant or a skrill, and thus carries a side-arm whenever she is on a combat mission. She and Boone function as partners in the field.
Lilli and Boone.
Augur is the classic cyberpunk adrift in this post-modern world. Boone met him in his life as a policeman, and occasionally used his resources when working on a case. He provides intelligence for the Resistance, sometimes helping from the comfort of his own home when the Resistance has agents in the field. An uberhacker at heart, he is the only man currently working for the Resistance who can crack Taelon security systems. He's happy to work for the Resistance as long as they supply his paycheck, but wouldn't work for the Taelons on principle. He occasionally is forced to make a decision between ethics and profit, and it isn't always pretty when he does. He collects art with some of his money.
Augur and Boone.
Sandoval is an interesting character because he is an implant with an intact "motivational imperative". He is free to act however he pleases, so long as it will ultimately benefit the Taelons (and doesn't disobey a Taelon order). What he does is relentlessly persecute the Resistance upon orders from the Taelons. Boone's methods were always quite different from his, and this lead to a near-hostile relationship between them. His wife, DeeDee became a burden after he was implanted: he saw her as a distraction from his duty of helping the Taelons. He institutionalized her to remove her from his life. But when his implant broke down, he rescued her and tried to find a better life for her. Boone, tasked with bringing Sandoval back, hid her in a Resistance stronghold and reimplanted Sandoval to save his life. As a personal revenge for killing his wife, Boone tells him DeeDee is dead. He never again doubted Boone's loyalty to the Taelons, and thanked him... but ever since that incident, he wore his wife's wedding ring, perhaps as a sign of repressed love.
DeeDee and Ronald Sandoval.
Utterly alien and seemingly friendly, "he" is the alien under which Sandoval and Boone operate. "He" seeks to expand his understanding of humans, and often has discussions with Boone in the hopes he will one day understand humans more fully. In Synod meetings, "he" often fights for humanity, stressing the ideals of the Taelons rather than the practical tasks they seek to implement. "He" persecutes the Resistance with Sandoval's brutally efficient methods, but occasionally shows compassion for individual members. "He" has no problems experimenting with humanity, yet displays affection and compassion for them at the same time. Guessing "his" motives is nearly useless, for "he" is an alien, through and through.
Boone, Da'an, and Sandoval.
Clearly fanatic, he is the leader of the Resistance. His mind is full of conspiracy theories involving the Taelons, and the scariest part is how often they're true. He is obsessed with power but does have humanity's concerns at heart. He is suspicious of Boone because of his implant (even if the motivational imperative is removed). Once the CEO of a major Taelon collaborator, he faked his own death to become the leader of the undercover Resistance after he discovered horrible things the Taelons were doing within his company. He uses his ties to the company he once headed and his own personal finances to fund the Resistance.
Strongly feminine, this implant is the attaché to the Irish Companion. She was implanted after the Taelons brought peace to the Isle, and she strongly believes that the Taelons' interests are human interests as well. She finds Sandoval intriguing despite his lack of interest in a romantic involvement; further proof that implants do interpret the motivational imperative differently. Her mastery with the skrill is unmatched.
Beckett (front) followed by Sandoval, Boone, and Lili.
Dr. Belman:
A Resistance doctor with apparent affection for its leader Jonathon Doors. Dr. Belman is undercover, she oversaw many implantations before she was able to remove the motivational imperative for Boone. She is forced to balance medical ethics, the Resistance's goals, and keeping her true loyalties secret from the Taelons.
Dr. Belman and Peter.
The leader of the Taelon Synod, Quo'on often seeks to balance the extreme views of the human-loving Da'an and the human-despising Zo'or. In finding this balance, "he" creates Taelon policy. "He" most often appears as a holograph, communicating from an undisclosed location.
Paul Chandler:
Slated to be the first astronaut to fly to Mars, his mission was cancelled by the government because the Taelons could tell us all about Mars. Infuriated, he steals Lili's shuttle in an attempt to reach Mars on his own. The Resistance eventually helps him reach his goal in the stolen shuttle, as Augur bypasses an atmosphere lock within the shuttle's programming. In the end, he and his crew reach Mars, and have a look at the dark side of the moon as well, discovering a secret Taelon base. Upon their arrival home, Doors puts them in Resistance safehouses.
Paul Chandler and his crew.

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