Last updated 8-2-00
Porphyre's Pit
"...the pit's inverted, and the bottom of its bowl touches the sky..."
--From Johnny Mnemonic, found in Burning Chrome
A few of my interests that may interest you...

Cyberpunk/Literature---Elite and TEP---Commodore---Entertainment---Friends---Gaming---Chat---Research

Cyberpunk/Literature links:

Coming Later:  A Reading List.

For Elite and FFE links as well as TEP contributions by Porphyre, dock at:
Porphyre's Trading Post

For TEP links organized by topic, go to:
The Bits Page

Commodore Links:

Coming Later: A Porphyre's Commodore Page!

Porphyre's TV show reviews have been retired due to lack of updates and the fluid nature of television.

Porphyre's Book Reviews!

Porphyre's E:FC Season One Page!

Patently Porphyre: A collection of completely original thoughts that probably shouldn't have been put online.

Porphyre on Politics: Short and Succinct.

"Throw your trolls out the door!!!" For these and other words of wisdom from REM, look in the REM Lyrics Archive.

Create your own conspiracy with this unusual site: Conspiracy Theory.

They discuss relevant issues, they give opinions. They yell at each other. See their website, watch the show. The McLaughlin Group.

Strange, bizarre, and usually hilarious, Direct Hit provides tutorials on such things as "How to take a punch from your mom," "How to get out of fights by faking Kung-Fu", and other things that best not be belabored. Takes a twisted sense of humor to enjoy.

I met a fellow named Rob online. Nice guy, by the Rob-Rep. in my mind. And a good webpage.

Rob's Fiction: Interesting stuff.
Rob's Philosophical Meanderings: Worth a look or two.
Rob's Sheep: To each his own.
Coming eventually: Music Recommendations, and a Reading List!!!

Friend's and Family's Websites

Katie on anything and everything. Included fiction section. Be careful...

Tyra on Tyra, life and how to live it, and playing the flute.

Sandra on Several Things

Jude on Jude and morality. Included poetry section. Be careful...

Andy on Andy and Entertainment.

Emily on Emily.

Melissa on Melissa

Jon on cars, his ex-car, and nothing else.


PC Gamer. This site has the latest gaming news, reviews, demos, and anything else you could want.

Electronic Arts...Origin, Bullfrog, and a few other companies under it's belt. This company has produced many fine games, mainly through it's sub-companies, like Origin and Bullfrog.

Coming eventually: Porphyre's Gaming List!

Chat sites:

AOL Instant Messager will let you talk to your buddies on AOL... but only if you know their username...

MIRC is a popular, free IRC program that works reasonably well. Lots of people around, but I'd advise mainly using this for netmeetings in specific chatrooms.

The PhilosophySphere has a good bunch of good people on it for chatting, posting, etc.

Research Aids...
(coming later in a more extensive, organized format)

Oh this site is awesome. If you want an in-depth, almanac-style report on a country, turn to the CIA!!! You have to see this: The World Factbook.

If you want to research your surname (or find a crest), I suggest Heraldry on the Net.

If you're having odd dreams, you can try the all time classic book (now online in full text) The Interpretation of Dreams by Freud himself.

Try this site for info about the founding of America: From Revolution to Reconstruction.

For a gravity simulator, try this Java Impact and Gravity Simulator.

Bruce Sterling's Short History of the Internet (Online Text from Duke's Story Site)

The Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling (Online Text)

Finally, you can look at NASA's response to Science-Fiction on: Warp Drive When???

For a free web page, try Fortunecity. 

To go to Fortune City's Gibson Gardens (street), click here.

Contact me at [email protected]

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