Earth: Final Conflict's First Season
Fan page by Porphyre
Introduction to the First Season:
Earth: Final Conflict has a wholly original universe. The premise is this: aliens land several years from now, seem nice enough, and dish out a lot of gifts. But some doubt their sincerity. Among them is William Boone, who searches for the truth. He has been given a weapon of unimaginable power by the Taelons, and an implant that expands his mind. He has been chosen by the Taelons to protect them. He has been chosen by the liberation to challenge them. A doctor who is part of The Resistance has removed the part of his implant that dedicates his loyalty solely to the Taelons. William Boone is the only man who can find out why on Earth they are here.

{{The above links on this page are to a website owned by Tribune Entertainment, the maker and breaker of E:FC.  Most of these sites are 'in character' and change as the show progresses, with the exception of the 'News and Information' site.}}

What made it special?
The remarkable thing about Earth: Final Conflict's first season was that it was simply phenomenal off the blocks. It had completely original technology, an intelligent plot, and an intriguing format. It focused on the story of one man's struggle to do the right thing in a world totally upside-down by the arrival of aliens and their advanced technology. The character, through unfortunate circumstances, becomes a double agent for the Resistance and Taelons. He empathizes more fully with the human resistors, he aspires to the ideals of the alien "companions," but most of the time, it's up to him to make the choice for the greater good. It was high drama at its finest, with a mystery at its core and real issues and moral dilemmas at its heart.



What else made it special?

What was the meaning of the title?
The focus of Earth: Final Conflict was upon conflict, in all its incarnations. Man vs. man was prevalent between Taelon supporters and the Resistance. Man vs. himself was a theme not only found in Boone, who struggled to find his moral center in very trying times, but also in characters like Sandoval, who struggled with his choice to support the Taelons and the implant they put in his mind to ensure his loyalty. Man vs. Supernatural was an ongoing conflict because the aliens and their otherworldly technology sometimes challenge traditional thoughts of what is possible. All types of conflict were felt by all of the characters, and they dealt with them as best as they could while still living their lives.

Why is this page dedicated to just this season?
Well, there are many possible explanations for that. After the first season, the famed 'powers that be' changed leads (strike one). Then they decided that E:FC needed to become action-based to attract the 'beer guzzling, channel surfing type of viewer' (strike two). Finally, killing the former lead of the show was just the start of a genocide which eventually lead to the deaths of nearly every interesting original character on the show and their replacement with younger, less complex characters (strike three).

A Season 1 Fan-Fiction page
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