E:FC Technology
A Fan page by Porphyre
Pictures contributed by Tycho
E:FC employed a unique set of technologies that seemed possible in the not-too-distant future, as well as some technologies that seem utterly alien.
A human development, the Global is an efficient cross between a cellular phone and a video phone. When collapsed, it is capable of voice-only transmission and is not much larger than a modern-day cell phone. When it's two grips are seperated, a small but rigid screen emerges for use as a video screen. The standard video phone mode is shown at right. It is capable of expanding farther, in order to accommodate a data screen or display a large document. Its screen doubles as a touch-pad when necessary; it can also communicate with computers and take still photos or record footage when needed.
A global.
Boone's Computer:
His computer also serves as a video phone (while running MCI's software), as well as performing all of the tasks that are normally expected of computers (web searches, etc.). Only large flat screen moniters and an input device are visible; the CPU is either built into the desk, small enough to be hidden somewhere, or at another location altogether.
Boone's Computer.
An alien weapon co-engineered by humans, the skrill is carried by all implants. A skrill binds to the user and draws nutrition from him or her. Skrills produce an energy field using a fifth force of physics unknown to humans which has a number of possible effects. Based on the threat, it can produce a blast which:
  1. Disrupts electromagnetic force, haywiring the nervous systems of Earthly animals.
  2. Disrupts weak atomic force, causing the nuclei of atoms to simply fly apart in its target.
  3. Disrupts strong atomic force, causing the nuclei of atoms to implode. This brings atoms extemely close together, even to the point of fusion, before normal forces are restored and they scatter with new force.
The user makes the decision to fire (the skrill recieves the impulse from the nervous system), but the skrill uses its own intelligence to determine the amount of force necessary for the threat. A CVI is necessary to control the skrills body temperature, or else skrills have a tendency to lose their will to live and kill themselves by dropping their body temperature.
An unbonded skrill.

Raven the skrill bonded to Sandoval.

The Shuttle:
Shuttles are organically grown and capable of interdimensional flight. They access a dimension in which the three dimensions of our world are crumpled, making for shorter flights. Another name for this in other sci-fi works is "hyperspace." The shuttle has controls designed by Lili Marquette that uses gestures as the interface between pilot and craft. It's capable of all manner of impressive manuevers.
The interior of a shuttle in interdimensional space.

The shuttle's interface with Lili at the helm.

Taelon Buildings:
Taelon Buildings are also organically grown, and they have some rather bizarre architecture... with several bizare functions as well...
Didn't see this on my trip to Washington...
Cyber-Viral Implants expand the mind of those who possess them and allow the user to have a skrill grafted on his arm, but they also normally create a Motivational Imperative that prevents the implanted from rebelling against Taelons.

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