TEP Exploration

By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

There should be three forms of exploration:

1. Sponsored: A company/government pays you to go poke about. It provides a stable, if small, amount of income for every system explored, but bonuses for only special finds.

2. Commisioned: A group pays you to find a specific set of conditions. For example, there could be a group of people who are being persecuted and wish to find a secluded, habitable world far from established civilization. They'd give you the perimeters, then leave you to do the searching. Anything you find outside of these perimeters is counted as a freelance find. Other interesting possibilities would be searches for lost ships, searches for an asteroid field rich in a specific mineral, a habitable planet in Rukarian space (some odd sect maybe?), search for an archeological site, etc. 3. Freelanced: The greatest gain with the greatest risk. You do all of your own investigating, note anything interesting, and attempt to find someone who would pay for knowledge of a specific world or asteroid. If you stumble upon a major find, expect a lot of money. Good luck getting one, though. (A major find would be, perhaps, a lost colony or historical vessel; lesser finds would include habitable worlds, good sites for mining, and 'unusual' features of a system.) If you don't find anything worthwhile, you can sell the information to the general public (via a library), for a fee which probably won't cover fuel costs.

The tools of the trade:

Probes: These were so good they got their own page.

Exploration Ship: There are exploration ships that are specialized for these duties.

Stellar Cartography Module (for CenComp): Builds accurate maps on the fly. Useful for exploration and triangulation of coordinates located between stars (when specific coordinates are not given). If you are in a section of space your galatic map does not include and you activate this module, you'll have an accurate map of the next 10 lys of space within two hours (accurate enough for hyperspacing to them). It can also assign coordinates and point out any anomolies worth investigating.

Well, that's it for now, at least. The rest of the equipment would probably be less generalized, such as 'protection' (shields and weapons), hyperdrives, and high-grade escape capsules (hyperspace-capable).


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